The Faerie Queene: Difference between revisions

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* [[Literary Agent Hypothesis]]
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]
* [[Meaningful Name|Meaningful Names]]: Probably everyone. Some characters are simply named for their symbol, like Redcross the knight. Others have names in [[Canis Latinicus|Canis Latinicus or Le Français des Chiens]], such as Sansloy the rapist and Sansfoy the traitor ("lawless" and "faithless", respectively, spelled in an archaic way).
* [[Mooks]]: Vast hordes of mooks are effortlessly put to flight by the good guys.
* [[Reality Subtext]]: According to several scholars, including Richard Berleth, the author of the nonfiction book ''The Twilight Lords'', several plot elements were loosely inspired by Spenser's real-life experiences as a soldier in Ireland, where he was part of the [[The Virgin Queen|Elizabethan]] army charged with [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|crushing]] the Second [[La Résistance|Desmond Rebellion]].
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* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: Sansloy trying to rape Una
* [[Living Lie Detector]]: Una
* [[LovedDuty IFirst, NotLove Honor MoreSecond]]: Redcrosse returning to finish his service to the Faerie Queene after getting engaged to Una.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Archimago and Duessa
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: The encounter with Despair
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* [[Non-Mammal Mammaries]]: The half-serpent/half-female monster introduced in stanza 14 of canto I, of which it isn't quite specified which half is which, has "A thousand young ones, which she dayly fed / Sucking upon her poisonous dugs."
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: How Archimago tricks Redcross into thinking Una has cheated on him.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: Spenser knew that the Catholic Church didn't like Queen Elizabeth I very much, so he created the characters Archimago, Abessa, and Duessa to make the Catholic Church look bad.
* [[Standard Hero Reward]]
* [[The Vamp]]: Duessa (the False - that is, Catholic - Church)
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** Let's remember the scene where Amoret agrees to share a bed with Britomart only ''after'' finding out she's a woman.
* [[Love At First Punch]]: Britomart and Artegall
* [[LovedDuty IFirst, NotLove Honor MoreSecond]]: Artegall postponing his and Britomart's marriage until he finishes his mission for the Faerie Queene (see Book 5 for that).
* [[Love Hurts]]: when the lovers are separated... as a lot in this book are
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: Timias temporarily loses his sanity, secluding himself in a cave, when Belphoebe thinks he cheated on her. Ironically, Belphoebe realizes how much he loves her when she finds him in this state.