Strawman Has a Point: Difference between revisions

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** In the serial "The Invasion", aspiring glamor photographer Isobel suggests getting proof of the Cybermen's presence in the sewers by going down to take pictures. [[The Brigadier]] agrees, but intends to use his own men instead, on the basis that such a situation is [[Stay in the Kitchen|no place for a lady]]. Isobel blows up at how backward and sexist he's being, but the Brig refuses, and both girls gang up on Jamie for agreeing with him (despite the fact he's from the 18th century and has a legitimate excuse for being old fashioned) and both she and Zoe [[Idiot Ball|walk away in a huff to get the pics themselves]] with Jamie worriedly tagging along, which ends up getting a [[Red Shirt|police officer and one of the UNIT troops]] sent to rescue them killed. While it could easily be argued that the Brig was in the wrong to assume they couldn't handle themselves for being ''women'', it might have been better to let trained and experienced soldiers do the dangerous work, and neither of the girls are called out for their reckless actions getting two men killed.
** [[The Nth Doctor|The Tenth Doctor]] is ''terrible'' with this, as he is [[The Hero]] and therefore Always Right, but his thought processes are... a bit suspect at times, the worst examples being in the episodes "The Christmas Invasion" and "Journey's End". In the former, the Doctor forces [[Monster of the Week|the Sycorax]] to retreat from Earth, until Harriet Jones orders their destruction with captured alien technology, and the Doctor is ''furious'', berating Jones for attacking someone that was retreating while Jones replies that she was acting in self-defense, quite reasonable considering the Sycorax intended to kill hundreds of millions of people and demonstrated that they could easily not honour their promise not to return, with the Doctor winning because... somehow. In the latter, {{spoiler|the Doctor's half-human clone}} (''long'' story) kills the Daleks, a literally [[Exclusively Evil]] species with no redeeming characteristics - ''deliberately engineered to be that way, and proud of it!'' - yet the Doctor berates him for genocide and dumps him in an [[Alternate Universe]] because... because.
*** In the Sycorax example, the Doctor is entirely correct when he points out that killing people immediately after agreeing to a truce with them is a very bad idea in addition to being unethical, and that furthermore Prime Minister Jones has a bit of gall in criticizing exactly how the Doctor chose to handle the situation immediately after having openly begged for the Doctor to come in and handle the situation for her, because she didn't know what to do. Where the Doctor then fails is how he chooses to ''respond'' to this provocation.
** The Eleventh Doctor seems to have finally snapped out of this "holier than thou" phase, not shying away from properly punishing those who are an active menace.
* In ''[[Roseanne]]'', Leon is portrayed as wrong for wanting to fire Roseanne, even though she really ''is'' a lazy and sometimes intimidating employee who backtalks him almost every time he asks her to do something, even if that thing is something completely reasonable for an employer to ask of an employee. Of course, Leon is often a bit of a jerk in his own right.
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