Fallout: New Vegas/Characters/Dead Money: Difference between revisions

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'''<big>This is a partial character sheet for the [[Video Game]] ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]''. Visit [[Fallout: New Vegas/Characters|here]] for the main character index. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the [[Fallout: New Vegas (Video Game)/YMMV|YMMV page]].</big>'''
=== Ghost People ===
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* [[Shout-Out]]: Given that [[Chris Avellone]] had a lead role in Dead Money, it's probably fair to say that God has an awfully [[Planescape: Torment|"practical" outlook]] on things. {{spoiler|You can also merge their personalities together, which is similar to how the Nameless One can deal with his numerous incarnations.}}
* [[Split Personality]]: They're essentially the Id and Superego of a functioning personality. Dog is a hulking, violent brute, and as smart as a vegetable. God, his alter ego, is rational and intelligent, but also extremely cold and utilitarian. {{spoiler|Eventually, [[Split Personality Merge|they can either be combined]] or [[Split Personality Takeover|one can destroy the other]].}}
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: In a way, Dog. God comments that Dog, while he is very dangerous and unstable, has a better grasp on their body and is therefore better in combat.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Elijah comments he doesn't even really need an explosive collar to keep Dog in line (though he still prefers him to have one anyway).
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: {{spoiler|At some point you can kill or subdue Dog. You can take the evil way and have him break his own neck.}}
* [[Tragic Monster]]: {{spoiler|If your Speech skill isn't up to snuff, then you'll have no choice than to fight and kill both Dog and God. If you were kind to the former, he'll wonder why you're hurting him.}}
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* [[Jack of All Trades]]: As a companion, she's pretty competent with all manners of weaponry, being a Brotherhood Knight/Circle of Steel assassin.
* [[Not So Different]]: Ulysses states that Christine is similar to Elijah in their inability to let go of the past.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Justified example. In Old World Blues you hear her original voice. In Dead Money, you hear her using Vera Keyes' voice.
* [[Suddenly Voiced]]: When encountered in the hotel, her surgically-altered vocal cords heal, giving her the voice of Sierra Madre's previous female caretaker, Vera Keyes.
* [[The Voiceless]]: For obvious reasons.
=== Dean Domino ===
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* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Suicidal Overconfidence]]: {{spoiler|When pushed over the edge, Dean will attack the Courier, even if the latter is equipped with an Assassin suit and sporting the Holorifle with all the mods.}}
** {{spoiler|Possibly justified in that among all the other companions Dean really hasn't let go of the Sierra Madre. He could have walked out ages ago, it was only until he got a collar that he was forced to stay put. 200 years is a long time to hold a grudge.}}
* [[Tall Poppy Syndrome]]: {{spoiler|The reason Dean swindled the resort's construction, set Vera up for a blackmail, and tore out Christine's vocal chords to replace with a simulacrum of Vera's: He was jealous of Sinclair's success and happiness.}} It's possible for him to develop this with the Courier, who is advised from bruising his ego (IE passing speech checks that demonstrate expertise, threatening/insulting him and taking his stash while he's around).
* [[What Is This Feeling?]]: {{spoiler|In the ending where he survives, he has trouble understanding that he feels sorry for what he's done to Vera and Sinclair.}}
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''"Play stupid, play clever, make the mistake of saying 'no'? That collar on your neck'll go off and take your head with it."'' }}
The villain of the ''Dead Money'' DLC. He's the Brotherhood of Steel elder who was once Veronica's mentor and got most of the chapter killed at the Battle of Helios One. It is revealed that after that when he went missing he found the legendary lost Sierra Madre casino and has gone insane trying to access its vault ever since.
* [[Arc Words]]: "Wipe the slate clean".
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]: Unlike most of the Brotherhood members who wanted to just store technology, Elijah wanted to actively improve it and even construct new things, though Veronica notes that many of his inventions had "ethics questions attached".
* [[And I Must Scream]]: {{spoiler|A possible ending for him, where he is locked inside the Sierra Madre Vault.}}
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: {{spoiler|Singlehandedly took on the [[Death World|Big MT]], breaking free of the [[Mad Scientist|Think Tank]] and wreaking havoc, while managing to steal some pieces of valuable [[Lost Technology|Old World tech]]. You want to know how he got out? He hijacked one of the few remaining trains and used it as a battering ram.}} Doubly impressive since not only is he very old, he also an alcoholic, a smoker, a mentat addict, and has arthritis.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Slaps slave collars on his minions, blows them up if they refuse to follow his instructions, treats them as disposable pawns, and encourages them to kill one another after they [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|outlive their usefulness]]. {{spoiler|In the final conversation with him in the Vault, he says that in his new world order he'd even slap slave collars on ''everyone'' to "ensure compliance".}}
* [[Beard of Evil]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: According to Veronica, he did ''not'' appreciate people talking back to him. In his opinion, subordinates ought to be like machines; you give them a command, push the button, and off they go to perform without getting ''chatty''. Or questioning his judgement.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: He was Veronica's mentor and she once thought of him as her father figure until he went mad.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the ''Dead Money'' expansion.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: "Do this and I'll let you go. I'll let all of you go."
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: After passing a few skill checks, you can convince him to come meet you at the entrance of the vault at the end of the expansion. Three guesses as to whether or not he actually comes to talk.
* [[Damage Sponge Boss]]: The turrets he turns on have pretty high health (420 health with a DT of 18), and there are 5 of them. As long as you haven't been too wasteful, though, you can burn through them with the assault rifle or the holorife fairly easily. When Elijah confronts you in person, he's [[Glass Cannon|the exact opposite.]]
* [[Dark Horse Victory]]: {{spoiler|If you take the [[We Can Rule Together]] route, Elijah unleashes The Cloud and the holograms upon the Mojave, killing everyone there and driving the NCR and the Legion out of the region. The ending explains that no living being ever sit foot in the Mojave for years after, due to rumors of a horrible cloud of death and ghosts immune to gunfire. All that remained was Elijah and the Courier, waiting in the Sierra Madre for the world to [[Arc Words|begin again]] }}
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: He was mentioned fairly often by Brotherhood members before the DLC was released.
* [[Evil Cripple]]: He apparently has osteoarthritis. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|It doesn't really have much effect on the game, though.]]
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* [[Evil Mentor]]: To Veronica, before the battle of Helios.
* [[Final Boss]]: Played with, see:
** [[Flunky Boss]]: He lets the "[[Spell My Name with a "The"|The Vault security turrets]]" do all the work for him while he hides behind a force field. Of course, once they're dead, he comes after you with a Gauss Rifle. Of course with sufficient melee weapons/unarmed skill, the player can just smash the generator and render the turrets useless.
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* [[General Failure]]: When he was elder, because of his absolute obsession on technology more than anything else, Elijah often wouldn't understand the importance of battlefield losses. He also didn't understand that ''maybe'' letting the NCR have Helios was a better alternative than most of the Brotherhood getting slaughtered.
** [[Justified Trope]], unlike other Elders of the Brotherhood of Steel, Elijah was a Scribe, which is classified as a civilian and has little military training beyond the basic self defense learned prior to choosing to pursue becoming a Knight or Scribe during training.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: His armor has a DT of 2, but that Gauss Rifle packs a hefty punch.
** He actually does have pretty high health, more than most of your NPC companions (with the exception of Dog and Lily), but that's still not very good by that point in the game, since you're probably level 25+ by the time you get to him.
*** Health between high and low DT entities really aren't directly comparable. Low DT entities almost always have a boost to it to prevent them from dying too quickly.
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** He dismisses the Holorifle ''he gave you'' as an obsolete version, only to complain that he didn't bring it with him over the radio.
* [[Karmic Death]]: {{spoiler|You can kill him in normal combat, or trick him into locking himself inside the vault.}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Almost literally: if you bring up Dog to him, he'll laugh about how easy it was to enslave the mentally handicapped Nightkin since he swallowed his own collar.
* [[Kill'Em All]]: His plan for the Mojave is to {{spoiler|use the toxic gas cloud in the Sierra Madre to kill everyone in the Mojave, or "wipe the slate clean" as he calls it, and rebuild the Mojave in his own image.}}
* [[Load-Bearing Boss]]: When he is defeated either way, all his turrets explode, and the player's collar begins to beep, leading to an escape sequence.
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* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]: [[Blatant Lies|Not really.]] You can see his futile attempts to justify the tremendous sacrifices he made is actually a desperate gambit to restore his own status in the Brotherhood.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: [[Deconstruction|Deconstructed.]] In the beginning Elijah had this mindset with regards to cracking into the Vault, but as he used more and more "reserves", the more insane and desperate he became.
** Not to mention the way he insisted the Brotherhood keep fighting the NCR, despite the fact that it was pretty obvious they ''didn't'' have reserves, whereas the NCR did. This resulted in the NCR slaughtering about half of the Mojave wasteland Brotherhood of Steel at Helios.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Has a very impressive one if {{spoiler|you opt to seal him inside the Vault forever.}}
{{quote|'''Elijah''': "What... alarms? What's goin- '''You. Think you can run? Think you can TRICK ME!?''' This entire structure is mine to command! Security, weapons, all this technology, '''mine'''! Now, you will die. You think you've outsmarted me? You're the one on a leash, you always were! ''(sprays Gauss rifle fire everywhere then activates your collar)''. Escape? No. That cold hand on your throat is mine. It always was." ''(later)'' "You can't outrun me! You were always under my control! Do you hear me? '''DO YOU HEAR ME?'''"}}