Naive Newcomer: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.NaiveNewcomer 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.NaiveNewcomer, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Contrast [[Team Prima Donna]].
== Anime & Manga ==
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== Fan Works ==
* The four in ''[[With Strings Attached (Fanfic)|With Strings Attached]]''.
* In ''[[Turnabout Storm (Fanfic)|Turnabout Storm]]'', [[Ace Attorney|Phoenix Wright]] in regards to [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Equestria]]. His cluelessness on its workings gets him in trouble a few times.
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'''Jum-Jum''': (in a kids-are-stupid tone) What you know does not amount to much, Mio. }}
* Shilo from ''[[Repo the Genetic Opera]]''. She was locked in her bedroom for 17 years. A large chunk of the story is about her entering the real world for the first time, and the trouble being naive gets her into.
* Lt. Saavik in ''[[Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan (Film)|Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan]]''. In [[Star Trek III the Search For Spock (Film)|the next film]], she was taken out of this capacity, but [[The Artifact|stuck around anyway]]. And [[The Other Darrin|was recast]] with [[Poor MansMan's Substitute|a less charismatic actress]].
* Norvile Barnes in ''[[The Hudsucker Proxy]]'' is a naive midwesterner, fresh from business school. He arrives in New York for work and finds everything requires experience, and he winds up in the mailroom.
* Skorpan in ''[[The Brothers Lionheart (Literature)|The Brothers Lionheart]]''.
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* In Teresa Frohock's ''[[Miserere an Autumn Tale (Literature)|Miserere an Autumn Tale]]'', Lindsey.
* In ''[[The Monk (Literature)|The Monk]]'', Antonia is so unused to life in the city that she doesn't know her custom of wearing a veil in public is considered old-fashioned.
* In ''[[Someone ElsesElse's War (Literature)|Someone Elses War]]'', [[Actual Pacifist|Matteo]] has been newly conscripted into the [[Child Soldiers|Lord's Resistance Army]] and must quickly learn to adapt to life as a combatant...until he decides [[La Résistance|otherwise]].
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* John Crichton on ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]''.
* Simon of ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]''
* Taken to its fullest potential in ''[[Greys Anatomy]]'', where the main quintet (that's [[Five -Man Band]] dressed up) are all [[Naive Newcomer|Naive Newcomers]].
* Kyle from ''[[Kyle XY]]'', who is essentially a 16-year old infant.
* Detective Tim Bayliss is this for most of the run of ''[[Homicide Life On the Street]]'' ultimately subverted {{spoiler|at the end of the series and in the subsequent movie, where he guns down a serial killer set free in the former and confesses to his ex-partner in the latter and presumably goes to jail.}}