Chinese Mythology: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.ChineseMythology 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.ChineseMythology, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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=== Creation Stories ===
* Everything began as formless chaos. The world was created when this chaos coalesced into the form of Pan Gu, the first being, in equal measures of Yin and Yang. Pan Gu then used his great axe to split the Yin and Yang into Earth and Heaven respectively, then kept them seperated by pushing up the sky. This took 18,000 years, after which Pan Gu died. His breath became the wind, his voice the thunder. His left eye became the Sun and his right the Moon, his hair the Stars and Milky Way. His body became the mountains, his blood the rivers, his muscles the fertile soil, his fur the plants, his bones the valuable minerals, his bone marrows the sacred diamonds. His sweat fell as rain, and the fleas on his fur became the fish and animals of the land. This is more or less the [[Useful Notes/Taoism|Taoist]] creation story, although scholars have suggested that the Pan Gu story is not Chinese in origin at all.
