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* In an unusual example of [[Tropes Are Not Bad]], there's [ Harmonystuck], a [[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]] AU in which the kids, trolls, Felt, and Midnight Crew are raised by a good version of Doc Scratch and every single evil character is nice. It's one of the sweetest [[A Us]] in the fandom, and is generally considered an antidepressant to the canon.
* This happens in a lot of [[Grimdark]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] fan stories, most notably the horrid [[Cupcakes (Fanfic)|Cupcakes]] and its multitude of spinoffs, in which [[Genki Girl|Pinkie Pie]] turns out to be a [[Serial Killer|murderous]] [[I'm a Humanitarian|cannibal]]. And then there's [[Sweet Apple Massacre]], which makes ''Cupcakes'' [[Eviler Than Thou|look downright tame]].
** Then there's ''Pattycakes''. Fluttershy is written as being so obsessed with having a child of her own that she psychologically breaks Rainbow Dash until the blue pegasus reverts to an infantile mental state, and in one ending totally destroys Scootaloo's mind for failing to comprehend the philosophy she never bothered to explain (Element of Kindness? Mo' like Element of [[Mind Rape]]!). Zecora is mentioned in backstory as having helped develop the mental regression drug, which fits with her herbal skills but not her actually possessing a functional brain. There's also a lot of [[Conveniently -Common Kink|ponies who are just sort of arbitrarily "into" age play]], to the point of taking doses of the aforementioned drug - even ultra-prim-and-proper Rarity (who, if you suggested that she entering a state where she would periodically shit herself, would likely give you the same kind of expression you'd earn from the Pope if you visited him with pamphlets about converting to Islam).
* There are ''plenty'' of ''[[Rocky Horror Picture Show]]'' fanfics which derail Frank's character in favor of pairing him up with either a [[Mary Sue]] or with whichever character they ship Frank with. Frank is often written as giving up his lustful ways (which he would ''never'' do because of his [[The Hedonist|hedonistsic nature]]) to settle down with his "one true love". Often, this is the result of him "seeing the error of his ways" after he somehow hurts his "love interest" (About the ''only'' character he felt any remorse towards losing in the play is Columbia, and even then he's a complete [[Jerkass]] about it). Or, him being reunited with a "long lost lover" from his past.
** This can apply to other characters as well. Columbia is either a [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] or a ditzy [[Damsel in Distress]] in the fanfics unlike the Harley Quinn-esque character she is in the play/movie.