In Harmony with Nature: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass|Neville]] [[Took a Level In Badass|Longbottom]], from ''[[Harry Potter]]'', is an Herbology prodigy, eventually taking over the Professorship in that subject upon the retirement of Professor Sprout.
* This trope is parodied with various characters in [[Cold Comfort Farm]], notably Elfine.
{{quote| "She learns from the skies and the wild marsh-tiggets, not out o' books."<br />
"How trying," observed Flora. }}
* In ''Adiamante'', a science fiction novel by L. E. Modesitt, Jr., the future people of Earth are [[In Harmony with Nature]] because they '''have''' to be. The environmental damage of the past has so damaged the planet that even the most "minor" disruptions would have big consequences.