Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E11 The God Complex/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== What the Doctor Saw in Room Eleven ==
* Given the context of the [[Steven Moffat|Moffat]]/[[Matt Smith|Smith]] tenure thus far, it would be logical to assume it's either a) [[What You Are in The Dark|himself]], b) [[Enemy Within|the Dream Lord,]] or c) [[Future Me Scares Me|the Valeyard]]. However, the [[Omnicidal Maniac|Daleks]] can't be counted out, nor can [[Evil Counterpart|the Master]] or [[Evil Overlord|Rassilon]].
** It could also not be a specific person, but an seeing [[Kill 'Em All|the dead bodies of every companion he's ever had,]] or even the TARDIS herself dead, dying, or [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E13 The Big Bang|exploding]].
*** While possible; I doubt the companion one. You simply couldn't feasibly fit all the companions he's ever had into one hotel room, particularly if expanded universe companions and one-episode wonders are included.
**** I thought the room with little Amelia WAS the Doctor's room. After the Doctor saw his room, he put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door. After leaving the room with Amelia and everything disintegrates, a Do No Disturb sign falls to the "floor" and then vanishes. Wouldn't the Doctor's worst fear be letting down somebody he cares about?
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** Given that the Cloister Bell (a warning of immediate danger to the TARDIS) is sounding, we can assume it's something to do with it.
* [[Doctor Who S 7 E 4 Inferno|Previous]] [[Doctor Who S 8 E 2 The Mind Of Evil|episodes]] would indicate the Doctor's greatest fear is watching the world burn, but that doesn't seem to jive with either what we tend to see from the Doctor these days, nor with what (or, more accurately, who) is in Room 11.
* The Silence/Silent? Cloister bell-church-cult [[Buffy -Speak|-type-thing?]]
* I always assumed it was all those dead Timelords, partivularly his family.
* I think I'll go with the Valeyard. Not that the Doctor says "Yes. Of course," Upon seeing the room. He knows that he'll soon become the Valeyard, and he has been shown consistantly to be afraid of doing something wrong.
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The holo-deck technology resembles the technology used in the Tesselecta, and it fits their modus operandi: the Minotaur, given how many sacrifices it's fed on in its time, would count as the sort of criminals they'd want to "give Hell," and this is definitely Hell.
* Possibly. Whoever created the Holo-hotel and imprisoned the Minotaur, though, strikes me as more than just a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] like the Tesselecta pilots. Maybe it's subjective, but the Tesselecta pilots didn't seem to be that bad, unless there was a [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|slippery]] [[What Have I Done|slope]] involved somewhere.
* The Tesselecta pilots also showed no problem whatsoever with killing their targets, so I imagine they wouldn't have hesitated to simply execute the minotaur. However, it ''is'' mentioned that when they get the targets, they "give them hell", meaning they are dispatched in quite a ''painful'' manner. Maybe they decided that this was the best way to make the minotaur really ''suffer''.