Realm of the Elderlings: Difference between revisions

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m Dai-Guard moved page Realm of the Elderlings (Literature) to Realm of the Elderlings over redirect: Remove TVT Namespaces from title
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Lady Patience.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Fitz does not fight fair at all. Poison, hidden weapons, sniping, and deliberate maiming are all standard tactics for him.
** Molly as well. With [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bees|bees]] nonetheless.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Done to Fitz.
* [[Comic Book Adaptation]]: A French production that has only been translated into Dutch so far.
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* [[The Kingdom]]: the Six Duchies
* [[Living Legend]]: The Fitz earns a reputation as a fighter before "dying". After dying, he continues to earn a reputation as a witted sinner, but still serving his king.
* [[Low Fantasy]]: Follows a [[High Fantasy]] plot structure, but Hobb's narrative resembles [[Jack London]] more than [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]. [[Character Development]], [[Weather and Environment]], and internal narrative are, generally, the main focus. Questing is nasty, hard, dirty work, and magic is a (thankfully) uncommon, often painful experience.
** {{spoiler|It's established that magic ''should'' be more common than it is, and more impressive, but Galen suppressed and badly mishandled all the coolest powers of The Skill while those with The Wit are actively persecuted.}}
** {{spoiler|The series is really more of an after the end of magic scenario since the rise of magic seems to be dovetail with the return of the dragons. The dragons themselves, and the high fantasy society that developed with them, were eliminated in an eariler unexplained catastrophe.}}
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** Third is {{spoiler|his new identity}} in the third trilogy. {{spoiler|Tom, the name given him by Patience, Badgerlock, for the white scalp lock given him in Regal's dungeon.}}
* [[Mind Rape]]: Part of what the Skill can do to someone, forcing pain, attacking their mind, or forcing compulsions onto someone. It's even possible to fry someone's mind entirely with a Skill-blast, though the feedback is pretty nasty when that happens.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: Fitz ends up doing some amazing things with the Skill once he's under pressure or asleep. Much of this is the result of mental blocks he's built up (or had inflicted upon him) against the Skill that make it difficult for him to consciously control it; his natural Skill strength is pretty phenomenal when he actually can get to it.
* [[Ninja Maid]]: Lacey, the "best student Hod ever taught."
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]
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* [[Slut Shaming]]: Not too bad, but the threats to Molly begin with being forced out of the castle in shame. Fitz's reputation is also likely to suffer, though not as much. Minstrels are explicitly free from the shame normally attaching to sluttly liaisons.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Averted by Fitz. See [[Determinator]].
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: Kettricken comes from a culture where women, even royals, share in combat and heavy manual labor, even more so than in the Six Duchies. She resents bring cooped up in a tower making tapestries (considered a winter activity) when she could be , at he very least, stitching sails for the fleet of ships being built. Partially Justified in that both her and her unborn child are targets for assassination and Fitz is doing his darnedest to protect them and the stability of the whole kingdom.
* [[Stern Teacher]]: Burrich. Incredibly gruff and almost universally loved.
** Averted with Chade, who sometimes falls under the [[Trickster Mentor]], but is terribly laid back considering how serious his job is.
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* [[Bifauxnen]]: Althea as Athel is more than a little attractive to women, including Jek.
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: Malta certainly fits the description
* [[Broken Bird]]: Etta, an ex-prostitute who isn't really a [[Hooker Withwith a Heart of Gold]] (only under very odd circumstances could she be called "sweet").
* [[Continuity Nod]]: when Amber resculpts the ship Paragon's visage in order to restore its eyes, the end result is heavily implied to be Fitz the assassin. In ''The Tawny Man'', {{spoiler|this turns out to have been a [[Chekhov's Boomerang]]}}.
* [[Corrupt Church]]: {{spoiler|The church of Sa in Jamailla City has turned corrupt, and now collaborates with the slave traders.}}
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* [[I Gave My Word]]
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Vivacia, upon seeing {{spoiler|Wintrow's slave tattoo}}.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Jerk]]: Satrap Cosgo is made more prudent and pragmatic by his ordeals, but every time you think he's learned something about empathy, graciousness, or humility as well, he turns out to be as big of a [[Jerkass]] as ever.
* [[Living Legend]]:
** Kennit, King of the Pirate Isles, strives for this his entire career, and succeeds in spite of himself. His legacy passes to Etta and Wintrow.
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* [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage]]: Malta and Reyn's (then again, Reyn was the one who asked for it)
* [[Plucky Middie]]
* [[Rape Asas Drama]]: {{spoiler|Althea by Kennit, Serilla, Kennit's backstory}}
* [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil]]
* [[Reality Ensues]]: protip: if you want someone to help you, don't make them look stupid for months first.
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* [[Boomerang Bigot]]: {{spoiler|Burrich}} as it turns out. [[Freudian Excuse]] and all.
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Subverted {{spoiler|the cat in question is under the control of a woman who [[Grand Theft Me|has taken over its body]] and [[Body Surf|intends to move on to Dutiful next]]. The cat has actually been [[Fighting From the Inside]] the whole time.}}
* [[A Crack in Thethe Ice]]: In the last book, {{spoiler|Fitz and the Fool}} fall down one when crossing a glacier.
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]: This time, {{spoiler|Chivalry}}
* [[Disability Superpower]]: Thick, who combines the mind of a child with enough power in the Skill magic that he may be the most powerful Skill-user in the series.
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* [[Slut Shaming]]: People heap shame on Fitz and Lord Golden for their perceived promiscuities. Svanja's father is distraught over what she and Hap are doing, and starts a fight with Fitz over it.
* [[The Un-Reveal]]: the Fool's gender. Possibly to show that Fitz has come to accept the Fool's own view that it isn't important.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: Purposefully invoked {{spoiler|and then Averted}}. through both series, it's implied we'll never find out the exact circumstances around Chivalry's death. {{spoiler|In a chapter heading, it outright says his [[Wicked Stepmother]] probably had him killed to grease Regal's ascent to the throne.}}
* [[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]]: shades of this in Kettricken
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* [[Never Found the Body]]: Rapskal and Heeby
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Born deformed, they suffer the same prejudice as their keepers.
* [[Rape Asas Drama]]: Hest raping Alise
* [[Slut Shaming]]: Proper Bingtowners don't do extramarital sex, and deformed Rain Wilder's shouldn't ever.
* [[Straight Gay]]: Hest,{{spoiler|Carson, Davvie and Lester}}