Light Is Not Good/Fan Works: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:LightIsNotGood.FanFics 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:LightIsNotGood.FanFics, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* Multiple [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] fics have [[Ron the Death Eater|an evil Princess Celestia.]]
** ''[[Chaos Is Very Good (Fanfic)|Chaos Is Very Good]]'' has an evil Celestia, Discord (who canonically casts bright lights when reality warping, and the fanfic mentions how [[Pure Is Not Good|"pristine"]] said light is) and the mesoamerican deity Tohil (who strated the whole thing). Really, it's a good idea to go away from the light in that world...
* [ This] [[Powerpuff Girls]] fanfic by [[Comics Nix]]. The Sun being evil {{spoiler|and having AIDS}} is the least bizarre thing going on.
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{{quote| "Oh don't worry, the light will fry many more brains..."}}
* ''[[My Immortal]]'' plays this trope straight with the preps, which being stereotypical as they are they are obsessed with pink and other lively colours as well as white and are christians. Even the "posers" are simply hiding their "[[Lighter and Softer]]" nature beneath pseudo-"goffic" clothes which are way more lively coloured than the real "goff" clothes anyway. Their moral alignment ranges from sheer annoyingness to outright villainity, but they are not better than the [[Byronic Hero|"goffs"]] anyway. Ironically, the [[Big Bad]], Voldemort, [[Dark Is Evil|is dark]], looking about as "goffic" as Tara and her friends.
* This has become a recent trend in ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fan fiction. Rather than the spells themselves being evil, the authors postulate that it is the intent behind them. This is largely an answer to [[Fridge Logic|questions]] about why they never [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|kill the racist, terrorist, murdering wizards]]; once dark spells are no longer evil, you can start actually fighting without being as bad as they are.
** Isn't that sort of canon? It's established that with the Unforgivables at least, you have to truly want to cause their effects (pain, death, and mind control) if you want to use them. Thus, it's impossible to use them for goodhearted intents (like when Harry {{spoiler|tries to Crucio Bellatrix over the death of Sirius}}.
*** That wasn't good-hearted. He just didn't have the practice being ruthless.
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** In [ Abandon] by ''Batsutousai'', [[Harry Potter|Harry]] and Tom Riddle fall [[Ho Yay|in]] [[Foe Yay|love]] and Harry and his friends joins the dark side. It is still clear that Tom is the evil one and the Death Eaters are still "the dark side", but as the story goes on Dumbledore and the light side appear more and more as manipulative bastards and the reader do not blame Harry for turning dark.
** On a less literal level, the Houses Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. While the Slytherins make up most of the bad guys in the actual novels, it is made quite clear that, just as [[Dark Is Not Evil|not all present Slytherins are evil]], the potential for assholes from the Houses that are seemingly more benevolent to exist is considerably large, and indeed a few show up, although not very prominent.
* In Cornova's ''[[Poke Wars]]'', the [[Big Bad]] is [[Olympus Mons|Ho-oh]], who is normally seen as a benevolent force. This later merges with [[Dark Is Evil]] when it's revealed that he gained the subtype of Darkness after the [[Mass Super -Empowering Event]] that kicked off the entire series.
* Played straight with ''[[One Less Lonely Gurl (Fanfic)|One Less Lonely Gurl]]'', where C'ren [[Justin Bieber (Music)|Bieber]], a blonde girl who hates dark and 'goffik' stuff, much like a prep in ''My Immortal'', turns out to be the [[Mary Sue]] [[Villain Protagonist]] of the fanfic.