GURPS Alternate Earths: Difference between revisions

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* [[Nazi Germany]]
* [[Nazis With Gnarly Weapons]]: Gnarlier than ever. In the present, their army has kevlar armor, tanks with railguns and neutron bomb howitzers.
* [[Nuke 'Em]]: The nazis didn't hesitate to level Denver, Dallas, St. Louis and Omaha in 1950 and Pittsburgh, Atlanta, San Antonio, Salt Lake City and Calgary in 1976 when the Americans started an uprising.
* [[Shout Out]]: The picture of the nazis deporting the Jews of Houston (happening in the 1980s) is based on the famous picture of the Warsaw Ghetto 1943. Except that they are wearing time-appropriate clothes - the little boy on the right has a baseball cap.
* [[Space Filling Empire]]: Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
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* [[Cyberpunk]]
* [[Japan Takes Over the World]]: More successful than ever. They manage to reign over two thirds of the world population!
* [[Nuke 'Em]]: Synarchist Sweden nukes four British cities when their pawns don't win the Civil War. As a result, 60% of Britain's population dies or emigrates.
* [[Space Filling Empire]]: Japan, of course. How much? The eastern half of Asia (incl. India), the Pacific islands and Madagascar, and the western bit of North America.
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* [[Cool Train]]: ''[[Gratuitous German|blitzbahnen]]''
* [[The Fifties]]: Even about twenty years later, the world is still much like this. ([[World War Two]] was avoided, the war which brought down the [[Soviet Union]] was shorter and more one-sided, thus less upsetting for the world.)
* [[For Science!]]
* [[I Want My Jetpack]]: And here, you get it!
* [[Mad Scientist]]: They're very fitting for this world.