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** Rogue, in the movie adaptation of ''[[X-Men (film)|X-Men]]''.
** Jean Grey served as this in the very first issue of X-Men.
** Alison Crestmere (aka Magma) is this in ''[[X -Men Legends]]''.
* Wee Hughie from ''[[The Boys]]'' is entirely based around this trope.
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* Taken to its fullest potential in ''[[Grey's Anatomy]]'', where the main quintet (that's [[Five-Man Band]] dressed up) are all Naive Newcomers.
* Kyle from ''[[Kyle XY]]'', who is essentially a 16-year old infant.
* Detective Tim Bayliss is this for most of the run of ''[[Homicide: Life Onon the Street]]'' ultimately subverted {{spoiler|at the end of the series and in the subsequent movie, where he guns down a serial killer set free in the former and confesses to his ex-partner in the latter and presumably goes to jail.}}
* Detective Brian Cassidy, in the first season of ''[[Law and Order SVU]].'' Played with in that he does not last the season.
* Tess from ''[[McLeod's Daughters]]''.
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'''Jonas''': Funny. }}
* Colonel Mitchell averts this trope nicely when he joins [[Stargate SG-1]] by having read all the mission reports. In fact, he ends up giving a lot of the background exposition, which is a nice change from Sam and Daniel always having to do it.
* Harry Kim from ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Star Trek Voyager]]''.
* John Burns in the first season of ''[[Taxi]]''. Elaine Nardo was one, too, in the pilot episode.
* Gwen Cooper, ''[[Torchwood]]''.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* The Tau Empire in ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]''. That being said, they are still a force to be reckoned with.
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' campaign settings:
** In ''[[Planescape]]'' natives and veterans to the setting can instantly tell one of these (A "prime", as said people are typically fresh off one of the various Prime Material planes) from other people, simply by how much they stare at Sigil's [[Cloudcuckooland|utter bizarreness]].
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