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A cyclops character is more relatable than this kind of being, since cyclopes have a recognizable facial structure, with at least a mouth. These examples are far beyond the edges of the [[Uncanny Valley|Uncanny Continent]]. It is also interesting to note that the representations of many [[AI Is a Crapshoot|insane AIs]] use this trope - most likely to underscore their creepiness.
Of course, being long past the [[Uncanny Valley]] already, these examples often also involve [[Technicolor Eyes]], [[Hellish Pupils]], and [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]. Contrast [[The Blank]] and [[Eyeless Face]]. See also [[Oculothorax]] for monsters whose body is primarily an eyeball. Since they are mostly an eye, they tend to be evil.
== [[Advertising]] ==
* Vision Express, a chain of opticians in the UK, started an advertising campaign in 2009 using pairs of identically-dressed people with giant eyeballs for heads. [[http://www.utalkmarketing.com/Pages/CreativeShowcase.aspx?[[Article ID]]ArticleID=12944&Filter=0&Keywords=&Order=LATEST&Page=1&Title=Vision_Express_<!-- 27Eyeballs27_%27Eyeballs%27_ Here.]] Is probably meant to be goofy rather than creepy. -->
== [[Anime]] ==
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', Daleks have a periscope of varying design over the years in their giant-pepper-pot-of-death power armor, matching their single biological eye.
** Also the Ambassador from Alpha Centauri who appeared in a couple of 70s stories was basically a big eyeball on legs.
** The Atraxi from "[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E01 The Eleventh Hour|The Eleventh Hour]]" are in fact nothing but giant floating space eyeballs, held aloft by a vaguely snowflake-shaped ring.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': Beljoxa's Eye. What happened to the rest of Beljoxa?
* ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'' had the psychic/psychotic surgeon in "I Fall to Pieces", and he used his eyes and other detached body parts to spy on the girl he was stalking.
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* ''[[Castlevania the Adventure]]'', and ''[[Castlevania II Belmonts Revenge (Video Game)|Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge]]'' had rolling eyeball enemies that were [[Made of Explodium|explosive]].
** In the new [[Wii Ware]] game ''[[Castlevania the Adventure Re Birth]]'', this enemy makes a return appearance. A huge version of it is even the boss of the first stage.
** And the Buckbairds (probably a [[Shout -Out]] to the ''[[Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro]]'' villain) were a staple enemy ever since the first ''[[Castlevania 1986 (Video Game)|Castlevania 1986]]'' game.
* The [[Killer Robot|Reaverbots]] of ''[[Megaman Legends]]'' are all monocular.
* ''[[Altered Beast]]'' has its [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHrCAl8oDuE level 2 boss].
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