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'''''Cyber Troopers [[Virtual On]]: Oratorio Tangram''''', the sequel, reveals that the whole mess on the moon was just a distraction from a splinter group within a powerful [[Mega Corp|Mega-Corporation]] to allow them to break away from their parent company. Now the two are fighting over several mecha plants in the hope of finding the missing Tangram, a supercomputer that is said to have the power to alter reality. Strangely, VOOT is very rare in many places. For example, some reports that only two arcade machines were ever shipped to the United States. It had a much wider release for the [[Sega Dreamcast]], and even without the twin sticks it is still a very fun game. It is the fastest of the series, and by far the most popular. Oratorio Tangram comes in four flavors: v.5.2, the first release, v.5.4, which updated the interface and fixed many bugs, v.5.45 for the Dreamcast, a port of 5.4 which adds several arenas from Operation Moongate, and finally v.5.66 for the arcade, which featured three new variant mechs, all the extra stages from the DC version, and switched the software to the NAOMI board used in many Sega games today which updated the sound and graphic quality. An Xbox Live Arcade version of Oratorio Tangram was released on April 29 for 1200 Microsoft Points/$15. It's based on the 5.66 revision and features online multiplayer, a color edit mode, and enhanced HD graphics, as well as a tutorial and custom button configuration.
'''''Cyber Troopers [[Virtual On]]: FORCE''''', [[Code Name|codenamed]] VO4, was the 3rd installment. The action was slower than in Oratorio Tangram (This was justified in the story that a reaction on the planet Mars made the non-native-built mecha move slower), but featured four-player simultaneous play in 2-on-2 battles. The game is considered a [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|step back]] from [[Portmanteau|Oratan]], and was not well received. Not to mention there is a much lesser number of mechs to choose. To make up for this, they gave the mechs several different variants, but all this did was make the game even more confusing and annoying. On December 21, 2010, the game was re-released on the Xbox360 much like Oratan, but this time as a [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|region-free]] retail game. It includes a brand-new mission mode which is essentially MARZ' (read below) campaign stripped of a storyline.
'''''Cyber Troopers [[Virtual On]]: MARZ''''' for the [[PS 2]] is essentially a single-player version of FORCE. While including a story mode which fleshes out the nature of the VO universe, MARZ unfortunately stripped down the gameplay even further in several aspects (especially thanks to limitations on the [[PS 2]]), [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|causing fans of the earlier three entries]] in the series to [[Fanon Discontinuity|completely disown this game]]. [[Your Mileage May Vary]], however.
The series made a notable appearance in ''[[Super Robot Wars]] Alpha 3'', with the [[Jack of All Stats]] Temjin (Strangely piloted by the [[Mission Control]] character from MARZ), [[Robot Girl]] Fei-Yen the Knight (piloted by the second [[Mission Control]] character from MARZ and the Fei-Yen series' supposed creator) and [[Ace Custom]] mecha Apharmd the Hatter (piloted by the [[Hot Blooded]] Sergeant Hatter) are playable characters. They also appear in ''Super Robot Wars K'' for the [[Nintendo DS]], which actually incorporates MARZ's story.
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* [[Attack Its Weak Point]] - How to beat Operation Moongate's [[Final Boss]].
* [[Awesome but Impractical]] - Most [[Limit Break|Limit Breaks]].
* [[Beam -O -War]] - To prevent the enemies weapons from hitting you.
* [[Beam Spam]] - Raiden series, one of Grys-Vok's variants in VOOT 5.56.
* [[BFG]] - Temjin's beam rifle/sword in most games, Raiden has shoulder-mounted beam cannons that were originally the main guns of battleships, Grys-Vok can launch nukes, etc...
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* [[Cosplay]] - Fei-yen, which has had several different outfits over the games and even more outside of them. Some people go a step further, such as [ this]. The Nanoha one is particularly fitting since it can be called "[[Stealth Pun|Fei-Yen with Raging Heart]]."
** And now an official [[Crossover]] with [[Vocaloid]]'s Miku Hatsune.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] - Several of the Virtua-Roids with less balanced stats.
* [[Cycle of Hurting]] - Operation Moongate Apharmd's tonfa's. Ouch. Some other Virtua-Roid [[Limit Break|LimitBreaks]] also come to mind. Some normal Close-Combat attacks can also do this, and not always [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|from the mechs you expect it from]].
* [[Da Chief]] - [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|MARZ Chief]], who relays mission instructions to the player in MARZ. In [[Super Robot Wars]], he's [[Retcon|retconned]] into piloting Temjin himself (and when asked for his name, he simply that "Chief" is good enough).
* [[Death in All Directions]] - Some fights. Jaguarandi does this upon you.
* [[Death Ray]] - Z-Gradt's cannon.
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* [[Expy]] - The Vox series in FORCE and MARZ, which start by copying all the Heavy VRs of the previous games except for Raiden.
** Fei-Yen is often compared to [[Sailor Moon]]. Her heart motif is also identical to that of [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Amy Rose]].
** The Angelens are compared to [[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Belldandy]] and Guarayakha are usually compared to [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]].
** Created by Hajime Katoki, Temjin resembles [[Gundam]] a lot. It also does a [[Victory Pose]] that is the same as the iconic pose of [[Mobile Suit Gundam (Anime)|RX-78-2]]. It runs like [[Sonic the Hedgehog]]!
*** In some way, the White Knight resembles a Hi-Nu Gundam in its look.
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** Kagekiyo is strikingly similar to the Musha Gundam concept.
* [[Face Heel Turn]] - Sgt. Hatter, who runs off half-cocked when he gets sick of the Chief keeping secrets from him, only to turn up later to challenge the player, having not learned of the [[Conspiracy Redemption]] and still thinking that MARZ is in the wrong. If the player runs low on health during the second to last stage, Hatter reappears in a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment, having pulled a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Fem BotFemBot]] - Fei-Yen and Angelan series, Guarayakha, the Rose Sisters.
* [[Flash Step]] - Dash, essentially. Without the [[Fridge Logic]] of no attacks during the [[Flash Step]] in some cases.
* [[Fragile Speedster]] - Viper II and descendants, Specineff, Fei-Yen
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*** [[Super Robot Wars]] adds "ROLLING STAAARRT~!" to his repitoire as a [[Shout Out]] to [[Daytona USA]].
* [[Guns Akimbo]] - Apharmd the Battler in Oratorio Tangram. Of course, since it has tonfas built into it's arms, it also counts as [[Dual -Wielding]].
* [[Hot Blooded]] - Hatter.
* [[The Grim Reaper]] (Specineff series)
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* [[Mighty Glacier]] - Dorkas and its descendants, Dordray and Vox. Also the Raiden with its armor.
* [[Nice Hat]] - Hatter, [[Captain Obvious|obviously]]. He even uses it as a [[Precision Guided Boomerang]].
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] - Lilin Plajina try to get rid of Jaguarandi, consider as an annoying "bug" in M.S.B.S network at time, by using Guarayakha to contain it. While it seem to work, now Jaguarandi can manifest itself in physical world using Guarayakha and its replica.
* [[No Export for You]] - FORCE and, until the Xbox Live release, Oratorio Tangram ver. 5.66
* [[No Fourth Wall]] / [[I Know Mortal Kombat]] - Apparently, the original arcade game itself is actually a control module sent from the future. You playing it is actually participating in the battles.
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* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]: Have more health than Z-Gradt or Tangram when time's up? Congratulations, you've just let the planet-killing superweapon/reality-destroying supercomputer win.
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]] - The Three Rose Sisters in MARZ.
* [[One -Hit Kill]] - Most Virtua-Roids can do this in close-combat mode if timed right. Jaguarandi can all the time.
* [[Paint It Black]] - After pulling his [[Face Heel Turn]], Sgt. Hatter has his Apharmd repainted from the MARZ standard blue/white coloring to a new dark blue/red one.
** Shadow Temjin.
* [[Panty Shot]] - Later models of Fei-Yen. These also feature various breast plate sizes in a rare mecha version of [[Form -Fitting Wardrobe]], shared with Angelan. This is explicitly pointed out in one of the CG artbooks included with one of Hasegawa's 1:100 Fei-Yen model kits.
** As of May 31st, 2011, immortalized [[Incredibly Lame Pun|in the flesh]] in Hasegawa's newest limited release model kit: the TF-12 B/C+ "Fei Yen with Blue Heart/Panic Heart+ [Fetish]". Yes, the 'fetish' is actually part of the kit's name...includes decals for the Flesh Refoe color scheme, parts for the various chest variants, the bigger ass of the G65-model, and Commander Model headwear, as shown in [[media:news2011040802_916.gif|this image]].
* [[Player and Protagonist Integration]] - You Are You in the single-player campaign in every series, but in MARZ, an Advisor protagonist is added as your superior.
* [[Razor Wind]] - Several Energy Weapons used by the Virtuaroids are capable of launching energy variations of this.
* [[Rocket Punch]] - Several members of the Vox series can launch their melee weapon-equipped arms at enemies.
* [[Rule Thirty Four34]] - Yes. It applies here too. No. It isn't [[Moe Anthropomorphism]] (though that also exist). How? [[You Don't Want to Know]]. [[Take Our Word for It]].
** Katoki himself indulges into it, as seen above.
* [[Secret Level]] - If you take too much time beating the first five enemies in Operation Moongate, you end up at [[Secret Character|Jaguarandi]].
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* [[Unusual Ears]] - Parodied by several Fei-Yen models, especially the "Fei-Yen the [animal]" models.
* [[Wave Motion Gun]] - The Raiden's iconic shoulder lasers, which were originally mounted on ''battlecruisers''. [[Captain Obvious|Get hit and much pain ensues]].
** It almost [[One -Hit Kill|one-shots]] [[Fragile Speedster|Viper II]]. Of course, that's assuming you're firing the regular standing laser. The dashing and air varieties are significantly weaker.
** Z-Gradt's main cannon in the original game can take off at least half of your health.
* [[We Can Rebuild Him]] - The Continue-screen in Operation Moongate and Oratorio Tangram. Except for Fei-Yen and Angelan, who get the [[Magical Girl]] [[Healing Factor|regeneration sequence]].
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