Mabinogi (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Pals with Jesus|Pals With God]]: She guides souls into Erinn under the service of Morrighan.
* [[Pieta Plagiarism]]: {{spoiler|The Generation 1 credits depict her cradling and crying for her dead father, Mores.}}
* [[She Is's All Grown Up]]: {{spoiler|Used to be Mari.}}
* [[Simple Staff]]: Actually, a shepherd's crook, just for added symbolism.
* [[Tomboy]]: Used to be one. Occasionally, remnants of this come out, usually prompting a hasty apology from Nao.
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Tropes associated with Cichol:
* {{spoiler|[[Zero-Percent0% Approval Rating]]:The Fomors rapidly lose all faith in Cichol in Generation 11 due to him being willing to work with the humans to stop Caliburn. Unlike normal uses of this trope, they actually renounce him as their god and move under their own volition from there on.}}
* [[Absolute Xenophobe]]: Really comes across this way; everything but the Fomors are Cichol's enemies.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Really begins to seem this way by the time of G16; his intention is to ''purfy'' Erinn with rivers of blood.
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* {{spoiler|[[Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter!]]: Once he loses Rian, the only person he had left, he demands Morrighan take pity on him and set things right for him. When She fails to deliver, he makes a [[Face Heel Turn]].}}
* [[Took a Level In Badass]].
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]].
=== Mari ===
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A member of the Tailltean Alliance Forces, and a [[Knight Templar|Temple Knight]], Jenna spends most of G9 playing the [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]], barely appears in G10 at all, but finally becomes important in G11 when {{spoiler|Neamhain makes her her pawn to fulfill her plans.}} Leymore's childhood friend, her forgotten past holds a terrible truth.
Tropes associated with Jenna:
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|The Aliech Royal Alchemists took advantage of the chaos during the Tragedy of Emain Macha to kill Jenna's druid parents.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: She kills ''Cichol'', who was, before that, Mabinogi's top [[Magnificent Bastard]], [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?|Goddess Deceiver]], [[Karma Houdini]], [[Kick the Dog|Dog Kicker]], [[The Chessmaster|Chess Playing]], [[Xanatos Gambit|Gambiteer]]. In true form, however, he manages to salvage the situation on the fly, and returns anyway not long after. Anyways, she also ''did'' do it with the [[Sword of Plot Advancement]], mind you.}}
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: A couple times during G9, she later improves.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Dual wields two sword, becoming one of the only, if not THE only, character in the story to do this.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]