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** Lampshaded in-universe: [[Fan Dumb]]
*** Chapter I, part I: Alonso Quijano has some continuity questions about ''[[Weird Al Effect|The tale of Don Belianis of Greece]]'':
{{quote| ''He was not at all easy about the wounds which Don Belianis gave and took, because it seemed to him that, great as were the surgeons who had cured him, [[Plot Hole|he must have had his face and body]] [[Negative Continuity|covered all over with seams and scars]].''}}
** Played straight in the book:
*** [[Plot Hole|Sancho's donkey disappearance]].
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* ''[[Futurama]]''
** In season 4; it is established that talking about ''[[Star Trek]]'' is illegal, although numerous references to it were made in the first three seasons, including a fictitious movie that was ''nominated for an Oscar'' for Best Product Placement (and on top of that, [[Leonard Nimoy]] from the original ''Star Trek'' series is in the celebrity head museum <ref>while his other cast mates were sent off into space. In "Where No Fan Has Gone Before", Nimoy stated that he stayed because he had a six-month lease on his apartment and couldn't turn down the offer</ref>. In the first episode, he was a greeter, but in "Where No Fan Has Gone Before," Nimoy is now on one of the main shelves). Lampshaded on the DVD commentary.
{{quote| "''They never said 'Star Trek,' they said 'Start Wreck!'''"}}
** In the pilot, Bender claims that "I don't need to drink, I can stop anytime I want!" This contradicts the fact that robots in ''Futurama'' are powered by alcohol, established in episode three, "I, Roommate".
** In season 3, the professor specifies that there exist only two parallel universes (the other one seems to be the same as this one except that everyone wears cowboy hats). In season 4, an entire episode revolves around jumping through multiple parallel universes. But perhaps one can argue that the professor's machine had created all of those universes, rather than just a gateway to them. [[Word of God]] [[Hand Wave|Hand Waved]] this by saying that the cowboy universe was really the only parallel universe and the others were ''[[A Worldwide Punomenon|perpendicular]]'' universes.