Pokémon/Characters/Generation V Families: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: Oshawott.
* [[Death Glare]]: A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Samurott, though its sprite animation unfortunately doesn't show this; however, it can be seen on some pieces of artwork, the 3DS's Pokédex app and other merchandise.
* [[Hidden Weapons]]
* [[Improvised Armor]]: Samurott. Their Dream World Ability is Shell Armor, as well.
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Odd Psychic-type Pokémon that consume the dreams of humans and Pokémon alike. Munna and Musharna can produce a "Dream Mist" after eating; looking into the mist shows the contents of the consumed dream. This ability makes them rather valuable Pokémon in terms of research and study.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Like most Pokémon that evolve with a stone too early, Musharna will lose its ability to even learn any new moves, which makes its improved stats less useful.
* [[Dream Stealer]]
* [[Flower Motifs]]: Munna
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* [[Action Bomb]]: Naturally learns Explosion. Thankfully, this takes a while, so you're unlikely to see wild specimens use it.
* [[Com Mons]]
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: Roggenrola, an extremely easy-to-get pokemon, evolves into Boldore at level 25 and evolves ino Gigalith by trade, meaning you can get a Gigalith earlier than you can fully evolve any of your starters. Gigalith, mind you, has absurdly high defense - and even ''higher'' attack.
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* [[Eyeless Face]]: Roggenrola; that dent at its center is actually its ''ear''.
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* [[Oculothorax]]: Woobat ''looks'' like an example, but isn't. However, its nose is sometimes mistaken for being its eye.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Sigilyph has higher stats (except for Speed, but Sigilyph still has a rather whopping ''97'') and the only niche Swoobat may have had (Stored Power + Calm Mind) is easier and better done with Sigilyph thanks to its ability Magic Guard, which gives it access to the Flame Orb + Psycho Shift combo.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: Woobat evolves at full happiness.
* [[Psychic Powers]]
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]: Woobat is based on a [[wikipedia:Honduran white bats|real life example of this]].
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* [[Irony]]: Excadrill's Pokédex entries.
** Black: '''It can help in tunnel construction'''.
** White: '''Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels'''.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: In Sandstorm (with Sand Rush). [[Oh Crap|You've]] [[Super Speed|been]] [[Total Party Kill|warned]].
* [[Metal Slime]]: They have a chance of appearing in dust clouds inside caves that usually yield Gems.
* [[Name's the Same]]: Before ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'' came out, somebody else had already come up with a fan-made Pokémon named Excadrill.
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* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Its low stats led to many players dismissing it for other Water-type Pokémon. It doesn't help that, before the full roster was announced, it was widely assumed to be Unova's answer to Magikarp.
* [[Piranha Problem]]: Seabass can be really aggressive animals.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The two subspecies look like it but both behave the same way.
** [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Red and blue, violent in nature, especially hostile to each others' groups -- [[Gang-Bangers|It's the Crips and Bloods in Pokémon form]]!
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* [[Cool Shades|Cool]] [[Triangle Shades]]: Which is actually just what their eyes look like.
** In the [[Anime]], one can be seen wearing sunglasses. [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sunglasses_Krokorok Details here].
** Both the Anime and ''White'' Pokédex entries describe those as having a function <ref>that is, to protect their eyes from sunlight</ref> similar to that of actual sunglasses.
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]: Krokorok and Krookodile resemble Spinosaurids (more specifically Suchomimus)
* [[Gangsters Are Cool]]: '''Krook'''odile definitely looks like one of those shady people wearing [[Cool Shades]]. Alternatively, the [[Cool Shades]] can also be interpreted as a burglar's mask.
** Their line is also used by the gangsters on Route 9. The Roughnecks even wear a [http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/9/97/Spr_BW_Cue_Ball.png jacket with a Krookodile head on it]!
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=== Scraggy and Scrafty ''(Zuruggu and Zuruzukin)'' ===
Extremely territorial lizards with a penchant for beating up passer-bys and trespassers. These gangsters are really tough opponents thanks to their unique Dark/Fighting typing, a great movepool, great defenses and great abilities. Scrafty can play very well as either a bulky defensive character or as an all-offense sweeper.
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Our Homunculi Are Different]]
* [[No Sell]]: One ability, Magic Guard, makes them immune to all indirect damage. Their other ability makes them immune to weather damage.
** [[Useless Useful Spell]]: Given that Magic Guard protects them from weather damage as well as all other indirect damage, Overcoat is completely useless by comparison.
* [[Psychic Powers]]
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]
* [[Split Personality Merge]]: During its time as Duosion, it has two brains that can disagree with each other. When they become Reuniclus, however, they merge together into one personality again.
** [[Meaningful Name]]: '''Reuni'''te + Nu'''cl'''e'''us'''.
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Making their homes near lakes, rivers and seas, these waterfowl are a common sight along the many bridges of the Unova region, where trainers gather for the feathers they occasionally drop even if they are not interested in catching one. While Ducklett is a bit gawky, it becomes much more graceful when it evolves into Swanna, but like other Water/Flying dual types, electricity will [[For Massive Damage|ruin its day]].
* [[Blow You Away]]
* [[For Massive Damage]]: Extremely vulnerable to Electric attacks.
* [[Flight]]
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=== Foongus and Amoonguss ''(Tamagetake and Morobareru)'' ===
When you're traveling through the grassy fields or brush under the woods in the Unova region and spot what seems to be a Pokéball, beware! It might actually be this Pokémon. However, instead of exploding like Voltorb and Electrode might, this Pokémon might spray spores that may cause paralysis, poison or sleep.
* [[Boring but Practical]]: Compared to the other options for grass types in the Unova Dex, they're not the first choice offhand. However their move pool is much greater than the others, who mostly have one or two options available. In addition they also get Spore, which lets them reliably put people to sleep.
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* [[Healing Factor]]: Has Regenerator as its Dream World ability.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Amoongus's Pokédex entry says it tries to use its appearance to lure in prey. Most Pokémon aren't fooled, though.
* [[Poisonous Person|Poisonous Pokémon]]
* [[Punny Name]]
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=== Alomomola ''(Mamanbou)'' ===
Alomomola are sunfish Pokémon with a very caring personality. If it spots a drowning person or Pokémon, they readily embrace it using their top and bottom fins and bring it to shore. Boasting the fifth highest HP rating of all Pokémon, Alomomola is a Pokémon of great bulk. Despite looking very similar, it is unrelated to Luvdisc.
* [[Cardiovascular Love]]
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* [[Spikes of Doom]]: Hell, its ability is called Iron Barbs.
** [[Spike Balls of Doom]]: Ferrothorn pretty much fits all the descriptions on the page -- it hangs from ceilings, is alive, spins via Gyro Ball, and its tentacles act as chains.
* [[Stone Wall]]: Great typing, good defenses, and a great ability that makes physical attackers think twice before striking it. However, 20 speed makes it one of the slowest Pokémon ever. Makes a good partner with Jellicent, as they resist each other's weaknesses.
** [[Mighty Glacier]]: Its attack is passable at 94, and it commonly uses attacks with high base power like Power Whip and Gyro Ball (which hits very hard on most opponents, since Ferrothorn is so slow).
* [[Whip It Good]]: Ferrothorn, who learns Power Whip using its vines.
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=== Elgyem and Beheeyem ''(Riguree and Oobemu)'' ===
These big-headed Pokémon were discovered in the desert five decades ago, but they've since moved elsewhere. They seem to have a knack for winding up in areas filled with Pokémon who have type advantages over them, and as such aren't terribly common, most being cramped up near the top of a tower by route seven.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Beheeyem looks like it's wearing one, though that could be how its body is shaped.
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* [[Everything's Worse with Bears]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
** Beartic becomes a [[Lightning Bruiser]] if it's raining, however.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: They are able to learn several water moves, including Dive. Makes sense, knowing that the scientific name of polar bears is ''Ursus maritimus''.
* [[Signature Move]]: Is strongly associated with icicle crash
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* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* [[Gonk]]
* [[Irony]]: It's a fish that lives in water, yet it takes super-effective damage from water attacks.
* [[It Amused Me]]: A lot of their behavior can be explained by this motivation.
* [[Lethal Joke Character]]: Yes, it looks silly. If it's trained right, it can catch unsuspecting trainers off-guard thanks to high defense and HP stats.
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* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Unfortunately, it's considered to be pathetically weak compared to most other dragons, statwise and moveset-wise.
* [[Spikes of Doom]]
* [[Wings Do Nothing]]: According to the Pokédex, it uses them to take in sunlight for warmth but they do you no favors in game play.
=== Golett and Golurk ''(Gobitto and Goruggo)'' ===
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* [[Living Statue]]
* [[Megaton Punch]]: It learns DynamicPunch. Coupled with its Dream World ability No Guard (which [[Always Accurate Attack|makes ALL attacks hit]]) and the 100% chance of confusion...<ref>Machamp is better at abusing this combo, with more Attack and STAB on DynamicPunch, but Golurk isn't too shabby.</ref>
** Its other ability, Iron Fist, combines with its great attack score to turn ''all'' its punches, even the normally wimpy Shadow Punch, into one of these.
* [[Magitek]]: An empowered claw figure that looks and acts like a robot.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
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=== Pawniard and Bisharp ''(Komatana and Kirikizan)'' ===
These strangely humanoid beasts have sharp, metallic blades jutting out of their bodies (hence their Steel typing), which they would just love to use on opponents and prey (hence their Dark typing). They typically live in hunting packs led by Bisharps, who do little work but get the last say in just about everything.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: "It battles to become the boss, but it will be driven out of the group if it loses."
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* [[Finishing Move]]: Bisharp reserves the right to dish one out after the Pawniard in its command have sufficiently weakened the prey.
* [[For Massive Damage]]: Fighting-type attacks.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Bisharp's Sucker Punch can [[One Hit KO]] Latios and Latias, but if a Fighting-type ''looks'' at it too hard, it's in trouble.
** [[Mighty Glacier]]: If no fighting types are opposing it, its defense stat of 100 helps it.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: At first glance, Bisharp looks like a cartoonish soldier. Then you notice that it has hooves rather than feet, and that those blades on its torso are a part of its body.
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* [[Badass Adorable]]: Rufflet. It's small, cute, fluffy... and its attack power is pretty damn good for an unevolved Pokémon.
* [[Big Badass Bird of Prey]]: Both of them qualify, but Braviary especially. It's so strong, it can lift '''''a car''''' off the ground.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Rufflet challenge just about anything they see to a fight, no matter how tough it is.
* [[Braids, Beads, and Buckskins]]: Their head feathers are styled after the archetypical Native American headdress.
* [[Eagle Land]]: [[Captain Obvious|It's red, white, and blue and it's an eagle, to match the U.S.A. style world of the video games]]. What more needs to be said?
** Also, its Japanese name sounds like Washington (as in [[George Washington]], America's first president, or Washington, D.C., the nation's capital, or even Washington state [home of such cities as Seattle, Olympia, and Walla Walla]).
** And it's plumage resembles American Indian headdresses.
* [[Flight]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[No Sell]]: Against Ghost and Ground attacks.
* [[One-Gender Race]]: Always male.
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* [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]]: Durant is massive compared to a regular ant (30cm vs 1cm), but all the same, you wouldn't want either one of them near your picnic lunch.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: What's Durant's bonus Dream World ability? Slaking's ability: ''Truant.''
** [[Not Completely Useless]]: However, with the Entrainment move, Durant can make its target have the same ability.
* [[Extra Ore Dinary]]: Durant.
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The pseudo-legendary for Gen V, this line of multi-headed dragons is possibly best known for being the signature Pokémon of one of the nastiest villains in the series. While Deino is a simple one-headed baby dragon with a Beatle haircut, [[Multiple Head Case|Zweilous' two heads hate each other and constantly compete for food]]. Hydreigon only has one brain despite having three heads (two serving as hands), but it is by far the most savage member of the line and among the most vicious Pokémon of all, attacking anything that moves and devouring anything in sight. Unlike the others of its kind, it focuses on Special Attacking power rather than physical. It also evolves at a much higher level, making it unlikely that you'll have a fully evolved Hydreigon before you beat the Elite Four.
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: Zweilous's and Hydreigon's species titles aren't Hostile Pokémon and Brutal Pokémon, respectively, for nothing.
** [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Carlita's Hydreigon, in contrast to {{spoiler|[[Magnificent Bastard|Ghetsis']] more [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|(in)famous]] specimen}}.
** [[Dark Is Evil]]: {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster|Ghetsis]]. [[Pokémon/WMG|Just...]] [[Pokémon/Nightmare Fuel|Ghetsis]]. Did we mention that his Hydreigion's his trump card?}} {{spoiler|Also in ''[[Poke Park Wii|PokéPark 2]]'', where it's one of Darkrai's minions.}}
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* [[Confusion Fu]]: Can learn a move of every type except Grass. Hidden Power can cover the no-grass problem.
* [[Big Eater]]: Every member of this line; Zweilous in particular has a very large appetite (see [[Extreme Omnivore]] below)
* [[Black Eyes of Crazy]]: Hydreigon.
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: Exaggerated with Deino and Zweilous; they actually ''[[Eyeless Face|have no eyes and cannot see]]'', and must rely on their sense of smell.
* [[Casting a Shadow]]: It can learn Dark Pulse, and therefore is able to have ''actual'' dark powers.
** Although you have to breed it onto a Deino via Ekans/Arbok/Seviper/Gyarados, and even then you have to teach the snake the Dark Pulse TM back in Gen 4, and then transfer it over to Gen 5. Considering Dark Pulse is one of the few special-based Dark attacks <ref>Night Daze is Zoroark's signature move, and Snarl is hardly fit for attacking with its pathetic base 55 power, but it can't learn that anyway, even though it certainly looks ill-tempered enough to use it</ref>, you'd think the process of getting it onto the Deino line would be less convoluted.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Well, biting the enemy ([[Fridge Horror|hopefully not eating it]]) isn't a very fair combat maneuver...
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* [[Shown Their Work]]: Hydreigon's arms have brainless heads of their own? That's basically just the logical extension of [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/09/0907_octoarm.html how octopus tentacles work in real life].
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]: Averted for Deino and Zweilous; played straight (to the point of exaggeration) for Hydreigon.
* [[Split Personality Merge]]/[[Split Personality Takeover]]: Zweilous's heads are noted to not get along at all. It's never confirmed if Hydreigon's brain is a merger of both of theirs, like Reuniclus, if it grew a new brain and the others lost their brains and became its arms, or if one mind finally overcame the other.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Can also learn Outrage, although [[Death From Above|Draco Meteor]] is a much better choice for a Dragon-type move in this case.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Originally, Deino, Zweilous, and Hydreigon were going to be [[Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie|cyborg dragons that had tank-like abilities and attacks]].
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* [[Never Bring a Knife to A Fist Fight]]: If a Pokémon hits any of them with an already less-effective [[Combat Pragmatist|Dark-type]] move, their Justified ability raises their attack power.
** [[Combos]]: In a double or triple battle, one can take advantage of this by having a Weavile (or anybody faster with Beat Up, including ''[[Ridiculously Cute Critter|Whimsicott]]'') use Beat Up on Terrakion to power up its attack ''six times'', then have Terrakion [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHgYdena4Yg Rock Slide all the enemies to death].
* [[No Biological Sex]]: Though ''all'' of them are based on male characters, although Virizion has a female voice in the anime.
* [[No Sell]]: Cobalion, against Poison attacks.
* [[Power Trio]]
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* [[Flight]]
* [[For Massive Damage]]: Landorus, weak to [[Kill It with Ice|ice attacks]].
* [[Genie in a Bottle]]: Though they aren't actually based on genies, they have a striking resemblance to the common image of one.
* [[Get Back Here Boss]]
* [[Green Thumb]]: Both the Black and White Pokédex entries confirm this for Landorus.
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* [[Olympus Mons]]
* [[One-Gender Race]]: Always male.
* [[The Unexpected]]: Their new formes. Every other Pokémon who gained a new forme in a later game had place-holder data which indicated it. The Kami Trio's new formes came completely out of left field.
* [[Underground Monkey]]: In a first for any group of Pokémon, their differences aren't as notable and are derided for mostly being recolors, other than their tails, hairstyle, and number of horns.
** Justified for Tornadus and Thundurus, as Fuujin and Raijin are often portrayed as looking near identical aside from color.
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* [[Sword of Plot Advancement]]: You are [[But Thou Must!|FORCED]] to capture them; defeating them won't even give you experience.
** There is, however, a way to do [[Sequence Breaking]]. If you have a full party and your 24 boxes are full as well, the game will allow you to proceed without catching them, saving the chance for later. Good luck catching over 720 Pokémon before your first Elite Four run, though.
* [[To Serve Man]]: An old legend in Lacunosa Town describes Kyurem dragging people away and ''eating them'', but its unknown if its true or not. At the very least, whatever it was doing back then was enough to scare the townsfolk into surrounding Lacunosa Town with a rock wall and enacting a curfew.
* [[When All You Have Is a Hammer]]: Compared to the other legends they are [[Expy|Expies]] of, and with Dragons in general, the movepools of these Pokémon are barren and lack many options in the way of coverage. However, with their high-powered Dragon-type and signature moves, they won't need that, as Reshiram hits every Pokémon in the game for at least neutral damage <ref>even Heatran, thanks to Turbo Blaze canceling out Flash Fire</ref>, and Zekrom comes close <ref>Four fully-evolved Pokémon resist both of his types: Ferrothorn, Steelix, Excadrill, and Magnezone. But only those four</ref>. Kyurem, however, gets the shaft due to its signature move being a bit underpowered, not having access to strong attacks on par with the others' Lv 100 signatures, and no way to reliably hit Steel-types. <ref>However, it can hit Skarmory, Steelix, Dialga, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn for neutral damage with its STAB moves, and learn Focus Blast and Rock Smash by TM.</ref>
* [[Wolverine Publicity]]: Zekrom. For some reason, it was featured prominently in the first two episodes of the ''Best Wishes'' anime, was revealed long before Reshiram for [[Pokémon the Movie: Black And White|the 14th movie]], and is the most prominent Pokémon in both the ''[[Pokémon Re BURST]]'' manga and ''[[Pokémon Conquest]]''.
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* [[Shout-Out]]: To d'Artagnan from ''[[The Three Musketeers (novel)|The Three Musketeers]]'', the youngest and newest member of the group.
* [[Signature Move]]: Sacred Sword, as expected from the Fourth Musketeer, as well as Secret Sword (but that one has to be taught to it by the three other Musketeer Pokémon).
* [[WalkWalking Onon Water]]
=== Meloetta ===
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* [[Flight]]/[[Stealth Pun]]: It doesn't have any wings, but is one of only two Bug-types that can learn Fly. [[Don't Explain the Joke|Have you looked at its jetpack?]]
* [[For Massive Damage]]: Like Scizor, Forretress, Wormadam, Escavalier, and Durant before it, it doesn't take too well to [[Kill It with Fire|fire attacks]].
** [[Irony]]: Despite this fact, Genesect can learn Flame Charge, a move where it envelops itself in fire and charges at its opponent.
* [[Fossil Revival]]
* [[Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs|Genesect Killed The Dinosaurs]]: According to the internet. Not stated in the game. Its Black 'Dex entry does date it to around just before the Permian Extinction, though it may have been a casualty instead of the cause.
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** Though if you hear about this thing in the first place, '''you better get out of there'''.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: A prehistoric cyborg insect with a jetpack ''and'' a [[Backpack Cannon]] that shoots [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]!
* [[No Biological Sex]]: Despite this, Genesect has an abdomen, even though, on an insect, an abdomen is where the reproductive organs are stored, though that's probably just metal armor replicating the appearance of the Pokémon.
* [[No Sell]]: Immune to Poison-type attacks.
* [[Prehistoric Monster]]: In fact, it's the one and only legendary Pokémon who's a fossil Pokémon like Aerodactyl, Rampardos, Cradily, etc. Oddly enough, it ''can't'' learn Ancientpower, despite possibly being hundreds of times older than some Pokémon who can.