Ray: Difference between revisions

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* [[Scare Chord]]: When Ray's brothers arms come out of the wet suitcase.
* [[Screw the Money, I Have Rules]]: Ray gets banned from performing in Georgia because he refuses to play for a segregated audience. The ban eventually gets lifted (though it also [[Hollywood History|never existed in the first place in reality]]).
* [[Straw Character]]: The venue owner that Ray walks out on. In reality the owner would have been as powerless to desegregate the audience as Ray was (something the movie attempts to obfuscate by only referring to Jim Crow ''laws'' once, and otherwise simply calling it "Jim Crow", as if it were a social construct instead of a government-imposed law), and would have lost quite a lot of money due to Ray's walking out on him just because of something he had no power over. The movie removes all this nuance to the actual history by simply having the venue owner be a [[Acceptable Targets|walking stereotype of a rich white Southerner]]., whose only motivation for suing Ray is apparently "[[Evil Is Petty|How dare a black man not do what I tell him?!]]"