Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (anime)/WMG/Open One: Difference between revisions

Exported thirteen entries to the new MSLNVV/WMG/Open page.
(Moved three entries into the new WMG/Open subpage for Nanoha Force.)
(Exported thirteen entries to the new MSLNVV/WMG/Open page.)
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Signum's Laetavin typically powers itself up with a flaming edge when using cartridges, and other characters have specialized in specific magics (Zafira with ice, and Erio with electricity). Thus Signum could be more compatible with Agito than with Zest the same way that one can run Windows XP on a Mac, but it's built for a PC.
* Rein also seems to work much better with Hayate than with Vita or Signum.
== Hayate and Carim are in the process of taking over Midchilda. ==
Hayate's covering the political spectrum; Carim is handling religion. The current disbanding of the cast throughout remote regions of space is one last effort by former administrators to check their power. Even Chrono comments that it seems eventually Hayate, Nanoha, and Fate will become like "the Great Three Admirals."
* Gotta admit, there's a huge power vacuum after ''StrikerS''.
* Hayate only ''allows'' the former administrators think that it was they who disbanded Section Six and effectively exiled the strongest mages from Mid-Childa. In reality, removing her allies from the homeworld was part of an elaborate [[Xanatos Gambit]] allowing her to covertly discredit and destroy the rest of the old government and reintroduce Nanoha, Fate, and the rest of their merry band back to the homeworld as its saviours and protectors from corruption and anarchy. That way, none of them (except Hayate herself, who is regarded as a criminal anyway) would be stained with the dirt of disposing of the former administration from the masses' point of view. Also, temporarily removing Nanoha & Co. from the picture gives her an opportunity to deal with Scaglietti and those of the Numbers who refused to cooperate with her. [[I Did What I Had to Do|It's sad, but it has to be done to ensure safety of Mid-Childa]]. And Nanoha doesn't have to be involved in it.
** Just As Planned.
** Read [ ''Betrayers'' from Himura Kiseki]!
** There a sequel to Betrayers?
*** [ Not anytime soon.]
== ''BetrayerS'' was the original sequel to ''StrikerS'' ==
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***** You guys make it too easy to adopt these ideas into [ fics], you know that, right?
* If the CIA advocates this (if [[Covert Affairs]] is anything to go by), then it's plausible the TSAB would do the same, for much the same reasons. You don't have to read anyone more into the projects, you know they won't try to backstab you, and it keeps couples from breaking up because one is [[Married to the Job]].
== [[Clone Jesus]] missed her other Mommy. ==
Whoever came up with the "Hey, let's split them up!" plan got overruled when the clone of the focal point of their religion came to school with the sniffles one day and said it was because her other Mommy had to be in space ''all the time.'' Very quickly Fate started getting more vacation time.
* The ship suddenly needed to be restocked, upgraded and docked for repairs more often, and longer. There are dozens of ways to put someone in-dock for weeks at a time, without giving more vacation time.
* This also a caused few radical changes in the Church.
== Quint was a scientist in Project Fate who defected. ==
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[[Half-Human Hybrid]]; Yuuno's ancestors were humans who got really close to their familiars (In humanoid form). Not really an issue in present day; his people are simply able to transform more easily than others. However it is a problem when one is low on [[Mana]] in a world away from civilization such as Earth. Ironically full-blood familiars have more control in shapeshifting and no problem with such environments; since they can fall back on their contract.
* The assumption that familiars can have kids of their own raises the question what Zafira's kids would be, species-wise. Quarter-<s>familiar</s>Guardian Beast, Quarter-Wolkenritter, half-human? [[The Epic of Gilgamesh|Third-Beast, third-Wolkie, third-human]]?
== Splitting up the cast at the end of StrikerS is just the way the military works. ==
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If you know your [[H.P. Lovecraft]], you will recognise Alhazred as the surname of the Necronomicon's author-apparent. Now, unless that is a mere [[Contrived Coincidence]], the apparent [[Shout-Out]] suggests that... darker things were at work in Al Hazred than the show states. Combine that with the fact that the Jewel Seed beasts have otherworldly, inexplicably wrong forms. Admittedly, the show being idealistic as it is, you will never see these [[Cosmic Horror]] elements played to the hilt in canon.
* Going with the above theory, then the dimensional collapse that sealed Al-Hazred away was ''intentional.'' Rebels or Heroes or an opposing Cult decided that the evil should not be allowed to spread to the rest of the galaxy, and collapsed all of the Ways. And so it shall be...until the stars are right.
== Subaru will stop taking "aging treatments" ==
Because she wants to look exactly the same when Ixpellia wakes up, no matter how long it takes.
* Alternatively, Ix just over-estimated her sleep time. Considering how her comatose form has appeared in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'', this seems likely.
** Lowest estimate was 1 year. And 1 year it is.
== Levantine has a dual-bladed form we've never seen used ==
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Let's do the math: Vita is all [[Tsundere]] over Hayate, Signum has qualifications for [[Kuudere]], the only one that's left is... Shamal. At the moment, she appears as a perfect [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] (well, except the [[Lethal Chef|cooking part]]): polite, soft-spoken, stays behind the others, never objects to orders, etc. Hayate seems to have least concern about her than Vita or Signum. However, ''if'' Shamal ever snaps because of that, this troper wouldn't want to be ''anywhere'' closer than three dimensions away from her.
* Hayate seems to spend the second most amount of time with Shamal (behind Vita), often going shopping with her, so there seems to be less likelihood of her feeling left out.
== During ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'', Nanoha has a limiter on her magic ==
At some earlier point Hayate decided to put an even stricter limiter on Nanoha in order to prevent her from over using her magic. This limiter restricts Nanoha's magical capabillity to red shirt levels.
* Makes sense. It's already stated that she's on vacation in order to recover from the events of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]''; and her previous behavior has shown she tends to overextend herself when told to take it easy.
== Vita's [[Berserk Button]] reverts her back to her non-sentient form. ==
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** Vivio's [[Genetic Memory]] of the Saint King were sealed by Scaglietti to prevent [[Kung Fu Jesus]] from his glorified Cradle Battery. Nanoha has decided to keep the seal up so Vivio could live her own life. She'll be told when she becomes 18; and it will be her choice whether to awaken them or not. Incidentally, the "seal" is within Sacred Heart.
** Elio was Magic Cloned when the original died as a baby; so he didn't have any cognizant [[Genetic Memory]].
== Whether or not [[Genetic Memory]] is the same as [[Reincarnation]] is a subject of debate within the TSAB itself. ==
In the Sound Stage; we have Subaru telling Ixpellia that Vivio ''is'' the Saint Kaiser reborn; also in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'' Nove refers to Vivio as an Ancient King who can live in peace in this age. However, Ingvalt herself denies that Vivio is the Saint King; nor is she "an extention of the Emperor, merely the inheritor of his memories." Vivio's friends stumble when describing Vivio's relationship with the Saint Kaiser; compromising by calling her an "ancestor."
== Nanoha might die... ==
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* Hence her being likely enforced vacation in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]''. My guess is that most of the older Command Staff over 30 in the administration are burned out mages. Oh, they can do something big every now and then, but then the [[Mana]] just doesn't come out for a few years. Like Lindy's energy wing thing.
* In Part 20 of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]] Sound Stage 4'', Shamal suggests that Nanoha take a year or two off of magic, which might be part of the reason why she's on leave and working as a civil servant in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]''.
== Earth is a convalescence center, probationary clinic, and retirement home for higher-up burned out Administration staff. ==
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So, imagine Lindy arriving on UAW97 to meet Nanoha's parents for the first time... except it's not for the first time with Momoko. There would have been much squeeing and hugging while everyone else looks confused, with a side order of "Still taking your green tea with cream and sugar?" and "I thought she (Nanoha) reminded me of someone I knew!"
== Vivio's [[Older Alter Ego]] in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'' is related to her Sankt Kaiser self; and she'll eventually have to seal it. ==
Regardless of her and Nanoha saying it's perfectly fine in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'', it doesn't look like she has any involvement in ''Force''. Keep in mind that shapeshifting in the Nanoha-verse is considered very costly, [[Mana]]-wise, yet Vivio was able to do it effortlessly.
* It's also possible that she won't have any involvement in Force because 1)She's still in school; even if she's most likely going to be drawn into the problems in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'', Nanoha probably wants her to complete her education before joining the TSAB, and/or 2)The writers don't want to write anything that could contradict or spoil events in ViVid (excluding Vivio surviving).
== Vivio does not age naturally ==
Vivio's genetic material being from the Sankt King would be similar to Ixpellia's, who has been alive for millenia. This may also be why there's no "strain" for her age-shifting. Hence Nanoha encouraging her experimenting in age-shifting.
== Signum and Shamal actually thought "Testarossa" was Fate's given name ==
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*** They're not Artificial Mages, but they ''are'' artificial in whole or part since their linker core is all that keeps them in the real world as of A's. A thousand lifetimes of service to the many masters of the Book of Darkness when you don't ''like'' being an [[Eldritch Abomination]] is enough to to leave anyone pissed off about being resurrected over and over again. They might even simply try to put Nanoha out of her misery and regard it as a mercy killing.
* Alternatively, what the medics recovered was... [[Eldritch Abomination|something]] [[Demonic Possession|else in Nanoha's form]]. We saw a sign of its [[Glamour Failure]] in the infamous "Higurashi eyes", and the supposedly [[Better on DVD]] "fixing" is a [[Retcon]] to prevent us from catching on too quickly. It's biding its time, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself when none can properly oppose it.
== Vivio has the unconscious power to influence people to love her ==
This might explain a few things. 1)She already has quite a large number of friends or people who are otherwise fond of her without having to go out and "befriend" anyone Nanoha-style. It doesn't seem as though anyone actively dislikes her (except for Scaglietti and Quattro, albeit regarding her as a tool). Quattro notes that Dieci was a typical [[Cold Sniper]] before she saw Vivio. 2)The seeming [[Retcon]] of Fate wanting to distance herself from being seen as Vivio's other mother (which, I might add, is similar to Nanoha initially considering finding a home for Vivio, rather than adopting her herself, before adopting her) might be due to Fate gradually becoming more and more enamored with Vivio.
* I believe that the power you are thinking of is called [[Moe]].
** I was thinking more along the lines of C.C.s' former Geass power in [[Code Geass]].
* Given that Vivio is a clone of the apparently almost universally loved Saint King, that wouldn't be particularly surprising.
== The sea of dimensions is in fact subspace ==
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**** Well, it could just as well be all just a [[Dying Dream]] of Nanoha, as she lies bleeding after having failed to activate Raising Heart and being fatally wounded by the very first Jewel Seed monster, and dreams of a happy life where she is respected, needed, and has a loving family.
** Shamal notes that the area around Riot Force 6's base is similar to Uminari City. It's unclear how far the similarity goes, though.
== Subaru and Teana are living together in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'' ==
OK, so we now know that Subaru lives at her own place, rather than with her father and sisters at the Nakajima residence. Considering how good her (and all of her sisters', too) relationship with Genya is, I can only think of one explanation why she'd move away from them: she does not want to be disturbed in her more... private moments. Just think of the fact that she has a positively huge double bed ({{spoiler|wherein Einhart wakes up}}), which is, I'm pretty sure, [[There Is Only One Bed|the only one in the house]]. So my best guess is that she and Teana mirror their mentors' (Nanoha and Fate, respectively) relationship in every major aspect.
* Well, according to the dialogue in SSX, it sounds like Tea doesn't usually stay with Subaru on Mid; she and Runessa had booked into a hotel, initially. But maybe things have [[Relationship Upgrade|changed]] between then and ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]''. It's a [[Squee|nice]] thought, anyway...
** Well, considering how explicitly obvious all relationships are in ''Nanoha'', and remembering that Fate officially spends most of her time off Mid-Childa, while Nanoha raises Vivio, yet Vivio still [[From the Mouths of Babes|makes casual remarks]] like "Fate-mama is Nanoha-mama's close person"... yeah.
** Notice that Teana has considerably less "tsun" in her [[Tsundere]] personality in Sound Stage X, only getting mildly annoyed at [[The Glomp]], which could be a sign that she's continuing to warm up to Subaru, possibly romantically. Then again, she seems to be in Subaru's apartment for the first time in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'', although she hasn't seen her in person for a year and a half.
*** [[Ship Tease]] all the way. Way to go, Masaki Tsuzuki...
** The Movie sound stage indicates that Subaru often isn't home because of how often she's called in by the rescue team. She probably chose the apartment for a more convenient location (which also most likely helped when picking up Nove, who encountered Einhart en route to the rescue team).
* The Nanoha-verse is all about [[Ship Tease]], with actual ''confirmed'' relationships pretty much confined to the supporting cast.
== Mid-Childa and the TSAB will eventually decide that magic is too dangerous and switch to a technology based society. ==
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** The theory is bassed on the assumption that the last major shift happened at least a thousand years before the series, after the Belkan civil war and the recurrence is rather specific to Mid-childa.
*** However, the ''[[All There in the Manual|Sound Stage X Guide Book]]'' dates the beginning of Belkan Warring Ages to approximately a thousand years ago, back when Al-Hazard still existed. Belkan homeworld collapsed several centuries ago, and the Belkan civil war (if you refer to the Saint King Unification War) ended just a century or so ago.
== Hilde was Olivie's mom. ==
She's the only Saint with a school named after her so she must have been important even relative to the other Saint's, and having Vivio go to a school named after her biological mother would be ironic.
* There's also St. Valerie, after whom an airport is named in ''Force''.
== [[The Movie]] Nanoha was starting to become suicidal. ==
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== Al-Hazard ''is'' Mid-Childa == an [[And Man Grew Proud]] way. That explains why nobody could find it. Also: the Saint's Cradle is said to predate the Ancient Belka, meaning that they could have obtained it from Al-Hazard. After the Saint King Unification War, the Cradle was lost but Scaglietti discovered it again... on Mid-Childa, of all places. If the ship ''was'' built on Al-Hazard, it'd would make sense for it to have been programmed to return to it after a certain idle period.
== Vivio will [[Defeat Means Friendship|"befriend"]] Einhart the same way Nanoha did Fate ==
This may not be so much a Wild Guess, but after pages like [ this] and [ this] it's almost insultingly obvious that Vivio will take after Nanoha-mama ''a lot''.
* And about 6 months after they become friends, Ixpellia will wake up and become their "Hayate" analogy.
** Well, of course, she is gonna befriend her -- right into the hospital. She wants to make her moms proud, after all... Btw, Einart has now beaten up Vivio twice, just like Fate did to Nanoha on their first meeting... Is it [[Love At First Punch]]?
** The Einhart arc seems to be something of a prologue to the main story of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'', so it's possible that, like what happened with {{spoiler|Ginga and Vivio}} in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'', Einhart will somehow be controlled by the villains and Vivio will have to defeat her while fighting for her life.
== Nanoha will learn [[Gun Kata]] and advanced Blaster Bit control. ==
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* So perhaps what happened to the Belkan "Empire" was a repeat of what happened between Great Britain and the 13 Colonies? Where a particularly powerful "subject" world successfully rebelled and the Belkan Empire's loss weakened them?
** Not a good analogy, as the British Empire recovered quite well from that loss throughout the 1800s. A better analogy would probably be the upheavals of the Belkan civil wars and the economic ruin that likely resulted causing an exponential decline (sort of like what World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II did to the British Empire).
== Heidi "Einhart Stratos" Ingvalt is Emperor Ingvalt's [[Reincarnation]]. ==
"Inherited his memories." It can't be just genetic, or all the clones in the series would be having [[Flash Back|flashbacks]] to their originals all the time. (Fate has some of Alicia's, but those were intentionally implanted to attempt to make her more similar.)
* She does comment that it's common among her bloodline to have his memories, but hers are especially strong. Vivio should theoretically remember her past as Olivie, just like Fate had Alicia's memories and Zest retained his own. I guess Scaglietti didn't want her to unleash the [[Kung Fu Jesus]] upon him, so he conveniently forgot to copy those memories.
** Magic in ''Nanoha'' isn't just genetic. Keep in mind, while Fate was a clone of Alicia, the original Alicia didn't have magic. There's a magical variable (such as the spiritual "Linker Core") that is passed down in addition to DNA.
== Einhart is an [[Opposite Gender Clone]] of Ingvalt ==
Einhart's origins are pretty vague at this point and we haven't seen ''any'' of her supposed family in the first seven chapters. This may indicate that she is an [[Opposite Gender Clone]] of Ingvalt, and the whole "memories are commonly transfered in your bloodline" thing could be a cover story she was given.
** There's nothing in the rules that says someone's soul can't be reincarnated into their own clone.
== Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is an alternate universe for ''Magical Canan''. ==