Radiant Historia/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Red Oni]]: To {{spoiler|Eruca's Blue, back when he was Ernst}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Relationship Upgrade]]: With Raynie after a [[Romance Sidequest]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Royally Screwed -Up]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]}}
* [[Save Scumming]]: Implied to use his time-rewinding powers to learn techniques that often take '''years''' to master with seemingly blinding speed.
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* {{spoiler|[[Warrior Prince]]}}
* [[Warrior Therapist]]
* {{spoiler|[["What the Hell?" Dad]]}}: {{spoiler|In his first life as Ernst, he died opposing King Victor.}}
* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]: Wide eyed might not be the best descirption, but he's certainly idealistic.
* [[You ALL Share My Story]]
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* [[Child Soldiers|Child Soldier]]
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: Watching Stocke stare at Eruca, she quickly sets up the chance for them to speak alone.
* [[Fighting forFor A Homeland]]
* [[Hint Dropping]]
* {{spoiler|[[If We Get Through This]]}}: {{spoiler|She accepts Stocke's promise to settle down after [[Saving the World]].}}
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* [[Master of the Mixed Message]]: She wants to be [[Fire-Forged Friends]]. Riiiight...
* [[Mook Promotion]]: Originally designed as temporary character, she and Marco stay with the party.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: Has a serious crisis concerning this in Cornet.
* [[Mini -Dress of Power]]
* [[One of the Boys]]: Marco mentions this. She gets pissed.
* [[Opera Gloves]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Doppelganger Replacement Love Interest]]: He meets a girl who looks exactly like Mimel, though it's not known if Marco tried to get to know her.}}
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: {{spoiler|He's quick to sigh when Raynie starts dropping hints she wants Stocke.}}
* [[Fighting forFor A Homeland]]
* [[Heartbroken Badass]]: {{spoiler|Conclusion of his sidequest.}}
* [[Little Hero Big War]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Disabled Means Helpless]]}}: {{spoiler|Acts like it once. Stocke [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|beats that attitude out of him.]]}}
* [[A Father to His Men]]
* [[Fighting forFor A Homeland]]
* [[Gut Feeling]]: And he's always right.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]
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* [[Petting Zoo People]]
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]: His Musou ability.
== Antagonists ==
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* {{spoiler|[[Dark Messiah]]}}: {{spoiler|Quite literally; he has the Black Chronicle as opposed to Stocke's White Chronicle, and is [[The Messiah]] who [[Refusal of the Call|refuses to go through his duty]].}}
* [[Dirty Coward]]: One of his {{spoiler|final desperate strategies}} is an ongoing [[Player Punch]]. {{spoiler|He repeatedly goes back in time, once to kill Eruca, then a number of times to possess different allies and enemies. He stops and makes a final stand, though.}}
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: He has two Thaumatech Gauntlets, as opposed to Rosch's one.
* {{spoiler|[[Eldritch Abomination]]}}: {{spoiler|His final form, Apocrypha.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Refusal of the Call]]}}: {{spoiler|This started the regrowing of the desertification.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Royally Screwed -Up]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Screw Destiny]]}}: {{spoiler|His primary motivation.}}
* [[Sinister Schnoz]]: This alone is the most popular giveaway.
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* [[Teleport Spam]]: When first demonstrating Vanish to Stocke.
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: {{spoiler|Towards Stocke.}}
* [[Treacherous Quest -Giver]]: With tragic consequences.
* [[We Wait]]
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: He does this repeatedly.
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]
* [[Kill'Em All]]: {{spoiler|She orders for Granorg to be set on fire to kill the resistance, regardless of who else it may hurt.}}
* [[Know When to Fold 'Em]]: Only at the last possible second. {{spoiler|When Stocke's about to cut her head off.}}
* [[Love Ruins the Realm]]: The late King Victor has bad taste. Not that he was a saint.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: Well, the step-offspring, anyway.
* [[Puppet King|Puppet Queen]]
* [[Rich Bitch]]
* [[Royally Screwed -Up]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]
* [[Shotacon]]: She ogles choir boys. Dias and Selvan talk about it behind her back.
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* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
* [[Bishonen]]/[[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Protea hired him based on his looks.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Co-Dragons]]: With Dias, to Protea.
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* [[Evil Chancellor]]
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Depending on the timeline, he either follows Protea's will to the end (even to the point of {{spoiler|setting the city on fire}}), or he {{spoiler|turns her in to form a peace treaty with Hugo}}.
* [[Noble Top Enforcer]]: Has hints of this, with his reluctance to {{spoiler|burn Granorg to the ground}}.
* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|In the Alternate History, when Protea's idiotic tendencies go too far.}}
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* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
* [[Bishonen]]/[[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]/[[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Like Selvan, he says he got his job because of his looks.
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]
* [[Co-Dragons]]: With Selvan, to Protea.
Line 408:
* [[Evil Chancellor]]
* [[The Heavy]]
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Similar to Selvan, his loyalty to Protea wavers between timelines.
* [[Rewarded As a Traitor Deserves]]: When [[Evil Chancellor|Hedge]] goes to Dias with help to defeat Garland, Dias takes it...and then promptly murders him. However, Stocke alters this later on, stopping Hedge before he can spill his guts.
* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|In the Alternate History, when Protea's idiotic tendencies go too far.}}
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* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: {{spoiler|To Protea}}
* [[The Fundamentalist]]
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]}}: {{spoiler|A rare villainous, non-tearjerking example.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Man On Fire]]: How he dies.}}
* [[Obviously Evil]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Suicide Mission]]}}
* [[Tagalong Kid]]
* {{spoiler|[[Tricked -Out Time]]}}: {{spoiler|How Stocke saves him in the [[Golden Ending]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Shall Not Pass]]}}
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* [[Bob Haircut]]: Of the male variety.
* [[Brains and Brawn]]: The brains to Rosch's brawn.
* [[Fighting forFor A Homeland]]
* [[Gut Feeling]]: He has a feeling that Hugo might be getting just a ''little'' [[Drunk With Power|taken up with controlling the people of Alistel]].
* [[Red Baron]]: He's called "Alistel's Sleeping Lion".
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* [[Iron Lady]]
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: Even when she knows that {{spoiler|Hugo is manipulating Alistel, she still fights for Noah, since the country would fall apart if they knew he was dead.}}
* [[Lawful Stupid]]: To an absurd degree. {{spoiler|Knowing that Hugo has been twisting Noah's preaching for a while and that Noah has been dead for up to five years, she continues to defend Hugo just to keep her faith alive.}}
** {{spoiler|It's less about keeping her faith alive and more about being aware that Alistel will completely fall apart if people's faith in Noah is broken.}}
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* [[Easily Forgiven]]: If it weren't for {{spoiler|Stocke's capture}}, you would never know his kingdom harbored slavery.
* [[Modest Royalty]]
* [[No Shirt, Long Jacket]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]
* [[Warrior Prince]]
* [[What's Up, King Dude?]]: He values trustworthiness and competence above manners and breeding, to the point of assigning a counterintelligence mission to a young Granorgian rebel named Ricky he met a few days ago.
** Although in his case, he used to be a slave and a gladiator before fighting his way to the top, so it's understandable.