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* The anime ''[[Sakigake Cromartie Koukou]]'' (AKA ''Cromartie High School'') has an animated disclaimer, showing one of the characters sitting in a jail cell. In a voiceover, he describes how it was stupid to do what was shown on the show, and the viewers shouldn't, either. ("Seriously, this is a BAD IDEA! I'm tellin' ya, man -- ''don't do it''!")
** Which is made more amusing by the fact that the tough delinquent characters hardly ever actually do anything dangerous or likely to get anyone in trouble.
* In the first episode of ''[[Sonic X]],'' Sonic jumps on top of an S-Team race car during a chase, causing the driver to protest that they don't want any kids copying him; Sonic duly warns the kids in the audience never to stand on moving cars.This is possibly a parodical [[Shout -Out]] to the original ''Sonic Sez'' segments of the first animated series.
** The dub [[Spoof Aesop|plays it a little differently]]. Sonic does the same thing and receives the same complaint from the driver: "What if some kid tries this?" Sonic turns to the camera and says:
{{quote| '''Sonic''': Kids, don't use Formula One race cars to chase hedgehogs!}}
** In a later episode, a Chaos Emerald was found under a water, and [[Creator's Pet|Chris Thorndyke]] was helping Sonic go get it. During an attempt with a hosepipe, Chris holds up a sign saying, "Good kids: don't imitate this!!" Sonic then holds up a sign saying, "You mean I'm not a good kid?" This only happens in the Japanese version, as [[Four Kids4Kids! Entertainment|4Kids]] ruined the joke by blanking out the signs and not bothering to put in any replacement text. This happens again a bit later, when Chris holds up a similar warning sign as they are about to use a bell in their scheme, and 4Kids, of course, blanked it out senselessly.
* In episode 10 of ''[[Fruits Basket]]'' Hatsuharu trips Kyo with a rope while Kyo is running (fortunately Kyo gets an [[Instant Bandages|Instant Bandage]]). Hatsuharu then [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the fourth wall]] to say that doing this could cause serious injury to anyone besides Kyo, so '''Don't Try This At Home'''.
{{quote| '''Kyo''': Don't try it here! [[Lampshade Hanging|Who are you even talking to?!]]}}
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* In the first book of [[The Dresden Files]], Harry warns us [[Fantastic Aesop|not to try to catch faeries at home, because we don't know what to do when it goes wrong.]]
* In ''Sewer, Gas & Electric'', when Morris Kazenstein appears in Dufresne's eco-activist video, he warns kids not to try what he's about to do without parental supervision. Namely, sink an illegal whaling ship with a magnetic railgun that fires whole kosher salami.
* Pretty much everything [[Crazy Survivalist|Ragnar Benson]] has ever written is encrusted in warnings that the book in question is for ''information purposes only'' and that attempting to actually apply the instructions found within could easily result in a long stay in [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs|prison, hospital, or prison hospital]]. It's probably worth noting at this point that Benson's works include ''Homemade C4: A Recipe For Survival'', ''The Most Dangerous Game: Advanced Mantrapping Techniques'', ''Ragnar's Guide to Home and Recreational Use of High Explosives'', ''Breath of the Dragon: Homebuilt Flamethrowers'', ''Home-Built Claymore Mines: A Blueprint For Survival'', ''David's Tool Kit: A Citizen's Guide to Taking Out Big Brother's Heavy Weapons'', and ''Homemade Grenade Launchers: Constructing the Ultimate Hobby Weapon''.
* After describing the aftermath of a kitchen grease fire in ''Maggody and the Moonbeams'', Arly warns readers not to set off fire extinguishers indoors to find out if her description is accurate, or they'll be sorry.
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* ''[[Tomica Hero Rescue Fire]]'' had a variation/lampshade. Ritsuka was fighting a pair of [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja|Ninja]] [[Mooks|Jakkast]] who were using a [[Improvised Weapon|giant spoon and a large metal pot]]. She attacked them because she didn't want to see any cute little kids imitating them.
* On an episode of ''[[QI]]'' it was revealed that custard is dense enough to walk on if you have, say, a kiddie pool full of it. The panel jumped at the opportunity to tell any kids watching that they definitely ''should'' try this at home.
** The footage shown of someone actually walking on custard was from an episode of [[Brainiac Science Abuse]], which is already mentioned above. In fact, the occurence might be considered a [[Shout -Out]] to the show.
** The trope was also applied to [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|the pronounciation of]] [[Vincent Van Gogh]].
* [[The Goodies (TV)|"We would like to point out that Ecky Thump is the ancient Lancastrian art of self defence. When practised by the untrained, it could be dangerous."]]
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== Music ==
* The song "Cartoon Heroes" by [[Aqua (Music)|Aqua]] features the line "What we do is what you just can't do" to remind kids not to try all the things they see their cartoon heroes doing.
* When the Irish music group Darby O'Gill covered [[Tom Lehrer]]'s ''The Irish Ballad'', they added this disclaimer after detailing one of the female protagonist's [[Self -Made Orphan|murders]].
* [[Songs to Wear Pants To]]'s "[ I am The Reason Why Girls Are Hot]" ends with "Yo I got a flamethrower and a microwave \ bring any girl to me and I'll make her real hot \ Don't try this at home, kids... bring her to ''my'' house".
* "Hellbent" by Self includes the line "I've been trying things at home that I saw on television, and I'm doin' 'em wrong!
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