Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Difference between revisions

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** Taking cues? It is pretty much a true [[Spiritual Successor]] to the series since the head of the game created the series to begin with.
* [[Gory Deadly Overkill Title of Fatal Death]]: Revenge with a Vengeance. Revengeance.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Raiden, of all people, has become this.
* [[Here We Go Again]]: The Demo for Revengeance will be bundled, once again, with the Zone of The Enders HD Collection.
* [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You]]: In previous ''[[Metal Gear]]'' installments, the player has to hide from the enemy. In this game, enemies actually hide from the player, although namely because they intend to ambush the player, according to a podcast.
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* [[President Evil]]: Possibly, Steven Armstrong, kind of. He was a senator at the time that speech was leaked, and recent presidential posters plastered over various schools in real life hinting at the game imply that he was a candidate for the 2020 Presidency. It's also implied that he's involved in the activities of the enemy group, Desperado Enforcement LLC.
* [[Private Military Contractor]]: Desperado is the more traditional use of the trope (ie, supporting terrorists and criminals, and overall being evil). Maverick (the group Raiden is a member of), is a more beneficial and protagonistic use of the trope, similar to the Militaires Sans Frontieres in ''[[Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker]]''.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Raiden's eye turns red in the initial teaser trailer after killing a robot and draining its battery. In the trailer for [[Platinum Games]]' build, it happens again, just before Raiden dons a featureless mask reminiscent of [[Metal Gear Solid 2|Olga's]].
* [[Robot Buddy]]: In the original concept (and possibly in the [[Platinum Games]] version), Raiden is teamed up with Kogekko, a [[Fun Size]] version of the ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4]]'' Dwarf Gekkos (ak.a. Scarabs).
* [[Rule of Cool]]: In the VGA trailer, Raiden blocks the strike of a Metal Gear RAY and then somehow lifts and throws the entire thing into the air.
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: The african soldier in the trailers, especially the "Sword" trailer, qualifies. Of patticular note is his particularly brutal interrogation of a soldier regarding leaked information to the enemy, to which he threatens to kill his family if he doesn't admit to it, and also implies to planning to rape the interrogated soldier's wife before killing her.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Electricity can be seen coursing around Raiden's blade and body.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Shortly after Raiden kicked a soldier into a black car hard enough to nearly flip the car over and [[That Poor Car|set off the car alarm]] in the VGA 2011 trailer, Raiden says "Too easy!" in a voice that sounded very similar to [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]], shortly before [[Family-Unfriendly Death|cutting the soldier up into salami]].
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: The combat has a strong resemblance to [[Platinum Games]]' Bayonetta.
** [[X Meets Y]]: It looks a lot like a combination of Bayonetta and Vanquish.