Calvin and Hobbes/WMG: Difference between revisions

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[[Law of Conservation of Detail|Occam's Razor]], and ''no one'' is aging up.
== Calvin lives in an [[Alternate Universe]] version of [[Higurashi no Naku Koro Nini|Hinamizawa]]. ==
Calvin is several decades old, and Hobbes is Hanyuu as a stuffed animal.
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The comics simply [[Anachronic Order|jump around different parts of this time period]] constantly. So every Christmas-related strip, for example, takes place at the same time chronologically.
* This theory explains the final comic. Calvin's birthday was the next day. The comic ended because he turned seven.
* [[Slaughterhouse -Five|Calvin O'Keefe has come unstuck in time.]]
** Im-freakin'-possible Calvin has had a first day of school many times each time different events transpire.
* This has been my own personal canon for years.
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== Calvin is a god in training. ==
He animated his stuffed tiger; he has created many, many realities; he even erased his "uncle" Max from existence. No sensible person would allow a being with all this power to do anything without learning how to control the power first, would they? Therefore, Calvin's (unnamed) town must be a training ground for him to learn to control his powers so that when the time comes, Calvin alone will be able to decide who lives and who dies. Considering that the one time Calvin imagined that he ''was'' a god, he demanded human sacrifices and smote those who disobeyed him, he has a long way to go.
* This opens up the possibility that Calvin was not the only god-in-training in his neighborhood. We only ever saw Calvin reshaping reality, but that doesn't necessarily mean the other children in the neighborhood didn't. Or, in another universe, another version of Calvin serves as a supporting character to another god-in-training. This, combined with certain similarities between the two characters, suggests that ''Susie Derkins eventually grows up to become [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Literature)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]''.
** Alternatively, Calvin is Kyon.
*** But the strip takes place in America, probably in Ohio. Haruhi and Kyon are from the Kansai region of Japan. This would explain the fact that they don't have the accents they should. It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that both Calvin and Suzie are Asian in heritage, given the simple art of the strip. Haruhi ''is'' in fourth grade or so when she attends the fateful baseball game, and three years is plenty of time to move to Japan. And neither series follows reality in the strictest sense.
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* Jeremy Duncan has a brother who's a few years older than him (he doesn't appear often in ''Zits'', because he's attending college). Calvin is quite obviously an only child. So how does Jeremy's brother fit into this theory?
* Alternately, ''Calvin grows up to be Jeremy Duncan, who grows up to be Frazz.'' The logical continuation of this is, of course, that ''Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from ''[[Fight Club]]''.'' Thus, ''all four of these characters are gods.''
** Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Literature)|Kyon]] becomes [[Doctor Who|The Doctor]], this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of ''Fight Club'', ''Calvin becomes [[Torchwood (TV)|Captain Jack.]]'' What this means for Suzie...[[Dead Star Walking|bad end]]. Then again, she's a god. She'll be all right.
***** This also means that Captain Jack is a god...
* Staying with Jeremy Duncan, it's obvious when you compare each character's parents: Calvin/Jeremy's dad just gained weight in the intervening years. That also means that it's also entirely possible that Susie is Sara and Moe is Hector.
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**** Thanks to [[Rule 34]], I'm sure he's far ''too'' aware of what a furry is, now.
* Incidentally, I find it hilarious how practically all of the above tropers subscribe to the "furry = furvert" stereotype.
** Indeed. Most real life furs don't start out in the fandom as furverts (and, in fact, got their "furry interest" from mundane things like a stuffed animal collection or [[Funny Animal]] children's cartoons, hence why a lot of furry [[Fan Art]] and [[Fanfic]] are about shows like ''[[Swat Kats (Animation)|Swat Kats]]'' or ''[[Sonic the HedgehogSat (Animation)AM|Sonic the Hedgehog]]''), and Calvin's experiences perfectly illustrate the initial "transition phase" furs engage in, when they discover the fandom (plus, he's still too young to lean toward furversion, though there's no guarantee that he won't become one, as he grows older). Most likely, he's at that transition phase, only just discovering his place in the fandom and exploring it, but still unsure if it's the right thing for him. Hobbes, by extension, was his "gateway drug", going from imaginary friend to conduit of his furry interest and expression.
** So are we all subscribing to "furry = otherkin", then? I'm a little confused.
*** Otherkin != furry. Yes, you are confused. Just like 'normal' people don't all like the same things, not all furries are the same. The loud weirdos get all the press; just like not all christians are loudmouthed bigoted idiots like Pat Robertson, not all furries wear costumes 24x7, carry modified stuffed animals with genitalia (yet ANOTHER different fandom) and hump legs at a moment's notice.
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** Not really. Being furry doesn't have to be sexual in nature. He may simply like it as a world basis. He does, after all, enjoy changing into animals and his favorite stories involve tigers, wolves, bears, and hamsters.
== Calvin's parents eventually got fed up with him and sent him to a [[Akira (Manga)|Japanese orphanage]] shortly after World War 3. ==
Eventually, he changed his name and dyed his hair, internalized the Hobbes persona, and made friends with another orphan boy named Kaneda.
* Possibly, his parents were killed, or couldn't support having a child in the post-war climate.
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== Hobbes is an alien, a Fuzzy Tiger, who transforms into a plush toy when seen by humans ==
Combine the above theory with the aliens from the episode "Blink" of ''[[Doctor Who]]''. Clearly Hobbes' home planet is twinned with the home planet of the Weeping Angels. He can move when Calvin is looking at him because it's only triggered by non-timelord races. He can move in Calvin's eyes even when someone else is watching him for the same reason that the Weeping Angels couldn't move when nobody could see them but the lights were on.
* Like Kerberos from [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]? Spiffy. Perhaps he's training Calvin for a similar mission! [[Gotta Catch Them All]]!
== Calvin grows up (or rather, doesn't grow up) and becomes Slick from ''[ Sinfest]'' ==
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== Hobbes is a Shinigami ==
* His tuna addiction is similar to Ryuk's addiction to apples. Calvin has a [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]], but can't use it because he doesn't want to make an Eye Deal until he knows how much life he has left himself, a fact Hobbes refuses to share. He keeps Suzie alive because he needs her to do something - he just hasn't figured out what. People only see Hobbes as a a stuffed tiger because he chose to possess a stuffed tiger. He can come out of the stuffed tiger at any time to show his true form; while he's inside the stuffed tiger, he looks like a real anthropomorphic tiger.
When Calvin grows up, he'll become a Kira. His alter ego, Tracer Bullet, will be the alias of T from Wammy's house.
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* In addition, they eventually discover an ancient contract that shows that they have bought planet Earth at a bargain price. But when they come back to check out their new place, they find that Calvin, who never really owned Earth, didn't have the authority to make the trade, which made the contract moot. They'll be ultra-pissed and try to kill everyone; then Calvin will spontaneously manifest his Time Lord abilities and stop them.
== Calvin is a [[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|Changeling]] ==
Likely a Nocker, from his caustic personality and constant inventing. Hobbes is his Chimera companion. His parents are too Banal to see him.
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* That suggestion coupled with the fact that I watch a lot of Law & Order makes me a little sick. An Uncle, visits his six-year old nephew once, goes to prison, and is never mentioned again. What kind of crime gets you THAT sort of treatment? Hint: It has it's own L&O spin-off.
== Calvin is Lan from [[MegamanMega Man Battle Network]] ==
Hobbes is Calvin's dead twin brother's soul possessing a tiger doll. When Calvin/Lan get a PET, Hub/Hobbes' soul transfers itself to the PET and becomes Megaman. Susie is Mayl.
* Also, if the 'Calvin is a reality warper' theory is applied, Calvin changes the world to be vastly different, probably stemming from an interest in the internet and Japan as he grows older.
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Self explanatory.
== Uncle Max [[Name's the Same|is]] [[Ben 10 (Animation)|Grandpa Max]]. ==
That would make Calvin Ben's and Gwen's second cousin.
* Dude... that is possibly the most awesome WMG on this page. Totally seconded.
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* Congratulations, you've written the single most depressing WMG ever.
** [ I cried.]
* By the way, this was used as a one-off gag in ''[[Lio]]''. (''Lio'' is like that--the day of this writing, it had [[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]] cut in half.)
== The MOST depressing WMG ever? I can top that! ==
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** '''* CLONK* ''' [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|We wish to inform you that those responsible for clonking the crazy troper have, themselves, been clonked. ]]
== Hobbes is an [[FostersFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends|Imaginary Friend]] ==
Calvin subconsciously gave him the ability to appear like normal plush toy to others (alternately, he's a plush toy turned into an imaginary friend). Quite possibly his powerful imagination gives him abilities beyond ordinary kids, similar to Mac and Goo.
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Alternatively, he might be going Marauder.
* It doesn't fit quite as well, but his inventions almost fit the [[Genius: The Transgression (Tabletop Game)|Genius]] mould, and he has a few [[Mad Scientist]] tendencies. Perhaps we're looking at a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|cross-breed]]?
** [[Genius: The Transgression (Tabletop Game)|Genius: The Transgression]] says that occasionally recently catalyzed Geinuses are mistaken for newly-awakened Mages.
== Calvin is a [[Genius: The Transgression (Tabletop Game)|Genius]], and Hobbes is one of his Wonders. ==
...Hence the reason Calvin has never used any of his "Inventions" on anyone other than himself: doing so would risk Havoc. It's most likely Calvin was given a crash-course in Havoc and Mania, as well as being directed to the Axioms by a member of the Peerage shortly after "The [[Noodle Incident]]", (I.E. his breakthrough).
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And Hobbes is a [[Werewolf: The Forsaken|Weretiger]].
...just to round out the ''[[New World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|New World of Darkness]]'' theories.
== Calvin is either a [[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|Changeling]], a [[Geist: The Sin Eaters (Tabletop Game)|Geist]], a [[Promethean: The Created|Promethian]], or a [[Hunter: The Vigil (Tabletop Game)|Hunter]]. ==
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* Actually, she may in fact be a super heroine/costumed vigilante after all! And knowing that her son will one day inherit her powers, or at least, she wants to push him in the crime fighter direction, she sewed a super hero costume for him allowing him to take on the alter ego of...'''STUPENDOUS MAN!'''
** The powers are related to some sort of variable gene, like in X-Men. Calvin's powers are related to genius and the ability to warp reality with his imagination within limitations (for instance, only he can ''see'' the alterations, whereas everyone else can only see the effects).
*** So Calvin has [[Theme Naming|Stupendous-]][[Hallucinations|Delirium]]? [[Blessed Withwith Suck|Harsh]].
**** Nah, when he grows up he'll be able to extend this power so that he can cast illusions/warp reality for ''other'' people, too. When he put his mind to it, he ''could'' make Moe see Hobbes, too.
*** She has taken away the Stupendous Man costume a few times. This was probably to teach Calvin to use his powers wisely.
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== The identity of the famous [[Noodle Incident]] was... ==
An [[Accidental Kiss]] via spaghetti (noodles) a la ''[[Lady and Thethe Tramp]]''. The recipient? [[Toy Ship|Susie Derkins]]. [[That Didn't Happen]], obviously. Or, if that's too squicky, she dropped her lunch and he shared his noodles with her... point being, it wasn't a prank. Calvin would be ''proud'' of that.
* [ The noodle incident was clearly something morally wrong], because Hobbes mentions it when Calvin states that he's been good all year. Those two theories just aren't bad enough.
** In that context, [ Sinfest's theory] of an [[Unusual Euphemism]] may make sense.
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* Calvin really wasn't responsible for the noodle incident. We know he doesn't like recieving blame for things he didn't do. He doesn't like being blamed for the noodle incident because he wasn't involved.
** Susie Derkins is probably trying to get revenge on him for something.
** [ It wasn't me, Mom!] [[Freefall (Webcomic)|It was space aliens!]] [[Cassandra Truth|Honest!]]
== The noodle incident involved Calvin breaking into the cafeteria and placing explosives inside a vat of noodles, which threw noodles all over the cafeteria's kitchen. ==
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== The guy with the glasses is not Calvin's real father. ==
He knows it, his mom knows it but is in denial, Calvin does not know for sure but has had suspicions from day one, and Hobbes may or may not be aware but is keeping quiet about it either way.
* Dammit, now I'm reading that as [[That Guy With theThe Glasses]] is not Calvin's real father. Holy crap, could that mean....
== Going with the above theory, Calvin's real father is [[Rocky Horror Picture Show|Rocky]]. ==
His mom is Janet, and the other guy is Brad. The reason that Calvin came out the way he is has something to do with the fact that he is the offspring of an [[Artificial Human]] with half a brain.
== Calvin has ADHD ==
Heck, he's practically the poster child for ADHD.
== Hobbes is Calvin's [[Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure (Manga)|Stand]]. ==
And yes, there is such a thing as a Stand User born with a Stand (the most notable examples being Avdol, Kakyoin, N'Doul, and the D'Arby brothers). It may just have been impossible for Hobbes to manifest until Calvin got the tiger plushie, which Hobbes was able to bind himself to. And yes, there are Stands which can act and think independently of their Users (q.v. Baby Face...or at least its homonculi...Echoes Act III, Dragon's Dream, Sex Pistols, Gold Experience Requiem).
== Calvin and Hobbesis an allegory for Gnosticism. ==
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** Keep in mind that "besting Calvin in fights" isn't all that impressive, because Calvin is a six-year-old, and Hobbes is a tiger. Also, daydreams don't qualify as insanity by a long shot; it's perfectly reasonable for a six-year-old to pretend to be a dinosaur or a space explorer.
== Calvin is a [[Genius: The Transgression (Tabletop Game)|Genius]], as are both of his parents. ==
Calvins parents are retired geniuses, his father perhaps disillusioned or frightened of becoming Illuminated. When they had Calvin his mother, also retired but with far less fear/concern gave Calvin a special mane bound into a toy tiger, possibly intended to be a guardian but instead it caused Calvin to manifest his genius. His mother is actually interested in this and is studying it as Calvins reality warping is much stronger and potentially more generally useful at his age than has ever been seen (this might also be why he tends to remain in his imaginary constructs around his mom but not so around his father). His parents don't mind that he's alone frequently as it avoids him accidentally creating Igors (they might even be quietly encouraging Calvin's behavior because it means that he won't accidentally awaken or break someone who sees him doing mad science)
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Does that mean Calvin and Hobbes still exist in some corner of Doctor horrible's mind?
== Calvin's Mother's Side of the Family is Made of [[Harry Potter (Literaturenovel)|Wizards and Witches]] ==
His maternal grandma is the sister of Draco Malfoy's grandfather. She moved to America and married a Muggle to rebel against the Malfoys (who Calvin get's his blonde hair from). Hobbes and the other "imaginary" events are actually underaged magic caused by Calvin, who is extremely powerful by wizarding standards. The vents are disguised from Muggles by a variation on the Disillusionment Charm cast by Mom.
Calvin will become a Gryffindor. Susie might also be a witch, but she pretends to be normal and straight laced to hide this. Calvin being blasted into the air and having his clothes knocked off in their snowball fights are her underaged magic.
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Hey, he could have matured. Although, given how Calvin talks about 1988 whenever he shows his dad the latest polls...
== Calvin is [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Literature)|Haruhi's]] cousin. Her aunt is Calvin's mother. ==
== Calvin is in some way related to [[Phineas and Ferb]]. ==
Think about it. Eccentric imaginations, possible time lords, and they have anthrophomorphic animals as friends. (Perry and Hobbes).
AND if you follow one of the guesses above, [[Calvin and Hobbes]], [[Phineas and Ferb]], and [[Ben 10 (Animation)|Ben 10]] are all related!
== Hobbes is a malignant stand (a la Jojo'sBizarreAdventure). ==
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== Calvin's mother is nicknamed Meg. ==
In one strip, Calvin gets out of the bathtub and pretends to be [[Godzilla]]. He refers to his mom as [[Godzilla (Franchise)/Characters|Megalon.]] It follows that her given name must be some variation of either Margaret or Megan.
* Of course, this is a reference to ''[[wikipedia:Godzilla vs. Megalon|Godzilla vs. Megalon]]''.
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*** Being around someone so moronic as Butthead instead of a sophisticated friend like Hobbes will do that to you.
== Calvin is a [[Homestuck (Webcomic)|troll]]. ==
Specifically, he's an albino, which is why he doesn't have black hair and grey skin. He does, however, have spiky hair, which seems to be a common troll trait. Calvin was born with his abnormal colouration, which was declared to be an adverse trait and he was selected for culling, but he somehow managed to escape with his lusus, Hobbes, although his horns were broken off in the process. They ended up on a spaceship that travelled through a wormhole, bringing him to a planet in another dimension in the future - Earth. There, as he resembled an ordinary human child, he was adopted by a human family. Calvin must be a redblood to explain why he never gave anything away when he got hurt, and thus was born with redblood psychic powers, manifesting in him unconciously creating illusions to make his lusus look like a stuffed animal to everyone else. His [[Foe Yay]] with Susie is his interpretation of kismesisship - since he was raised by a species without that concept, he doesn't know the details, but his inborn psychology sees hate as a type of romance. Spaceman Spiff is his recollections of being a citizen of an intergalactic empire, and he sees monsters under his bed because he doesn't have a recuperacoon to prevent the nightmares that naturally affect his species. The top evidence here is that in one strip, Calvin, at Hobbes's suggestion, asks his mom if he was ever a grub. What Hobbes knows and his mother doesn't is that he actually ''was''.
* Actually, he asked his Mum because his Dad told him that he was a grub and pupated at age 2. When she said he didn't he goes back to his Dad and says "You'd better get your stories straight with Mom, Mr. Britannica!"
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== Calvin grows up to be Willy Wonka ==
I really hate all these theories saying horrible things about how Calvin is insane or something and grows up to be the Joker or [[Fight Club]] guy. calvin isn't crazy, he just has an incredible IMAGINATION. Which is why I think he'd grow up to be Willy Wonka. The cardboard box is the prototype for his great glass elevator. You may say that [[Charlie and Thethe Chocolate Factory]] takes place before [[Calvin and Hobbes]] but Calvin can time travel! He went back in time to find Hobbes, who had gotten lost in a time warp (and spent the rest of his days living with a motherly kangaroo and her cute little son) but never found him, so he settled and made a chocolate factory. Charlie Bucket is Calvin's ancestor.
== The snowstorm from the last strip killed (almost) everyone, leaving Calvin and Hobbes as the only survivors. ==
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== Calvin is Q Jr. from Star Trek: Voyager... ==
And Q is Hobbes! After the Continuum told Q he had to stay by his son's side for the rest of eternity, Q created this version of Earth. He may have made it as an attempt to reign in his son a little, or maybe he just made it to have fun. It allows for all the seemingly impossible things that happen (such as evil bikes and baseballs, and I swear those duplicates Calvin made with just a cardboard box really existed), and it lets everyone stay the same age year after year. Maybe the rest of the inhabitants, such as Mom, Dad, and Uncle Max, are actually closer to holodeck characters than actual beings.
** The transmogrofier then malfunctioned and turned Hobbes into a donkey...dragon...''THING'', and he became evil, [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|renamed himself Discord, and started tormenting the My Little Pony characters]].
== Calvin is a [[Gender Bender|Gender Bended]] [[Pokémon 3 (Anime)|Molly]], or vice versa. Hobbes is the Entei. ==
An obnoxious, overly imgainative, blond kid, and a imaginary but extremely lifelike wild cat. It's obvious.
** Oh yes, and Uncle Max was sucked into the Unknown portal.
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Whenever anyone except Calvin sees him, he turns into a stuffed animal.
== Calvin grows up to be [[SkippysSkippy's List (Literature)|Skippy]]. ==
Just a thought. I mean, seriously! check out some of these things [ and tell me that they don't sound like Calvin]. Especially number 142.
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This is a good guess on the fact that everyone thinks Calvin is so weird, they have no imagination! After the final strip, they called the government to take Calvin away and see what in the world was wrong with him, and, after examining him for quite some time, they realized that Calvin was happy when he was being creative, (his various inventions, his amusing snowmen), so they had everyone in town and used a special device to implant imagination into their heads, and Calvin's town became a much better place, and Calvin was hailed as a hero. <ref> This sounds like a good [[Fanfic]] idea, actually.</ref>
== Calvin is an alternate, male version of [[BioshockBio Shock Infinite|Elizabeth]]. ==
Hobbes is real, and is there because of Calvin opening tears between his Earth and his own...the lack of training with this though could explain why Hobbes can only be seen by him.
* Oh, and the time travel adventures are real, the power to go there was just in him the whole time.