Witch Hunt/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Straight''': The cattle around Dinkytown have been getting sick. [[Preacher Man|Parson Bob]] believes this to be the work of witches hexing the cows, and urges the townsfolk to find out who the witches are. Since witches don't really exist, innocent people are accused, and some are even executed after torture makes them falsely confess.
* '''Exaggerated''': [[Eagle Land]]'s economy is tanking, so President Bob, desperate to draw blame away from his own policies, declares that it happened because of hidden witches who "hate Eagleland" and are no doubt in the pay of a certain foreign government. He orders a nationwide crackdown on witches, with broad new powers granted to government agencies to carry out seek and destroy missions. A media blitz warns that "anyone" could be a witch, though those who refuse to swear loyalty to President Bob and his party are singled out as likely witches. Children are encouraged to report "witchlike" behavior in their parents and neighbors.
* '''Justified''': Parson Bob and his followers sincerely believe that witches exist, can do what is claimed, and are [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]. Thus it's perfectly sensible to search them out no matter what it takes. Also, the [[Science Marches On|germ theory of disease hasn't been invented yet.]]
** Witches and magic do exist, but they arn't what people think. The magic they use if different from the accused power that is making everybodies' life worse. They might even use magic that counters the problem.
* '''Inverted''': A group of hidden witches secretly hunt and kill members of the Dinkytown community.
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* '''Zig Zagged''': Parson Bob blames supposed witches for the cattle sickness, but there are real witches, but Parson Bob was just siccing the community on them for his own advancement, but the people of Dinkytown just add werewolves to the list of people they're hunting....
* '''Averted''': The people of Dinkytown don't blame their problems on hidden enemies, instead seeking out rational explanations.
* '''Enforced''': The government passes laws requiring communities to search for witches on a regular basis.
* '''Lampshaded''': "Aren't we getting a bit carried away? How do we know for sure if witches even exist?" "Are you doubting Parson Bob, Goodwife Alice? That sounds like something a ''witch'' would say!"
* '''Invoked''': This trope is usually invoked by the person who starts the witch hunt.