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* [[Guilty Pleasure]]: Camicazi enjoys sewing but she would die a crone's peaceful death before admitting it to anyone.
* [[Heartbroken Badass]]: {{spoiler|Toothless' attraction to a Night Fury dragoness}} leads to a tragic outcome for him, {{spoiler|losing not only the chance to win her affection, but also losing his freedom}}.
* [[The HerosHero's Journey]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Hiccup and Toothless. By the author's own words, "They’re brothers from another mother".
* [[I Got Bigger]]: Hiccup got a lot taller after hitting puberty.
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* [[Parental Substitute]]: Gobber is this to Hiccup. Here's the in story reason:
{{quote| "A world-travelling mother who counterbalanced her absence with trinkets, a chief for a father, present only in proximity... it was no wonder Gobber knew Hiccup better than either of his parents had."}}
* [[Post -Kiss Catatonia]]: {{spoiler|Camicazi}} had a moment of this after the [[Shut Up Kiss]] mentioned below.
* [[Raven Hair, Ivory Skin]]: Gudrid.
* [[Razor Wings]]: {{spoiler|Astrid's dragon,}} the Timberjack that Hiccup freed, as well as every other Timberjack for that matter.
* [[Reality Ensues]]: {{spoiler|Even though Hiccup had an accelerated rate of recovery, the large amount of time he spent in bed recovering after [[Taking the Bullet]] caused him to lose a lot of muscle mass, forcing him to work hard to get it all back.}}
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* [[Shown Their Work]]: The author has done her homework about the historical period and the encountered languages. It shows when we have some pleasant surprises like accurate French or ''Hungarian''. Still, it is the current version of these languages, but not the ones spoken at that time.
* [[Shut Up Kiss]]: Hiccup does this to {{spoiler|Camicazi}} when she was ranting on his actions.
* [[Star -Crossed Lovers]]: Hiccup and Gudrid.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: {{spoiler|Hiccup interposed himself between Toothless and an axe.}}
* [[This Is Sparta]]: Camicazi does something like this after hearing that {{spoiler|Hiccup doesn't regret leaving in the first place}}.
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* [[The Time of Myths]]: The setting of the story.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Hiccup, {{spoiler|but only after a training by a Hungarian seer and having matured a little.}}
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Well, Flying The Earth, the result of Hiccup's self-exile with Toothless. [[The HerosHero's Journey|It helps Hiccup to grow as a person]].
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: As part of a running gag, Toothless expresses his interest in eating the messenger hawk Hiccup uses for communicating with Berk.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''*Averted*'''}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Bersi:''' "All I know is our fastest messenger hawk wasn't around when we needed tae contact Mogadon about that treachery incident. Now I'm nae pointin' fingers—"}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Hiccup:''' "It was him."}} }}
* [[What If]]: Bread and butter of this story.
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: {{spoiler|Once Hiccup is back to Berk, he engaged into that sort of relationship with Astrid.}}