SCP Foundation/Funny: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Memo: "Honestly, what was the plan here, annoy it to death? Besides observation of the upper limits of the rage state of SCP-682, and causing the temporary evacuation of Site ██, this accomplished nothing. Also, I am sending Kondraki the bill for all the glass broken on-site from that damn thing's screaming."''}}
* It seems to have been removed (The new entry simply saying that testing was denied) but the old test log that detailed the results of giving [ SCP-682] [ SCP-447-2] Most of it was [EXPUNGED], though along all the casualties and property damage was mention of "Weapons-grade minty breath."
* SCP-826 is a pair of bookends that can transport people into the universe of any story put between them.
{{quote|SCP-826, equipped with one (1) copy of "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard", a 12-page short story written by Dr. ██████, detailing a large, friendly monster that is stated to be capable of permanently killing SCP-682, and 1 (one) D-Class personnel (D-682-32) equipped with 1 (one) 2010 Ducati Multistrada motorcycle for the purpose of evading SCP-682.
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* Just about every word on [ SCP-5308-J] is absolutely hilarious, it's no wonder it's the highest rated joke SCP on the site.
* [ SCP-2008-J] is a sports mascot. Not an animal that looks like a sports mascot, or a costume that turns people into a creature that looks like a mascot, but an actual man in a costume.
* [ SCP 500-J], aka "that bitch," aka {{spoiler|O5-8's shrew of a wife.}}
* [ SCP 006-J], aka "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?" Hey, even the Foundation can be scared by creepy insects.
{{quote|'''Object Class''': KETER OH GOD KILL IT}}
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{{quote|13) There is no market for SCP brand pornography.
13.5) No, not even in Germany.
13.75) It probably would generate a great deal of revenue if sold in Japan but still, [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility|682 on Iris]], Jesus Christ man.<br />
60) "Accidentally" [ spilling green gelatin on a dead body] in the presence of the O5 was funny exactly once, and the smell of excrement exuding from O5-2's khakis spoiled the moment.<br />
81) [[Warhammer 40000|"For the Emperor"]] is not an acceptable justification for any decision.<br />
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* [ Dmitri's Mobile Task Force training manual.]
** Consider this: The SCP Foundation is an ruthless organization that regularly deals with unimaginable [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]. It often allows and orders the killing and maiming of employees, and their solution to a girl who is impregnated with some kind of ultimate evil [[Moral Event Horizon|is to have her [DATA EXPUNGED] repeatedly in order to prevent her from giving birth to said evil]]. [[Even Evil Has Standards|THEY find Dmitri's proposal to be objectionable]].
** Best part is that in the middle of all his ranting and raving, Dimitri includes a page on taking care of babies on the battlefield, and the officer reviewing the proposal finds it sensible.
* [ SCP-050] is a [[Clingy MacGuffin]] that people can "win" if they can prank whoever owns it. Add dangerous SCPs to the mix, and you have [ "The Great Researcher Prank War of '09"].
* [ What happens when you expose sentient Lego blocks to cheap Lego copies:]
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** Don't forget what happens when you expose kids to sentient Lego blocks.
{{quote|"Addendum 387-1: How the fuck did these children gain knowledge of the workings of a M1 Abrams Tank, no less [EXPUNGED]!?"}}
* The testing log for [ SCP-061,] a computer program that controls people's minds. The vague "Run on treadmill" command resulted in the test subjects attempting to run on an unmoving treadmill, run on a treadmill at full speed, and jog until told to stop, respectively, the latter two of which ended up flying off the end of the treadmill, [[America's Funniest Home Videos|AFV]]-style. [[Your Mileage May Vary]], but I just found that hilarious.
* [ This gem].
* The ending of [ SCP-523] got a laugh out of [[This Troper]].
{{quote|Note: Since it seems that SCP-523's transformations are more or less proportional to the gravity of the situation it is being used for, it is imperative that it be destroyed immediately in the event of an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario, as it may turn into something that would further exacerbate the situation. Like the Sun. -Dr. Willis}}
* [ I] have my description written entirely in the first person and am incredibly funny as a result. Just don't go back and read what I do to people.
{{quote|Description: Hello, I am SCP-426. I must be introduced this way in order to prevent ambiguity. I am an ordinary toaster, able to toast bread when supplied with electricity. However, when any human being mentions me, they inadvertently refer to me in the first person. Despite all attempts, there is yet to be a way to speak or write about me in the third person. When in my continuous presence for over two months, individuals begin to identify themselves as a toaster. Unless forcibly restrained, these people will ultimately harm themselves in their attempts to emulate my standard functions.}}
** The doc's note at the end: "Thank God there are some limits to my effects. A lot of us were really starting to get worried about me."
* Telling a nine year old [[Reality Warper]] ([ SCP-239]) about [[Santa Claus]]. Should have seen it coming:
{{quote|Note from Dr. ████████, dated 12/26/04: ''Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to tell her about "Santa Claus" and then tell her that it was just a story?! Now we have another potential SCP to deal with, but we can't catch him because he is "magic".''}}
* The fourth testing log from [ SCP-404]. Saying anything else would ruin it.
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{{quote|'''Interviewer''':"I'm just curious: was it REALLY necessary to cast the kill item [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|in the shape of a giant steel fist]]?"<br />
'''Dr. Clef''': "Not really, no." }}
* [ SCP-780] is a small bead which attaches to plants and grows into a perfect copy of them. The [ experiment log] shows that this also works with pictures of plants or written descriptions of plants. Thus the warning:
{{quote|''Remember, SCP-780-1 only has the vulnerabilities of the host plant! Anyone at Site ██ found with text reading "Invulnerable tree which reaches to the moon" will be demoted to Keter duty!''|Dr. █████████}}
* [ SCP-826] is a set of bookends which can portal users into the universe of whichever book is placed between its halves.
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* [ SCP-041]
** "It has come to my attention that several personnel have used SCP-041 as an ad-hoc 'she likes me/she likes me not' detector. This is one of the most appalling things I've ever heard. Are we safeguarding potentially world-destroying objects or are we in third grade?" — Dr. Klein.
* [ SCP-173], Soviet style.
* This line from an After Action report about an incident wherein a D-Class prevents [ SCP-498] from getting out of control: "...D-4112 was treated for severe internal bleeding, commended for preventing a potentially catastrophic containment breach, and successfully terminated at the end of the month."
* [ SCP-299] is a Keter-class botanical SCP that turns any plant into a ravenous carnivore upon contact. For some reason, the Foundation decided to test it on a sunflower.
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** Also, the containment procedures suggest executing any D-class who refuses to eat the cake. Eat that cake ''or die''.
*** A choice between [[Eddie Izzard|cake or death?]]
* [ SCP-731]'s [[Precision F-Strike|"rebuttal"]] to the scientists' experiments s is simply funny.
* From the [ exploration logs of SCP-455]:
{{quote|'''T2L''': T2L here HQ, we sent up a man as advised and he returned in four minutes. Sent him back twice in a sprint, two minutes. We all recorded thirty to get down this far at least, and we all recorded our scout's return times as well. There is definitely something inconsistent.
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Dr. ███████: No thank you, SCP-846, I'd like to -
(At this point, SCP-846 began a 'Robo-Dance', [[Overly Long Gag|which lasted twenty-three (23) minutes.]] SCP-846 ignored all questions during this time period.) }}
* [ This.] The number of freak-outs caused by infinite ''pasta'' are hilarious.
* Not straight-up funny like most of these, but [ SCP-1025] is a glorious bit of metafictional commentary by way of [[Reality Ensues]]. At first, it looks like your typical Keter-class object with a long experiment log killing a bunch of class-Ds, which eventually degenerates into an [[Apocalyptic Log]]... {{spoiler|and then someone from O5 comes along and says that absolutely no unusual pathogens were detected and all the thing actually causes is "hypochondria by proxy." He/she then wonders who thought it was a good idea wasting all this money on the SCP, cuts the research funding, stuffs the book in a locker, and reclassifies it to "Safe."}}
* [ SCP-261]: