The Comics Curmudgeon: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Blog.TheComicsCurmudgeon 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Blog.TheComicsCurmudgeon, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** [[Marmaduke]] is a ravenous, uncontrollable hellhound who regularly consumes his "owner"'s neighbors and buries their stripped bones in the back yard.
** Instead of being a caring, helpful soul, [[Mary Worth]] is a Machiavellian, manipulative harpy who cannot stand people living in ways she doesn't approve and compulsively meddles in the affairs of those she encounters.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: (In a commentary on ''[[Mary Worth]]'') "Place your bets on what this 'troubling' medical condition may be: pregnancy, venereal disease, dementia, Electra Complex, droopy-ponytail-itis"
* [[Ascended Meme]]: After constantly joking about the ''Archie'' comic strip being written by the "Archie Joke Generating Laugh Unit 3000," the strip began referencing that line.
** The author of ''[[Mary Worth]]'' opened a CafePress store and created merchandise prominently featuring some of Aldo's greatest moments.
* [[Asexuality]]: Josh constantly makes jokes about ''[[Mark Trail]]'' being asexual. It's probably second only to the jokes about Mark solving all his problems by punching people with his "fist of justice."
** By contrast, Josh desperately wishes that the characters in ''Luann'' would all develop this, as the [[Unresolved Sexual Tension|achingly awkward "sexiness"]] of the strip "makes my libido shrivel and die."
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: "Marmaduke's owner can't get the dog to stay off the furniture, stop digging up the yard, or refrain from eating the neighbors"
* [[Caustic Critic]]: Josh can be this at times, especially to strips that he dislikes, though he's generally more sarcastic and jovial than outright hostile. Except for the one and only time he discussed political cartoons.
** Josh can get pretty hostile about strips he wants to see end, ''Crock'', ''Marvin'', and ''Luann'' being among the hardest hit. Generally, though, he just mocks the on-going nature of long-running strips, often citing them as horribly out of touch with modern times (such as ''Crock'''s belief that kids these days "swap iTunes" as a sign of commitment).
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** A [[Memetic Sex God]] is Buford Bull, who's dating Cassandra Cat.
* [[Nephewism]]: The [[Trope Namer]], though the entry lumps the [[Chaste Toons]] trope in with this as well.
* [[Never Speak Ill of the Dead]]: When [ Bil Keane], writer of [[Family Circus]] died, Josh was very sombre, recalling the era when [[Family Circus]] was a lot edgier, and how the man himself [[Self -Deprecation|had a great sense of humor about all the parodies of his work]].
** And when Al Scaduto passed away, at the age of 79, no one, not Josh nor the commenters, expressed anything but respect for the man.
* [[Perverse Sexual Lust]]: Josh has it for Margo McGee.
* [[Precision F -Strike]]
{{quote| '''[[Family Circus|Billy:]]''' Now that we're in bed, they won't have to watch their language on TV.<br />
'''Josh:''' You sure got that right, you little fucker. }}
* [[Promoted Fanboy]]: Josh's constant riffing on newspaper ''[[Spider Man]]'' got him invited to appear in the Rifftrax commentary track for ''[[Spider Man]] 2''.
* [[Rule Thirty Four34]]: He found one of Cassandra Cat on someone else's blog and posted it to his own. It later got taken down from both blogs, at Bob Weber, Jr.'s request<ref>though the pic is easy to find, if you know where to look</ref>.
* [[Running Gag]]: Beyond all the [[Memetic Mutation]], other recurring gags include:
** ''[[Beetle Bailey]]'' and Sarge being [[Ho Yay|sexual partners]].