Doctor Who/WMG/With Spoilers: Difference between revisions

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=== The theme tune is currently missing the bass/beat because the master is gone ===
It's obvious that part of the theme tune and the drumming in the Master's head is intentionally the same, so what if they actually ARE the same thing? during the intro (since the very beginning of the original show) we'd always see the time vortex. So it could of been the drumming was background noise in the Time Vortex simply being played along side the theme tune. It was stronger in the intro for the 9th and 10th Doctor as it was getting closer to that point in his timeline (after the time war had ended and the timelords gone).
=== Eleven WILL wear a Fez in season 6! ===
C'mon, Matt Smith will bug Moffat so much that he will go [[Sure Why Not]].
** Alternatively, The Doctor will get a new [[Nice Hat]] every episode, ranging from bowlers to sombreros to [[Firefly|pretty floral bonnets]] but by the end of the episode he'll lose it or it will be destroyed. Then in the season finale, the Master lures him into a trap with a Fez.
** He wore another fez in A Christmas Carol and he's got a Stetson on in the Season Six preview. Semi-confirmed?
=== Amy Pond is... ===