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== Films -- Animation ==
* [[The Incredibles]] live in Metroville (a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[Superman]]'' -- the name's a portmanteau of Metropolis and [[Smallville]]). Judging by the name of the bank, the opening scene takes place in Municiberg.
* ''[[Megamind]]'' takes place in Metro City.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Bay City in ''[[Another World]]''
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'': Caprica City.
* The eponymous town of ''[[Lazy Town]]''.
* Bear City in the ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' recurring filmed sketch of the same name.
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* In Japan and probably China. Kyoto: capital city. Tokyo: Eastern capital. Beijing: the characters mean "North Capital" (as the opposite to Nanjing, "Southern capital"). May be because Chinese characters force you to have meaningful names, while phonetic alphabets allow a place name's meaning to get lost once the pronunciation changes.
* In America, there's Indianapolis, Oklahoma City, and one of the two municipalities named Kansas City (however, the larger of the two is [[Non-Indicative Name|in Missouri]] and, while the smaller one ''is'' in Kansas, it isn't the capital - any more than Jersey City is the capital of New Jersey).
* In fact, there ''is'' a City of [http://en.[,_Queensland Queensland|Townsville]] in Australia.
** Non-city examples include Australia's westernmost state, called Western Australia, and the southern state South Australia. Of Australia's two territories, the one to the north is called... well, the Northern Territory. Down Under, we're not known for our creativity with names.
* Turns out Long Beach is pretty long.
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[[Category:Descriptive Ville]]