The Flash/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: Of the Speed Force, depending on how you interpret ''Rebirth'' #4.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: He was a fan of the Flash (Jay Garrick) who became... the second Flash.
* [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: His death in ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]'' was eventually retconned into him merging with the Speed Force permanently. [[Word of God]] says that this was to set him up for coming [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] should DC want to do so. He later made a brief appearance in ''[[Infinite Crisis]]'' where he helped his grandson imprison Superboy-Prime in the Speed Force, and he permanently came back in ''[[Final Crisis]]''.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Breakout Character]]: He's credited for kick starting the [[Silver Age]].
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* [[Surpassed the Teacher]]: After his [[Character Development]], he officially surpassed Barry in speed and abilities. Wally is technically the fastest Flash ever made, taking account of his [[Kingdom Come]] incarnation, and probally the last one going how ridiculously fast he is in it; just how much ridiculous you ask? He became fast enough to the point of being ''Omnipresent''.
* [[Taking Up the Mantle]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: He lost a lot of his speed during the ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]'', but he eventually surpassed his mentor in speed along with some [[Character Development]].
== Impulse I / Kid Flash II / The Flash IV ==
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* [[Anime Hair]]: it's so large that you can actually pull or pick him up by the hair alone, if you're strong enough. He's quite protective of it, too.
{{quote|'''Farohji''' ''([ on one particular artist's interpretation of said hair])'': ...seems Bart's been trying a new hair product or ''something'' as his hair goes inexplicably curly-wavy when this guy's<ref>Ethan Van Sciver</ref> pencilling.}}
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: Cured when he was kneecapped by Deathstroke, as he read every book in the San Francisco Libary while he recovered, but it came back with a vengeance when he came [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] in ''[[Final Crisis]]''.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: After dying at the hands of his [[Evil Knockoff]] Inertia, he came back in ''[[Final Crisis]]'': ''[[Legion of Super-Heroes|Legion of 3 Worlds]]''
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: He's quite slow to anger, but do ''not'' try to hurt his family or friends, or you ''will'' regret it - as the Rival nearly found out.
* [[Big Eater]]: Unless it's raw seafood, he'll eat it, no questions asked.
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'''Eye color:''' Brown }}
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: She predeceased Barry by about six years... but she got better!
* [[Hot Mom]]: And they actually threw in a reason why! <ref>Constant exposure to Speed Force-powered people. Well, if you say so...</ref>
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]
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* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: In ''[[Blatant Lies|The Return of Barry Allen]]'' it was revealed he used to be a huge fan of the Flash, to the point where he copied his powers and altered his appearance to look like Barry Allen. Then he time traveled to the past and found he would become [[You Can't Fight Fate|the Flash's greatest villain]]. He took it [[Identity Amnesia|poorly]].
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]
** Due to [[Time Travel]], he sort of came [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] before he really came [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]].
* [[Due to the Dead]]: subverted -- the Rogues stole his body, set it on fire and yelled at him as they did it.
* [[Einstein Hair]]
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{{quote|'''AKA:''' George "Digger" Harkness}}
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Recently was resurrected in ''[[Blackest Night]]'' after exposure to the White Light after being a member of the [[Zombie Apocalypse|Black Lanterns Corps]].
* [[Battle Boomerang]]
** [[Precision-Guided Boomerang]]
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{{quote|'''AKA:''' Roscoe Dillon}}
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: {{spoiler|Remember when most of the Rogues [[Heel Face Turn|went legit]] during the later years of Barry Allen's Silver Age career and throughout Wally West's career prior to the ''Rogue War'' arc? That was Top's doing via [[Mind Control]].}}
** Possibly averted -- Top's arrogant enough that he takes credit for all these examples, but {{spoiler|Hartley resists once Wally shows his trust, and James Jesse quits his black ops anti-rogue government job, which had led him to give Captain Boomerang a [[Fate Worse Than Death]]. Though re-adopting his Trickster persona, James remained morally opposed to most of the Rogues' activities, implying the Top's attempt to push him back to Heel status actually resulted in a [[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]] a little closer to the side of angels. Given that the only other Rogue to even flirt with heroism was the mentally unstable Heat Wave, who was reverting on his own before the Top removed the brainwashing, the Top may not have been as good as he claimed.}} While the other Rogues had their moments, they were so brief as to be unimportant, making the Top more a [[Smug Snake]].
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]
* [[Evil Plan]]: In one Silver Age story, he set up one that took effect ''after'' his death: he hid five discs throughout Central City and then tasked five of his fellow Rogues to find the discs before Flash did, lest the discs explode and destroy the city; once found, the discs were then to be stacked on top of each other in a specific order to deactivate them. {{spoiler|Turns out that stacking them this way set the trigger for the ''real'' bomb.}}
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== Kilg%re ==
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]
* {{spoiler|[[Chekhov's Gun]]}}: {{spoiler|It implants a piece of itself into Wally during an early confrontation. That piece later repairs Wally's heart when he gets shot through it by Vandal Savage.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}: After a fashion.
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* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: Twice over, in fact. He was an unremarkable one-shot villain in the 1940s who became recurring baddie in the Silver and Bronze Ages before falling into obscurity once more. Then came James Robinson in the 1990s...
* [[Rogues Gallery Transplant]]: He turned... well, not good, but at least neutral, and became a supporting character in ''[[Starman (comics)|Starman]]''.
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{{quote|'''AKA:''' Clifford De Voe}}
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: His current virtual form.
* [[Amoral Attorney]]: Well, he wasn't exactly amoral before he became a super-villain; rather, he underwent a [[Face Heel Turn]] when he realized that his efforts to curb crime were doomed to failure.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: In his Golden Age incarnation, he wore a business suit as opposed to a gimmicky costume, since he believed wearing costumes was bad luck. However, his Silver Age incarnation and at least one alternate-reality version of him wore a stylized purple and black costume (which was worn by the character in the ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]'' series).
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