Digimon: Difference between revisions

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** ''Xros Wars''' very first enemy of any significance is MadLeomon, and he gets killed off in episode 3. {{spoiler|Subverted later on that he gets revived as Leomon}}.
** Oh look, we have another humanoid lion named Apollomon! He has the noblest of intentions! {{spoiler|His [[Jekyll and Hyde]] sickness pretty much confirms him being killed}}.
*** Like {{spoiler|MadLeomon}} Subverted not one but twice. Once in Prison Land as both him self and {{spoiler|Whispered}} and again when {{spoiler|Mikey obtains the completed Code Crown in the battle against MegaDarknessBagramon, where he is revived alongside all of his other fallen allies.}}
** Funny enough, he did not die in ''02'', namely because nobody noticed him. Those with a sharp eye will notice that, when many Digimon show up during the final battle with the Big Bad, a Leomon is amongst them. He has literally like just two seconds of screentime, but hey, it's the one time he does not die.
** [[Digimon V-Tamer 01|Leo didn't die]], but ''V Tamer 01'' was never released internationally and predates the running gag anyway.
