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* [[Arc Fatigue]]: The El Baile de la Muerte arc. It lasted three and a half years and was comprised of so many [[Xanatos Gambit|Xanatos Gambits]] that even fans were getting confused and frustrated at the end. Even the author admitted the arc was dragging.
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]:
** Just who ''is'' Eda, really? Is she a goofy, so-called nun {{spoiler|who only occasionally who takes her job as a CIA agent seriously?}} Or is she really {{spoiler|a cold, domineering mastermind whose appearance to others is merely a convincing deception?}} Whatever it is, she's definitely not who she appears to be.
** Balalaika. Just Balalaika.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Chaka from the "Fujiyama Gangster Paradise" arc. He makes the [[Those Wacky Nazis|neo-Nazis]] look like fine upstanding citizens by comparison.
* [[Creepy Awesome]] [[Creepy Twins|Hansel and Gretel]]
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* [[Genius Bonus]]: ''Black Lagoon'' can be said to be made of these, containing varying references to languages, firearms, music (From [[Rob Zombie]] to [[Creedence Clearwater Revival]]) and quite a few about Westerns like ''[[The Wild Bunch]]'' (one of the characters in which was called [[Wild Mass Guessing|"Dutch"...]]). It also contains a surprising amount of philosophy; themes such as Sartre's existensialism, consequence ethics, nihilism, phenomenalism, and Kierkegaard's "knight of faith" are openly discussed by characters (if not using those exact words).
** [[Gun Porn|As an example]], take the firefight in the Yellow Flag which serves as Fabiola's introduction. Halfway through the fight, she throws away her [[Guns Akimbo|right-hand handgun]] and {{spoiler|breaks out a China Lake 40mm grenade launcher, an exotic weapon which even the denizens of Roanapur don't recognize (witness Revy's reaction). A little research shows that the China Lake holds a maximum of four grenades, and Fabiola doesn't seem to have a spare mag ready to hand. Alert readers will notice that Fabiola launches all four grenades during the fight. When she cocks the launcher again to threaten Gustavo, she's ''bluffing'' - she's out of ammo. It partly explains why she needs a stiff drink, and why her knees give out a little later.}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: Hansel and Gretel, creepy even by this show's standards. Some of the more...''creative'' deaths can have this effect on people as well.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Balalaika, Chang and [[Guile Hero|Rock]].
** Eda shows signs of this trope on occasions, and through [[Character Development]] even Revy starts to have her moments.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Amen, hallelujah and peanut butter.
** From the previous scene: "You got [[Precision F-Strike|FUCKED!]]"
* [[Moe]]: Young Balalaika. [[Enfant Terrible|Hansel and Gretel]]. Garcia and Roberta. And Fabiola.
* [[Narm]]: Potentially lapses into this whenever Revy decides to go on a philosophical rant.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: Hansel and Gretel, creepy even by this show's standards. Some of the more...''creative'' deaths can have this effect on people as well.
* [[The Scrappy]]: [[Complete Monster|Chaka]] made number one on a poll of "worst characters" in the manga. Yukio was also on this list.
* [[Selfish Evil]]: Most characters in the series are casually mass-murdering, torturing, heavy drugs&weaponry-smuggling, meat-slavery-running, etc, [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]] [[Jerkass|JerkAsses]] or [[Nietzsche Wannabe|NietzscheWannabes]]. It's such a thoroughly amoral [[Crapsack World]] [[Failure Is the Only Option]] [[Trauma Conga Line]] ensemble, environment, and tone to the show that there is very little whatsoever available in the way of morality, conscience, hope, idealism, or compassion. The closest approximation might be the point-of-view main male protagonist.