Dragon Age: Origins/WMG: Difference between revisions

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And if played skillfully enough, end up {{spoiler|OPENLY becoming the mistress of the King of Fereldan (while being an Orlesian!) and confessing being a Bard/Spy/Assassin to said King's face, and perhaps be more loved then the Queen by said King AND Chantry (as a lay sister) with Orlesian support to boot! Her children might actually be royalty one day...}}, playing the game far better than Marjolaine could have dreamed.
* Played with in Dragon Age: Inquisition. While that reveals that Leliana ''did'' get back into The Game regardless of dialogue choices in Dragon Age Origins, at the highest levels of Chantry black ops, the reason she did so is because her original spiritual mentor - the Revered Mother of Lothering - had been promoted to become the new Divine and one of her first acts was to recruit Leliana for her personal staff and then tell her 'I need you to go back to what you used to do for a living, but this time it'll be the Maker's work'.
== Flemeth, Morrigan, and The Ritual ==
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