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* In both the NES and Wii ''[[Punch Out|Punch-Out]]'' games, Little Mac's stamina is indicated by a heart gauge with a number. Blocking a punch the opponent throws or having one of your punches blocked takes away one heart, and getting hit takes away three. When the gauge hits 0, Little Mac becomes tired and can't throw any punches. He has to either dodge the opponent's punches or recover from a knockdown for the heart gauge to refill. There's nothing special that having stamina enables you to do, so it's more like one half of a Sprint Meter.
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls]]'' has a Fatigue meter in all games, which works somewhat differently between entries. Common between them, however, is that it drains when you sprint or use your weapons.
** ''[[The Elder Scrolls Arena (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls Arena]]'' and ''[[The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall]]'' have a Fatigue meter that drains slowly but surely over time and can only be restored by resting, casting a spell, or drinking a potion. Sprinting makes it drain much faster. Running out of Fatigue makes your character fall unconscious for an hour. Also has a minor interface version of [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]] in that Fatigue is the ''red'' bar with the ''green bar'' indicating health, unlike the later games.
** ''[[The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind]]'' changes it so that Fatigue regenerates when standing still, and running out makes your character collapse when struck with a fatigue-draining attack (usually hand-to-hand) for a few seconds. Low Fatigue also makes melee attacks less accurate and less damaging.
** ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion]]'' is mostly the same as ''Morrowind''...except that there's no longer a sprint button in the first place. Instead, moving slows the Fatigue regeneration rate based on your Athletics mastery level. Higher mastery levels reduce and even outright remove the regeneration penalty once mastered.
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