Fallout 4/Characters/Companions: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hidden Depths]]: Despite being a [[Blood Knight|brutal]] [[Fighting Irish|cage-fighting]] Wastelander that was practically raised by [[Dumb Muscle|Raiders]], Cait is surprisingly knowledgeable of the [[Incompetence, Inc.|Vault]]-[[Evil Inc.|Tec]] [[For Science!|experiments]], to the point where she seems to know about them more than what even the majority of Vault-Tec scientists and Vault Dwellers were aware of.
** Some clever retroactive [[Fridge Brilliance]] kicks in if you consider the implications of her loyalty quest: {{spoiler|where she has you take her to a Vault designed to help drug addicts flush their systems of their addictions}}. When you consider why that's important to her, it makes a LOT of sense she did a lot of research into it, hinting she's a bit more capable of learning than she claims.
* [[Humans Are BastardsThe Real Monsters]]: Believes this, and is quite incredulous to the player if they treat her well, wondering when the other shoe will drop.
* [[Internal Homage]]: Her strong Irish accent and vice indulgence paints her as a partial [[Call Back]] (personality wise) to [[Fallout 3|Colin Moriarty]].
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
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* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: He and Piper Wright are the best of friends, and always talk amiably to each other when switching over from one to the other.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Nick's one of the nicest people you'll meet in the Commonwealth. It's telling that the quickest way to get on his good side is to take missions that help people. In fact, he only started charging for his detective services once he got too many missing persons requests to keep up with that ''and'' being a handyman. Additionally, he's the only companion (along with Piper) that approves of returning {{spoiler|the Mother Deathclaw her egg in "The Devil's Due" side quest}}.
* [[No Sell]]: Like all other Synths, he shrugs off radiation poisoning like it's nothing.
* [[Platonic Life Partners]]: He explicitly cannot be romanced, for two reasons - One: his body wasn't really made for it, and two: all of the psychological baggage from his former life.
* [[Shout Out]]: He looks more than a little like [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Dixon Hill]].
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* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: Happened twice over. He originally woke up in a trash heap in the Commonwealth with no memory of who he was save the last memories of the original Nick Valentine, and coming to terms with being a Synth was pretty harrowing for awhile. {{spoiler|In the ''Far Harbor'' DLC, he discovers the truth about why he was in that trash heap, he was able to escape the Institute with another synth prototype, but an Institute failsafe wiped his memories of the place in the process, hence why he was so confused after waking up in the trash heap}}.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Defaults to a Pipe Revolver.
* [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]: Like all other Synths, he shrugs off radiation poisoning like it's nothing.
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** [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Has a yellow metal patch over his right eye, which doesn't seem to ding his Badass cred any. Apparently, he has no depth perception in that eye either, but he's no less effective in combat without it.
** [[Handicapped Badass]]: Has no effective combat use of one eye, which as mentioned above doesn't really slow him down.
** [[Submissive Badass]]: By choice. Being the number one guy in any organization makes them a fine target, which is why he's prefers to be merely an assistant, which means his chances of getting shanked for his position are a lot lower.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: He was the one who provided the squirt gun needed to defeat Colter, even pointing out it might have been silly looking, but it was the smartest way to screw up his defenses. He also advocates solutions in general that lean towards pragmatism over those that are moral or emotionally based, in combat and otherwise.
* [[The Creon]]: Happily so.