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For a Free MMORPG, [[Mabinogi (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mabinogi]] has quite a story and cast of characters. If you're looking for the original Welsh mythology, that should be at [[Mabinogion]].
== Multiple-Generation Characters ==
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Oh yeah.
* [[No Pronunciation Guide]]: She actually ''urges'' you to use her first name because she knows how hard her full name is to pronounce.
* [[Pals Withwith Jesus|Pals With God]]: She guides souls into Erinn under the service of Morrighan.
* [[Pieta Plagiarism]]: {{spoiler|The Generation 1 credits depict her cradling and crying for her dead father, Mores.}}
* [[She Is All Grown Up]]: {{spoiler|Used to be Mari.}}
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* [[But Now I Must Go]]: {{spoiler|After her plan succeeds in G16, she opts to leave Erinn unless something particularly dangerous for it comes up.}}
* [[Call to Adventure]]: She's the one issuing them, by way of [[Psychic Dreams for Everyone]].
* [[Chained Byby Fashion]]: Her arms are chained closely together at the wrists. You can see it on her profile if you look close enough.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Double Subversion; Morrighan has black hair and wings, but wears white clothing. {{spoiler|Cichol does the opposite.}}
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Her wings are black, but she's the good one. {{spoiler|Until Chapter 4.}}
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Not as much as Nao, but she ''does'' have the [[Sexy Backless Outfit]], and her outfit allows for some ''serious'' [[Sideboob]]. Fanart takes this [[Up to Eleven]], and even recent official art seems to have increased her bust size to rival Nao's. Finally, her [[Eyes Always Shut]] also lends a certain Moe charm to her.
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice Job Breaking Erinn Goddess]]:Nice job causing the whole Fomor War, Morri.}}
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Vanished just before the Generation 3 final boss and fails to show up again until just before the {{spoiler|G10 final boss.}}
* [[Ravens and Crows]]: Her animal motif.
* [[Run, Don't Walk]]: Reversed: Morrighan can't be bothered to run, even when in combat. Luckily, she can [[Flash Step]] instead.
* [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]]: {{spoiler|Almost happens to her twice, but Tarlach saves her before the second time fully set in.}}
* [[Sexy Backless Outfit]].
* [[Taken for Granite]]: Happens in the backstory. {{spoiler|She seems to have gotten over it.}}
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* [[Winged Humanoid]].
* [[What the Hell, Hero?|What The Hell Goddess]]: {{spoiler|Cichol calls her out at the end of G3 on not ever telling humanity know that Erinn is actually Tir Na Nog, an the Other World is simply an alternative wasteland and not the true paradise, and for using Milletians to fight the war between good and evil. She claims she has her reasons, but hasn't yet explained them. Whether or not your character forgives her is determined by whether you become a Dark Knight or remain a Paladin. She got called out again by Cichol in the backstory for refusing to seal the gap in Erinn.}}
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: Happens two known times, and neither [[Sealed Good in Aa Can|ends very well for her]].
=== Cichol ===
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* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: Cichol's primary belief.
* [[In the Hood]]: The characters claim he actually is wearing a mask, but the player can't see even that.
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]]: Cichol's first action upon being {{spoiler|brought back to life is to taunt Nuadha over his newfound [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|imprisonment]].}}
* [[Kill All Humans]].
* {{spoiler|[[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]: He didn't plan to die, but by giving his powers to the player character, he manages to ensure that the Fomor race is saved from the threat of Neamhain and the Caliburn from beyond the grave anyways.}}
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* [[A Wizard Did It|A Druid Did It]]: How {{spoiler|he got his powers back}} in G3 goes totally unexplained, which is even more mind boggling since he goes right back to living up north afterward. [[A Wizard Did It|Nao Did It? Morrighan Did It?]]
** Then again, {{spoiler|it he HAD been "resting" for quite a while. It's possible he COULD use magic, but doing so would destabilize his body. Again.}}
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]]: Turns into one by day so he can eat Mana Herbs to survive; his human form is allergic to them.
* [[Heroic Self-Deprecation]]: Feels responsible for the loss of Ruairi and Mari, and feels terrible about it.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: "Wields" a Mandolin, except it works just about as well as one could except a Guitar to work when you're fighting evil monsters: not at all. The fact that its on his sub-weapon slot should be a hint.
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* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Turns back to the heroic side when he learns Tarlach and Mari are alive, and that Cichol doesn't plan to keep them that way.}}
* [[Idiot Hero]]: At first.
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: Ruairi makes it pretty clear just ''[[Distracted Byby the Sexy|why]]'' he jumped too...
* [[Missed the Call]]: Aside from the player, Ruairi is the other person Morrighan asks for help. It doesn't end well.
* {{spoiler|[[Out of Focus]]: Doesn't contribute much to the overall story of G1, Ruairi makes up for it in G2 and G3, and even continues to appear in G8 while Tarlach has long since settled into the background.}}
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Tropes associated with Mari:
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: According to supplementary material, she's sensitive about her complete lack of development compared to others her age. [[Hilarious in Hindsight|Heh.]]
* [[The Archer]]: Has the skills, but not the personality.
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]]: Died as Mari and was born again as Nao.}}
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: To Ruairi.
* [[Fan Girl]]: Over both Tarlach and Ranald.
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* [[The Battle Didn't Count]]: ''Both'' times in G1. Against Tarlach's crew, he simply gets back up like nothing happened, and against you, he simply decided to allow the [[Eldritch Abomination]] to have his way with you.
* [[Cool Sword]]: {{spoiler|The sword he once wielded as Lugh. He gives it to Ruairi at the start of G3.}}
* [[Cutscene Power to Thethe Max]]: Taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Nobody can stop Cutscene!Morgant... {{spoiler|Except for [[Big Damn Heroes|Tarlach.]]}}
* [[The Dragon]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: In G3, he claims to Ruairi that he is using Cichol for some currently unclear purpose.}}
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: Morgant makes liberal use of Windmill in cut scenes.
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]: ''How'' he fell is still a mystery.}}
* [[Mind Rape]]: Is the one responsible for bringing out every other [[Face Heel Turn]] in Chapter One.
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: Was simply referred to as [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|"The Dark Lord"]] until G2 finally gave him a name.
* [[Tin Tyrant]].
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Generally if you try to ask about normal town infrastructure that the alternate Tir Chonaill blatantly lacks.
* [[Disabled Badass]]: At first, it seems he's crippled because of his bad leg. {{spoiler|In truth it's because he's been foced out of his proper body.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Did Mom Just Have Tea Withwith Cthulhu?]]?: You find out that Dougal is actually the soul of the very creature you've been trying to prevent the summoning of for the later half of G1, only after he's been helping you for the past hour or so.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Eldritch Abomination]]: The soul of one, technically.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Grand Theft Me]]: In a bit of a switch, ''nothing'' takes his place inside his proper body; the Glas Ghaibhleann is simply left a soulless, mindless monster.}}
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* [[Missing Mom]]: Her mother {{spoiler|who was later revealed to be Neamhain}} is nowhere to be seen.
* [[Precocious Crush]]: Falls for Ruairi during the course of G2 and G3.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: After G3.
** {{spoiler|[[Bus Crash]]: Triona died at some between G3 and G16, and Bella began to pose as her to her father through brainwashing.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: It's not really clear though whether she's the evil itself, the can, or some combination of both.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]'' [[What the Hell, Player?|and]]'' [[What the Hell, Player?|player]]: Upon '''[[You Bastard|you]]''', along with preemptive [[Heel Realization]] for the main character; the last stage in your Paladin training involves you being ordered to murder a seemingly perfectly defenseless little girl, during which your character happily plays along before realizing Triona really ''is'' a perfectly defenseless little girl, and quitting the training as a result of the incident. {{spoiler|Excluding the Macha factor anyways.}}
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* [[Death From Above]]: Watch for Meteor!
* {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]: Tricks the player into helping him kill Cromm Cruaich.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: He and the Red Dragons are sealed in Zardine by the Irinid. His goal is to undo that and claim all of Iria for himself.}}
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: He's the one who first claimed black haired Elves would cause disaster. {{spoiler|His claim is correct because he makes sure any black haired Elf ''does'' cause disaster, making this an interesting case of the prophesier actively fulfilling his own prophesy.}}
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* [[Distressed Damsel]]: A couple times during G9, she later improves.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Dual wields two sword, becoming one of the only, if not THE only, character in the story to do this.
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Knight Templar]]: Used to be a ''literal'' one.
* [[Magic Versus Science]]: {{spoiler|Her parents were victims of this.}}
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** [[Fantastic Racism]] and [[All of the Other Reindeer]]
* [[Good Looking Privates]]
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[The Lancer]]: She's Fallon's Lancer, but Fallon himself vanishes quickly in G9, leaving her in charge.
* {{spoiler|[[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]}}
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Take Karpfen's version of this trope, switch the gender pronouns, then switch the placement of the two races, and you've got Granat's version.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: Granites, Granat's brother, is a [[Deadpan Snarker]], and a [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]], if not a straight up [[Jerkass]]. Granat is straightforward and kindly, though he's also [[The Stoic]].
* [[The Stoic]]
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* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Comes with being an Alchemist in this game.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: She is most unimportant to the story after a brief period in G9, until becoming important in G12.
* [[Never Mess Withwith Granny]]: She ''is'' a Master Alchemist, so this goes by default.
* [[Old Master]]
* [[We Used to Be Friends]]: {{spoiler|With Helvetius.}}
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Fallon saves the player early on in G9 after a close encounter with Glas Ghaibhleann.
* [[Call to Adventure]]: Issues them to all players when they reach a certain level, summoning them to aid in the Shadow War at Tailltean.
* {{spoiler|[[Death Byby Irony]]: Claimh Solas immediately kills him upon its transmutation. Fallon was the commander of the Fomors working to transmute it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]: of G9.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]].}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Rival Turned Evil]]: To Lennox}}
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: His face is ''horribly'' scarred from Neamhain's attack on him in Generation 11.
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You Withwith Me]]: When it is clear that his faction has lost their battle against the Royal Alchemists, he blows up the Alchemy steam ovens in the middle of the battle field, killing himself and Lennox.}}
=== Lennox ===
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* [[God Is Evil]]
* [[Ground Pound]]
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: Nuadha lures Morrighan into Falias and activates a seal he prepared in advance to trap her inside long enough for him to kill her. Morrighan and the player reverses this seal to trap ''him'' inside Falias to defeat him.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]
* [[Mega Manning]]: Of a sort; [[Holy Hand Grenade|he uses Neamhain's powers during the final boss fight with him.]]
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* [[Happily Married]]: With Portia in the end.
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: To Antonio. Ironically, Antonio almost loses his while helping Bassanio win the woman he loves.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: If he's your friend, he's this, otherwise he can be a full on [[Jerkass]].
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red to Antonio's blue; he's the hot-headed one.
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* [[Action Girl]]: Doesn't hesitate to break into the Belvast prison to help spring Antonio.
* [[The Archer]]: Though she lacks the tomboy personality.
* [[Eek! Aa Mouse!]]: ''Swarms'' of rats, actually, so it's a bit less odious than the normal use of this trope.
* [[Engagement Challenge]]: It's a big part of G15.
* [[Gilded Cage]]: She lives in a opulent mansion in Filia set for life due to the fortune her father left her, but Portia wants to see the lands beyond Connous.
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Tropes associated with Shylock:
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]].}}
* [[Adaptational Villainy]]: Inverted - Shylock's considerably less villainous in ''Mabinogi'' than he was in ''The Merchant of Venice''.
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: Near the end of G15, {{spoiler|which is just want Shakespeare wanted.}}
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Tropes associated with Bella:
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]].}}
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Retroactive version; she taught Shakespeare Enthralling Melody, which he used to save the children of Partholon.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: It's heavily implied that Bella allowed Lugh Lavada to realize that she wasn't Triona, so that she could die an purify the soul stream.}}
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* [[Mysterious Waif]].
** [[Waif Fu]]: It's not what she's best at, but she can fight.
* [[One Mario Limit]]: Might want to have considered [[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|renaming her...]]
=== Owen ===
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* [[A Father to His Men]].
* [[An Officer and Aa Gentleman]].
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: A rare positive example; he has his victory in Belvast to thank for his high rank.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Scathach ''implies'' he's this, but nothing comes of it.
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* [[Purple Eyes]].
* [[Security Cling]]: To you, provided you opt to give her a hug after {{spoiler|the assassination attempt on her.}}
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Was initially "Eremon".
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]].
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: It's hard to blame her for being so harsh, considering all that happens to her in such a short space of time.
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* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: As of G13, Eiry is no longer given to new players. [[Tear Jerker|She no longer exists.]]
* [[Empathic Weapon]]: You can later make more, all of which are somewhat more helpful than Eiry, but also much more demanding.
* [[It May Help You Onon Your Quest]]: Subverted in that you're told straight off just ''how'' she'll be helpful.
* [[He Knows About Timed Hits]]: Eiry provides most of the Tutorial for the early game.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]].
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* [[Cleavage Window]].
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: She's taught the Spinning Uppercut fighter ability from Mina.
** [[Shoryuken]].
* [[Happily Married]]: If she marries Keane.