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=== YMMVs for [[Doctor Who (TV)|the TV series]]: ===
* [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]]: Adric.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Quite a few of these.
** In particular the Master. In "The End of Time" {{spoiler|it was revealed the drumming in his head (that had tormented him his entire life and led to him being [[Ax Crazy|totally unhinged]]) was in fact put there by Rassilon for his own purposes.}} At that point, some just really wanted to give him a big damn hug, so when he {{spoiler|went out in a vengeful blaze with that "[[Redemption Equals Death|get out]] [[Ho Yay|of the way]]" it didn't help at all.}}
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** For some, the announcement of [[Steven Moffat]] as showrunner following Russell T Davies' departure.
** Also, [[Neil Gaiman]] writing for series 6.
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]:
** The Doctor tends to ignore the fact that ''he just died'' to [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|near-pathological levels]] when he regenerates.
** Eleven in general in comparison to both Nine and Ten. {{spoiler|It's shown in series 6 he still has guilt for what he did to Rose, Martha and Donna as well as the loss of the Time Lords, however.}}
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** Amy Pond. There are actually people who have stopped watching the show altogether because of her, as they feel she's turned it into "Amy Pond and Her Boys". Her [[Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male|mistreatment of Rory]] and coming on to (including forcing herself on/kissing)/flirting with the Doctor is a turn-off for some people.
** Jenny (AKA the Doctor's Daughter). Good lord, ''Jenny''. She's either completely hated, or she absolutely has to return for another episode.
* [[Broken Base]]: For every fan that likes something in this show, there is a fan that hates it, and vice versa. Just look at the ''Who'' entries under [[Doctor Who (TV)/Awesome|Awesome]], [[Narm/Doctor Who|Narm]], [[Doctor Who (TV)/Tear Jerker|Tear Jerker]], etc. The overlap is something like '''90%'''.
* [[Cargo Ship]]: Some fans pair Doctor and sonic screwdriver.
** The ''show itself'' pairs the Doctor and the TARDIS.
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** With Sherlock Holmes of ''[[Sherlock (TV)|Sherlock]]''.
** With Dean Winchester of [[Supernatural]].
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Awesome Music|Has its own page.]]
* [[Cult Classic]]: The Seventh Doctor's tenure, which had the lowest ratings from the series' history but a ''very'' loyal fanbase.
* [[Damsel Scrappy]]: Tegan, Mel.
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** Eleven's Fez.
*** And his bow tie. [[Memetic Mutation|Both are cool.]]
** Despite Sharaz Jek only appearing in ''[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S21 E6 The Caves of Androzani|The Caves of Androzani]]'' {{spoiler|and dying in the final episode}}, he's arguably one of the most popular side characters in the show's history.
** Wilfred Mott. He attacked a Dalek with a ''paint gun''. He was so popular that he was brought back as The Doctor's companion for ''The End of Time''.
** Captain Jack Harkness was popular enough to get his own show after just five episodes.
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** Canton Delaware III is another recent example. Partly due to the fact that it's very hard to forget an ex-FBI agent from 1969 who wants to marry a ''black man''.
** Yet ''another'' recent example is Craig Owens, The Doctor's roommate in The Lodger, who gained a lot of popularity based on the excellent chemistry between James Corden and Matt Smith. [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]] when it was announced that the Doctor would go back and visit him.
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: Series 5 has, thus far, generated reams of fan theories, ranging from very clever, probably right ones, to the fact that the barely legible text of the library card in "[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E06 The Vampires of Venice|The Vampires of Venice]]" has a slightly wrong post code on it.
** Series Six has followed in suit, and the Spoilers [[Wild Mass Guessing]] page had to be broken down into folders sorting the different type of speculation- e.g. {{spoiler|The Silence, Rory's Death, who is River, etc.}}
* [[Escapist Character]]: The Doctor and his companions.
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** The Eleventh Doctor has a meme now. Memes are cool.
** As of series 5, the Angels have started becoming this.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Fridge|It and Fridge Horror have their own page.]]
* [[Fridge Logic]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Headscratchers|Has its own page.]]
* [[Growing the Beard]]: Being that the series has a few decades of history, it's a bit inevitable that there have been a lot of times when the show's quality gets lower a few times and then back up later. The most notable are the Second Doctor compared to the first, the Sixth Doctor's second season (season 23, Trial of a Time Lord), Seventh Doctor's second (season 25), and Tenth Doctor's, you guessed it, second season (series 3/season 29).
** Some fans would argue that the new series in general was a beard growth compared to the eighties and nineties, and others see it as the point where the show was [[Ruined FOREVER]].
** The Second Doctor was a noticeable improvement on the First, making stories more action-orientated, and spreading his influence to every other Doctor after that.
*** And The First Doctor's second serial, ''The Daleks'', is seen as where the show really took off. As opposed to the rather dull first serial involving Cave Men.
* [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Funny Moments]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Funny|Have their own page.]]
* [[Harsher in Hindsight]]:
** The little girl in "Day of the Moon" being forgotten about only to {{spoiler|find herself sick and dying in New York}} could be bad enough, until you realise {{spoiler|this is a young River Song ''and'' the baby Amy was pregnant with. It also leads into the attempted murder of the Doctor.}}
** At the end of ''The Time Monster'', when the Doctor states that eternal torment was something he'd never subject anything to. [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E9 The Familyof Blood|About]] [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E10 Blink|that...]]
** The scene of Rory sadly playing with the dream!cot in [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E07 Amys Choice|Amy's Choice]] is made even more heartbreaking by what happens in series 6.
** In early episodes, it's shown that the Doctor's worst fear is worlds burning down. See Doctor, there's this certain time war that you'll stop...
* [[Heartwarming Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Heartwarming Moments]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Heartwarming|Have their own page.]]
* [[Hell Is That Noise]]: The attack prayer of the Headless Monks.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: In "World War Three", Jackie banters about [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S2 E2 Tooth and Claw|how the Doctor and Rose should be knighted]] and wonders [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E01 The Eleventh Hour|whether or not the Doctor even eats normal food]].
** In [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E2 Day of the Moon|Day of the Moon]], [[Richard Nixon]] asks the Doctor if he'll be remembered in the future. The Doctor, wishing to remain coy on the details, simply replies that "they'll never forget about [Nixon]" and "say hello to David Frost for me". [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E4 The Doctors Wife|Two episodes later]], the Doctor has an encounter with a being voiced by [[Michael Sheen]], who played David Frost in [[Frost Nixon|Frost/Nixon]].
** In a [[Black Comedy]] sense, Rory tells Alaya in [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E09 Cold Blood|Cold Blood]] that he trusts the Doctor with his life. That proved not to be a great idea.
* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: The series does outdo itself constantly in this area due to thrills and scares, but very few can compare to {{spoiler|the sudden reemergence of the ''TIME LORDS''}} in the final scene of ''The End of Time'' Part One, {{spoiler|and their [[Title Drop]] of just what they plan to do.}}
** Specifically, when the viewer gets out ahead of the plot on that one and realizes what's coming just soon enough to scream 'HOLY SHIT' about twenty times before the event actually happens.
* [[Ho Yay]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Ho Yay|Has its own page]].
* [[Hype Backlash]]: Fandom example. Rose was a fine character on her own, but when Martha was frequently compared to her by both the show [[Die for Our Ship|and the fanbase]], even some of the people who ''liked'' her have come to see her as [[The Scrappy]].
* [[I Am Not Shazam]]: The main character's name is "The Doctor", not "Doctor Who".
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*** Then in Series Six he has to deal with {{spoiler|all his memories of 2,000 years threatening to overwhealm him, the constant suggestion that Amy prefers the Doctor over him (she doesn't), his wife dissolving into goo, then his ''child'' dissolving into goo, and then the revelation that River is his daughter.}} Poor guy.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]:
** Thanks to copious amounts of [[Moral Dissonance]] right from the [[Doctor Who (TV)/2005 CS the Christmas Invasion/Recap|get-go]], the Tenth Doctor.
** Turlough. Especially in his first episode. He gets better.
** Amy as well, thanks to her [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] moments.
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** Every second of the Doctor Who cast and crew's [ 500 Miles music video].
*** [ Sue from Catering] now has her own Facebook and Tumblr tag.
** See the [[Doctor Who (TV)/Memes|memes page]] for a more complete list.
* [[Memetic Outfit]]: Every Doctor's uniform is iconic of that incarnation. Special mentions go to the Fourth Doctor's scarf and fedora, and the Eleventh Doctor's bowtie (which was inspired by the Second's).
* [[Memetic Sex God]]: "There are no straight men, just men who haven't met Captain Jack Harkness" is a common line to describe the character, notable for the relatively few number of straight male fans who deny the statement. There's also a popular image macro with a nude screenshot from "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S1 E12 Bad Wolf|Bad Wolf]]" captioned, "You're straight? So is spaghetti, before it gets hot."
** Even justified in-universe. His cologne's actually a genetic modification that includes pheromones.
* [[Moe]]:
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** Amy; the original entry on the Characters page compared the chibi-like fanart for her to Karen Gillan.
** On the male side of things, Rory, with his [[Adorkable|adorkableness]], [[Undying Loyalty]] and almost constantly sad eyes.
* [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Moment of Awesome]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Awesome|Has its own page.]]
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]:
** In ''Dragonfire'', Kane has the tourists, passers-through, and residents herded into a spacecraft and blows it to Kingdom Come.
** In ''The Curse of Fenric'', Millington locks two men up in a cellar, leaving them to their Haemovorey death.
** In "Dalek", Van Statten is just arrogant and ignorant... until he decides to keep the Doctor as a specimen, for ''torturing''. And later he dismisses his soldiers as "dispensible" when the Dalek massacres them. After that, there's no excuse.
** In ''The End of Time'' {{spoiler|the Time Lords}} themselves have gone off the deep end as they are willing to destroy the fabric of space and time to escape their own demise, in a war {{spoiler|''[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S12 E4 Genesis of the Daleks|they started]]''}}.
* [[Most Wonderful Sound]]: The characteristic TARDIS dematerialisation sound {{spoiler|created, according to River Song, by the Doctor leaving the brakes on. ([[I Meant to Do That|He claims it's deliberate]]).}} Of course, this raises the question as to why Romana and the Master had it happen to them, but River could have just been messing with the Doctor.
* [[Narm Charm]]: Often, the series manages to be cheesy while still being on the edge of your seat tense. Any non-humanoid Auton in particular.
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** Not to mention the fans who bash David Tennant and/or Matt Smith solely because of the now-infamous line "I don't want to go."
** The Sixth Doctor trying to strangle Peri, which they themselves don't get over until ''The Mysterious Planet''.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Nightmare Fuel|Has its own page.]] And oh, does it ever deserve it.
* [[Nightmare Retardant]]: The cheaper costumes of the classic era. Sometimes pops up every now and then in the new series.
* [[Paranoia Fuel]]:
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* [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]: Donna Noble, thanks to a lot of character development. {{spoiler|Unfortunately all undone at the end of series four.}}
** Mickey Smith, from "The Age of Steel". Solidified at the end of "Army of Ghosts".
* [[Robo Ship]]: Doctor and TARDIS. [[Ship Tease|Hinted at]] at various occasions, especially during the tenth and the beginning of the eleventh Doctor's tenure. {{spoiler|Now, '''[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E4 The Doctors Wife|official, in-universe canon]]'''}}
* [[Running the Asylum]]: It's the longest running Science Fiction show in existence, heavily influencing just about everyone in England who ever did anything related to Science Fiction. Its a fair bet that there's a few long-time fans on the payroll, such as David Tennant.
* [[Scapegoat Creator]]: The series has no one creator to lay blame on, but aside from original producer Verity Lambert, legendary writer Robert Holmes and arguably Tom Baker's second producer, Philip Hinchcliffe, just about everyone who's ever worked on the show has been designated [[Scapegoat Creator]] by some segments of fandom. John Nathan-Turner (Producer, 1980-9) and [[Russell T Davies]] (Executive Producer and Head Writer 2005-2010) are both frequent and popular targets of this.
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** The Doctor gets himself and Amy ejected from a giant mouth by making the animal vomit. They go out screaming, with their mouths open.
** The [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Headless]] Monks. All that remains of their heads is ''a tied-off stump''.
* [[Tear Jerker]]: [[Doctor Who (TV)/Tear Jerker|Has its own page.]]
* [[Theme Pairing]]: There's a portion of the fandom that ships Adric/Nyssa because they look cute together as [[Conveniently an Orphan|Orphaned]] [[Human Alien]] [[Teen Genius|Teen Geniuses]] traveling through time and space together.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: Fan reaction to almost any regeneration and companion addition, sometimes initial, sometimes permanent.