Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army: Difference between revisions

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** Also [[Never Trust a Title]]
* [[Fight Woosh]]
* [[Five -Man Band]]
** [[The Hero]]: Raidou
** [[The Lancer]]: Shohei
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** [[The Big Guy]]: Tae ([[Tomboy]])
** [[The Chick]]: Kaya
* [[For Science!]]: Victor is listed in the manual for "having a jones for learning the secret of life". Apparently this involves Devil Summoners and their familiars, and he helps Raidou out for this reason.
** In Soul Hackers, Victor must've found the secret of life, since he's now immortal.
* [[The Heartless|Heartless, The]]: {{spoiler|The Hiruko.}}
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: The MC is given a real name by the player, although most characters will refer to him by his hereditary title/name Raidou.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Gouto.}}
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: The first fight against the [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]].
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* [[Hyperactive Metabolism]]: Raidou can buy specially-prepared sodas at the Shin-Sekai soda joint and are drunk on the spot to give Raidou a temporary boost in stats, item drop rate, increased money drops, or restore a percentage of his HP. And he never has to go for a bathroom break, no matter how many sodas he downs.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Kaya cuts off almost all her hair halfway through the game, mostly so people looking for her won't recognize her.
* [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]]: The "Onmyo" class of katana, which is created by fusing four specific demons to Raidou's weapon, in any order. The four demons are somewhat related, but [[Guide Dang It|the game never so much as hints that doing so is beneficial.]]
* [[Implausible Fencing Powers]]: Raidou's block button can block anything--fire, huge freekin' demon claws, bullets, ''cannon fire'', etc. While the block won't null attacks, it will reduce damage by almost 2/3, and also stop Raidou from being inflicted with status ailments. Practically a necessity for Devil/Hard mode.
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]: Tae "Kichou" Asakura. Like Narumi, she is a normal human. She's just trying to figure out the strange events that are happening around the Capital... and why Raidou is involved.
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** Raiho bears a striking resemblance to [ "Hee-ho-kun"] from ''Shin Megami Tensei if...''
** When he demands you say his name, you can answer "Rai Raiho," a pun on a character from an earlier Devil Summoner game (Rei Reiho). In the English release, Raiho says [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|nobody will get the joke]] because that game [[No Export for You|never got released in America]].
* [[Negate Your Own Sacrifice]]: At the end, {{spoiler|Gouto-Douji (who is cursed with [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]])}} takes a ride on a missile to make sure it hits its intended target. He even notes his actions won't really kill him (hence why he is back in the sequel).
* [[Neighbourhood Friendly Gangsters]]: The Kantou Haguro-gumi.
* [[New Game Plus]]: Raidou defaults to Level 1, but he keeps his title/rank (and any extra tubes he earned), any bonuses earned from buying/selling things to Shin-sekai and Konnou-Ya, allows him to fight Raiho-kun and keep his registered demons in the Devil Chart, as well as the option to try the brutal [[Nintendo Hard|"Devil Difficulty"]].
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* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: The titular Soulless Army, which is comprised of undead military soldiers trained in swordplay, light and heavy guns, and kung fu kicks.
* [[No Fourth Wall]]: Raiho claims to have watched your last cycle and is so impressed, he wants to fight you... or else he'll ''delete your save data.'' Lucky for us, he's just kidding.
* [[Non -Human Sidekick]]: Gouto, Raidou's [[Talking Animal|talking cat]].
* [[Orochi]]: Appears as a boss, and can be fused once you beat him.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: They're genetically augmented [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]].
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* [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]]: {{spoiler|Akarana Corridor.}}
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: Munakata pulls this every time you meet him.
* [[Wham Line]]: From the Akarana Corridor: {{spoiler|"The ambassador has launched the [[Nuke 'Em|ICBMs]]!"}} To the character, the line is meaningless. To a player who has also played {{spoiler|[[Shin Megami Tensei I]] and [[Shin Megami Tensei II|II]] it suddenly makes the villain's motivations abundantly clear. To wit, this game is a prequel to those two, wherein most of humanity is wiped out in nuclear fire, the closest friends and allies constantly turn on each other at the drop of a hat or simply drop like flies, and no matter what you do things just [[It Got Worse|get worse, and worse, and worse.]]}} And your actions guarantee that it's going to happen. [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Well done, hero.]]
** Definitely a gutpunch when first encountered, but later games in the series negate the impact of this. {{spoiler|Raidou Kuzunoha is confirmed to exist in the same universe as the Persona series, where the apocalypse never happened. So perhaps Future Raidou succeeded after all.}}
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: The ''instruction booklet''. Supposedly it's written in 20's era slang, and describes ''saving your game'' an awesome moment in itself ("Do not remove the memory card when saving or loading... nothing burns like the glare of an interrupted stenographer.")
* [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]] (the credit sequence)
* [[Writers Cannot Do Math]]: There have been 13 Raidous in 1200 years and at least one gets their title at 17. That's 109 years old ''before modern medicine''.
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: Some of the demons speak this way.
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[[Category:Shin Megami Tensei (Franchise)]]
[[Category:Raidou Kuzunoha Vs The Soulless Army]]