Aren't You Forgetting Someone?: Difference between revisions

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'''Tink:''' Just kidding. }}
* From ''[[Strawberry Shortcake]]: Housewarming Surprise'':
{{quote|'''Sour Grapes:''' With the world's greatest cookbook, I'll be famous! I can see it now, "Sour Grapes on the [[Punny Name|Merv Muffin]] Show!" Then, "[[The Hollywood Squares|Hollywood Pears]]..."<br />
'''The Peculiar Purple Pieman:''' Aren't you forgetting someone?<br />
'''Sour Grapes:''' Of course not, Purpy. I could never forget my purple partner in crime. My warm, wonderfully wicked, nasty but snake, Dregs. }}
* In one episode of ''[[Sushi Pack]]'', the eponymous Pack think that the announced statue of "Wharf City's Greatest Hero" will be one of them, but they find that it's actually Kato Platypus, who was a hero years before.