Enemy Mime: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.EnemyMime 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.EnemyMime, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Played for comedy far more often than [[Monster Clown]]. If he's particularly scruffy, he probably also [[Looks Like Cesare]]. When a mime is not necessarily evil but everybody treats him or her as such, that's [[Everyone Hates Mimes]]. When he's an antagonist who simply doesn't speak, it's [[Silent Antagonist]]. Similarly, this is not related to [[Heroic Mime]]. Also not related to [[Enemy Mine]].
== Anime & Manga ==
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== Fan Works ==
* Invoked several times in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'', most obviously with Steve the Mime.
* The [[Batman]]/ [[Sin City]] crossover ''[[A Dark Knight Over Sin City]]'' features a gang of "guys in mime makeup" led by the Joker.
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== Films -- Animation ==
* In ''[[Flushed Away]]'', the French frog spy antagonists have a mime as part of their team.
* An [[Anti -Hero]] example comes from ''[[Tangled (Disney)|Tangled]]''. One of the thugs at [[Bad Guy Bar|the Snuggly Duckling]], Ulf, is revealed to be into mime during the song "I've Got A Dream". [[Chekhov's Skill|His talent comes in handy]] when {{spoiler|the Thugs team up to break Flynn out of prison.}}
* "Bomb Voyage", a briefly-seen villain from the beginning of ''[[The Incredibles]]'', is a French mime who uses explosives to perpetrate his crimes.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* "The Gentlemen" from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' count: pale-faced, [[Slasher Smile|grinning]], silent monstrosities. They have the sound-leeching powers mentioned above, too.
* An episode of ''[[Highlander the Series]]'' featured an [[Murder, Inc.|group]] of [[Career Killers|assassins]] who used pantomime as a cover. They were led by an evil Immortal called Christoph Kuyler.
* A trio of villainous mimes are behind the murders in ''[[The Goodies (TV)|The Goodies]]'' episode "Daylight Robbery on the Orient Express".
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* Though barely seen in the movie, the videogame version of ''[[The Warriors (Video Game)|The Warriors]]'' features a street-gang consisting entirely of mimes. Known as the Hi-Hats, the only one of them that talks is their stuttering leader, who's clearly more of a [[Monster Clown]] anyway. They also use blades as their signature weapon, which -- barring two appearances of firearms -- are the most powerful weapons in the game.
* The third expansion of ''[[Guild Wars]]'' features an evil mime that steals the voices of three villagers and prevents the player character from using shout buffs.
* The ''[[Penny Arcade]]'' game ''[[Penny Arcade Adventures]]: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness'' features mimes as enemies. And the final boss of Part One is a {{spoiler|[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Mime Cthulhu]]}}.
* The Mime, a bit player from ''[[Animaniacs (Animation)|Animaniacs]]'', was featured as a generic enemy in the ''Animaniacs Game Pack''. His power was to mime an invisible box every so often making him invincible while still remaining deadly.
* In one small area in the game ''[[Shadow Madness]]'', mimes are [[Random Encounters]].
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* The mime [[The Woobie|Trent]] had to face in one episode of ''[[Total Drama Island (Animation)|Total Drama Island]]''.
* An episode of ''[[Garfield and Friends]]'' that aired late in the series's run had Garfield, Jon, and Odie visit a carnival. A Gypsy fortune-teller at the carnival (who actually [[Fauxreigner|wasn't a Gypsy at all]], but an [[Ambiguously Jewish]] woman) places a curse on Garfield, turning him into a werewolf. (Yes, a cat being turned into a wolf. [[Somewhere a Mammalogist Is Crying|Don't think about it too hard.]]) Once the curse wears off, Garfield gets his hands on the spell book and decides to teach the actress a lesson. When the actress sees which curse Garfield has selected for her, she screams [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|"No! Not that! Anything but that!"]] and tries to run away. But before she can escape, Garfield recites the chant....and turns her into a mime. Some passersby show up and see the woman, scream "A mime!" and run off in terror. Garfield then turns to Jon and Odie and shrugs, saying: [[Take That|"There are worse things in this world than wolf-creatures, you know."]]
* A Thanksgiving episode of ''[[South Park]]'' from several years back showed the kids getting ready to stage a Thanksgiving pageant starring Timmy as Helen Keller and Timmy's pet turkey, Gobbles, as Helen's pet. Cartman is in charge of writing the songs for the pageant, but he can't come up with lyrics. The play's director suggests that he put on a blindfold (in order to experience what it would have been like to be Helen Keller) and write down what he sees. Once Cartman's eyes are covered, the screen goes black and then yields to a montage of images. Most of them are "traditional" scary things, such as rotting corpses and vermin - but we also see the disturbing shot of a mime [[Added Alliterative Appeal|lasciviously licking his lips]]. What makes it ''truly'' frightening is that when Cartman takes off the blindfold and the director asks him what he has seen, his only response is [[Nightmare Fuel StationattendantStation Attendant|"Just what I always see when I close my eyes."]]
* An episode of ''[[Family Guy]]'' revealed Paris has a lot of "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_jwC8mKpRM mime on mime violence]".