Marvel vs. Capcom 3/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Contested Sequel]]: A good number of fans tried to compare this game with its previous installments. Expect heated debates.
* [[Counterpart Comparison]]:
** The Marvel and Capcom characters introduced side-by-side in every trailer have a theme and/or similarities:<br /><br />Ryu and Wolverine: Both of whom have cases of [[Wolverine Publicity]], appearing in many spinoff medias, and being the "icons" of both the ''[[Street Fighter]]'' and ''[[X-Men]]'' series, respectively. They can also be considered the unofficial "icon" for both Capcom, Marvel, and the whole ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom]]'' crossover series. Both also [[Spirited Competitor|love]] [[Blood Knight|fighting]], have their own honor code, and both are [[Determinator|very determined to achieve their goals.]]<br /><br />Morrigan and Iron Man: The former is a [[Horny Devils]], the latter is a [[Casanova]]. Overlaps with [[Crossover Ship]]. Both also uses jet booster to fly (although Morrigan can also use her wings, she just prefers turning them into jet boosters).<br /><br />Chris and Hulk: The former is trained to fight bioweapons, and the latter can be considered one of them. There is also [ the Chris + Boulder RE5 video]. Chris punched [[Memetic Mutation|that boulder]] into the lava. Hulk's Gamma Crush uses a flaming boulder.<br /><br />Dante and Deadpool: Both are [[Crazy Awesome]] sword-wielding, gun-toting, wisecracking red-clad mercenaries with a [[Healing Factor]] whose names starts with D. [[Not So Different]] indeed. Their themes are also the only ones which are rock arrangements with vocals. Both also have two similar hypers: Million Dollars and Devil Must Die for Dante, and Happy-Happy Trigger and Cuttin' Time for Deadpool.<br /><br />Felicia and Captain America: Both love freedom, are [[Eagle Land|eaglelanders]] as well, (moreso with Cap) and they both happen to be the most pure-hearted of their respective series.<br /><br />Chun-Li and Doctor Doom: Both characters possesses deep love for their parents (her father for Chun-li, and his mother for Doom).<br /><br />Trish and Super-Skrull: Both were made to impersonate certain traits of people related to the protagonist of their series. Trish was made to look like Dante's mom and has a weapon of Sparda's, while Super-Skrull, of course, copies the powers of the [[Fantastic Four]].<br /><br />Amaterasu and Thor: Both are [[Physical God|Physical Gods]] and share an [[Elemental Powers]]: [[Shock and Awe|lightning]]. If you take into account actual [[Japanese Mythology]], Thor could be likened (somewhat) to Susanoo, Amaterasu's brother and the Shinto god of sea and storms.<br /><br />Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu: they both get more power from their respective realms (MovieLand and the Dark Dimension.) Both also [[Playing With Fire|play with fire.]]<br /><br />Tron Bonne and X-23: Both are [[Breakout Character|Breakout Characters]] from their respective series. Both are also [[Anti-Hero|Antiheroines]], and both has their "close relatives" appearing in this game (Teisel Bonne as a cameo and the Servbots for the former, and her "father" Wolverine for the latter).<br /><br />Wesker and Spider-Man: Both are <s>mutants</s> mutates (Wesker with T-Virus, Spider-Man with radioactive spider sting). Wesker's Phantom Dance super is also quite similar to Spider-Man's Maximum Spider super (it was even given the [[Fan Nickname]] "Maximum Wesker").<br /><br />Arthur and M.O.D.O.K.: [[More Than Meets the Eye|They are surprisingly dangerous compared to their more serious looking enemies]]. They also have a lot of projectile/laser moves.<br /><br />Spencer and Magneto: [[Humans Are Bastards|They have been victims of human bastardness]]. [[Those Wacky Nazis|And have had encounters with a certain Fuhrer.]]<br /><br />Zero and She-Hulk: Both act as law enforcers (Zero being a Maverick hunter and She-Hulk being a lawyer). Both are [[Breakout Character|Breakout Characters]] as well. Less noticeably, both have [[Gag Boobs|green tracts of land.]]<br /><br />C. Viper and Storm: Both use some [[Elemental Powers]], and they share one element: [[Shock and Awe|lightning]]. There's also a "natural vs. artificial" theme within them--Viper uses gadgets and Storm uses inherent powers. Both also are dark-skinned with [[Dark-Skinned Redhead|unique]] [[Dark-Skinned Blond|hair.]]<br /><br />Haggar and Phoenix: Both go on angry bad-guy-beating sprees when their loved ones get hurt--though Phoenix's are a lot more dangerous than Haggar's.<br /><br />[[Unlockable Content|Akuma and Taskmaster]]: Both are morally dubious proficient combat experts, though Taskmaster is more of a [[Combat Pragmatist]] who does it [[Only in It For The Money|for the money]] while Akuma fights with [[Blue and Orange Morality|a sense of some honor]] and [[Blood Knight|does it out of his love of battle]]. They also have some moves from other fighters; Akuma being a pure-yet-overpowered [[Shotoclone]] and Taskmaster having the moves of several Marvel characters.<br /><br />[[Unlockable Content|Hsien-Ko and Sentinel]]: Both are hunters of beings thought to be threats to humanity. Hsien-Ko hunts monsters and demons in order to find the one responsible for killing her mother, while Sentinel units are designed to hunt down mutants. They also both fight using hidden weapons. They also have a blue and purple color scheme. (Hsien-Ko has her default scheme and Sentinel has his/it's ''X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse'' scheme)<br /><br />[[Downloadable Content|Jill and Shuma-Gorath]]: Like Chris and Hulk above, Shuma is a [[Eldritch Abomination|monstrous creature]] and Jill's job is to defeat them. {{spoiler|Though this time, both of them are on the same side, or so we think}}.<br /><br />Firebrand and Ghost Rider: They both have their own demonic powers, and [[Pyrokinesis]] in particular. The former is mostly seen as a force of evil while the latter is the opposite.<br /><br />Strider Hiryu and Hawkeye: Both are acrobatic fighters with multiple weapons in supply and wear purple. The former is more silent and to-the-point while the latter is brash and cocky.<br /><br />Doctor Strange and Nemesis: (Arcane) Magic vs. (Mad) Science. Both also bind their opponents in their Level 3 hypers before destroying them.<br /><br />Vergil and Iron Fist: Classic [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] comparison -- cold and calculating Vergil against the (literally!) fiery Iron Fist. Both are connected to supernatural powers through a legacy. Vergil uses an immortal weapon; Iron Fist ''is'' an immortal weapon. Both also have Asian-themed fighting styles (Vergil with his Iaido and Iron Fist with his Kung-Fu).<br /><br />Phoenix Wright and Nova: A shared focus on justice. As a contrast, while Nova has [[Combo -Platter Powers]], Phoenix Wright... [[Muggle|doesn't.]]<br /><br />Frank West and Rocket Raccoon: Both's appearances here are a little [[Fish Out of Water|out of place]] compared to most of the other characters, and are both known for using weapons... lots of weapons.
** The [ opening movie] of ''Ultimate'' had all of these rivalries scrambled and re-done to include new characters.<br /><br />Ryu and Nova: Both have a strong sense of heroism and are good at firing energy blasts. Both also have a [[Kamehame Hadoken]] as one of their hypers.<br /><br />Wolverine and Vergil: Both are (or, in case of Wolverine, was) samurai who have a strong sense of honor. They tend to win fights by slicing their enemies and both have [[Healing Factor|healing factors]]. Wolverine has the Adamantium claws which is said as the unbreakable metal; Vergil's Yamato is able to cut anything, thus giving the theme of [[Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object]]. Also, Wolverine uses savage brawling while Vergil uses refined swordmanship. In gameplay terms, they both have a [[Super Mode]].<br /><br />Hulk and Haggar: Both are big hulking bruisers. There's also their respective quotes to each other in the game itself, emphasizing their rivalry.<br /><br />Dante and Ghost Rider: Both are demon-hunting badasses. While Dante is cocky and loves to crack jokes, Ghost Rider is cold, serious, and intimidating. This is also shown in Dante's vanilla ''MvC3'' ending.<br /><br />Morrigan and Dr. Strange: Strange deals with abominations from other dimensions; Morrigan is just one of them.<br /><br />Strider Hiryu and Spider-Man: In the artwork for the online re-release of ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Video Game)|MvC2]]'', the two were portrayed as rivals. Both are also agile characters, and red and blue (Spidey's default color) results in purple (Hiryu's default color).<br /><br />Wesker and Phoenix: Both are "gods" -- Wesker just claims that he's one, while Phoenix has the Phoenix Force sealed inside her.<br /><br />Nemesis and X-23: Both wear black leather. The former is an experimental zombie mutant while the latter is an experimental clone mutant, and both are trained to hunt people.<br /><br />Phoenix Wright and Deadpool: Both use speech bubbles as attacks.<br /><br />Hawkeye and Captain American vs Firebrand and an army of Red Arremers<br /><br />Spencer and Iron Man: Both are tech-themed.<br /><br />She-Hulk and Jill: Both are brutally powerful females.<br /><br />Thor and Trish: Both wield lightning and have blonde hair.<br /><br />Amaterasu and Dormammu: Both manipulate reality, are gods, and wield fire.<br /><br />Iron Fist and Chun-Li: Both are well-studied martial artists. Chun-Li is often focused on kicks while Iron Fist is often focused on punches.<br /><br />Rocket Raccoon and Viewtiful Joe: Both are two of the smallest members of the cast and use [[BFG|BFGs]].<br /><br />Zero and M.O.D.O.K: Both are mechanical characters that utilize laser weaponry.<br /><br />Sentinel and Tron: Both are highly brutish in their style, are tech-themed, and have robot assistants.<br /><br />Crimson Viper and Frank West vs Super-Skrull: Both are humans with unorthodox fighting styles against an alien with an unorthodox collection of super-powers<br /><br />Hsien-Ko and Taskmaster: Both are weapon-freaks.<br /><br />Akuma and Storm: The power of Gaia versus the power of the Shin-Goku-Gatsu. Both are also dark-skinned.<br /><br />Chris and Felicia vs Shuma-Gorath: Chris and Felicia deal in a regular basis with supernatural threats, such as Shuma-Gorath.<br /><br />Arthur and Doctor Doom: Arthur mistakes Doom for a knight in the game.<br /><br />Magneto fighting Galactus alone: Both are/were the final bosses of their debut game.