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[['''Past Life Memories]]''' are memories that a reincarnated character gains from previous incarnations of their soul.
When [[Reincarnation]] and [['''Past Life Memories]]''' are presented as being real within the context of a story, It often works in a way similar to [[Genetic Memory]], by giving the character knowledge and skills that they would otherwise be unlikely to gain for themselves. [['''Past Life Memories]]''' often manifest as [[Dreaming of Times Gone By]]. On rarer occasions, an entire identity from a past incarnation my start to emerge, resulting in a [[Split Personality]]. Sometimes a character will undergo a [[Split Personality Merge]], with their current identity combining with that of a previous incarnation, giving them complete access to the memories and skills of the previous incarnation and resulting in a major [[Level Up]].
In most works with [[Reincarnation]], the majority of characters do not gain [['''Past Life Memories]]''', so having them is often a sign of being a particularly important soul, perhaps even [[The Chosen One]].
Of course, in other works, [[Reincarnation]] is presented as not being true, and claims to having memories from past lives are treated as a sign of eccentricity or even insanity. A character making a claim to having [['''Past Life Memories]]''' still invokes this trope.
[[Real Life]] public figures that can be verified as making claims to experiencing [['''Past Life Memories]]''' are acceptable examples, as long as it is clear that these are claims only and this is not the place to debate whether or not these beliefs have any foundation in reality. [[Troper Tales]] should not be included under the [[Real Life]] heading.
Compare [[Genetic Memory]].
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* In the film version of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', it's said that each new Slayer is the same Slayer, reincarnated as long as there are vampires to fight, and Buffy has dreams of her past lives.
* In ''[[The Mummy Trilogy]]'', the second film has Evy having flashes of insights and memories that make her think she's hallucinating. Turns out, they're memories of her past life from ancient Egypt.
* The film ''[[Dead Again]]'' has a hypnotist who specializes in [[Past Life Regression]] hypnotherapy of his subjects -- tosubjects—to help them overcome psychological obstacles, and to help him find and procure antiques they encountered in their previous lives. He even does it to the film's protagonsists.
* There's a film called ''Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives''.
* ''[[Patton]]''. The title general claims that he remembers scenes from his past lives as a warrior. This was based on beliefs that have been attributed to the [[Real Life]] Patton.
