So Bad It's Good/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"I'm glad I got this... because, it's fun. Not fun as in good, fun as in 'fun seeing all the horrible stuff on here'."''|'''[ Joshua8600]''' reviewing the [[Serial Numbers Filed Off|Zone 40]]}}
{{quote|''"Not content with just creating an NES-style game, Capcom has also created some NES-style artwork for ''[[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]] 9''. And by NES-style art, we mean [[Stylistic Suck|it's so intentionally bad]] [[So Bad It's Good|that it's good.]]"''|'''Sidebar''' in ''[[Nintendo Power]]'' v. 233}}
Yeah, okay, we know these games aren't very good, but at least you can derive some entertainment from the [[Good Bad Bugs|unintentional comedy they bring]].
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* Wacky anti-Chinese propaganda SNES game ''Hong Kong 97'' is a terrible shooter with photographed graphics all taken from various parts of Chinese culture. It's intended to mock the Chinese government, but the gameplay is horrible. It's been reviewed [ here].
* ''[[Kart Fighter]]''. Yes, it's unlicensed and has crappy graphics, but how many NES [[Fighting Game|Fighting Games]] (other than ''[[Street Fighter]]'') would allow the player to perform hadouken motions? It's also one of the few games barring the ''[[Super Smash Bros]]'' series where you could have Mario Kart characters physically beat each other up, and better than most other NES fighting games out there.
* The games by [[Artix Entertainment (Creator)|Artix Entertainment]] probably wouldn't be the same to some players without the puns. And trust me, the creators make sure that you know that they are aware of how many of them they make.
* The makers of the Philips CD-I licensed characters from ''[[Super Mario Bros (Franchise).|Super Mario Bros]]'' and ''[[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|The Legend of Zelda]]'' for a number of games: ''[[Hotel Mario (Video Game)|Hotel Mario]]'', ''Link: The Faces Of Evil'', ''Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon'', and ''Zelda's Adventure''. They were produced without input from the original creators, and are unanimously considered [[Canon Dis Continuity|non-canonical]]. The gameplay is generally considered to be slow, monotonous and unfairly difficult, but the infamy comes from the laughably bad cutscenes. They are, depending on opinion, [[Narm|Narmishly]] hilarious with [[Fountain of Memes|every line a meme]] ("Mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for?", "I wonder what's for dinner..." and "Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, [[Mondegreen|Gay Luigi!]]<ref>", Luigi?"</ref>"), or horrifying (the animation was [[Nightmare Fuel|nightmarishly]] [[Off-Model|poor]]).
** There is also ''[[IMI.M. Meen]]'', animated by the same people responsible for the above. The gameplay itself was pretty lackluster, but the crazy personality of the titular [[Big Bad]], I.M. Meen, makes the game endlessly entertaining.
*** There's also ''[[Mutant Rampage Body Slam]]'', which features the same kind of horrible animation along with terrible racial stereotypes, a stupid premise and repetitive dialogues.
* ''[[Mario Is Missing (Video Game)|Mario Is Missing]]'', the MS-DOS version in particular. It's so bad it unleashed [ Weegee] upon the world. What makes it even wor--er, "better" is that it was supposed to be Luigi's [[Moment of Awesome|grand debut]] as a main character.
* ''[[Zoo Race]]'', a completely mediocre racing game with a less-than-subtle Christian message. Yet there's so much about it that makes it [ unintentionally hilarious], such as the Nightmare Fuel that is Rueban, horses being shot out of cannons and the fact that the race announcer is ''[[God]]'', while seemingly stoned''.
* ''[[Frontlines Fuel of War (Video Game)|Frontlines: Fuel of War]]'' would be just another mediocre military FPS if it wasn't for the absolutely ''hilarious'' graphical glitches. Hundreds of flying hats, anyone?
* ''[[Chaos Wars]]'' has a hilariously bad [ English dub], which is the result of a CEO hiring his family members to do the dubbing job. It has attracted the game lots of attention and is always good for a laugh. The voice acting makes everyone sound like they're stoned.
** And a hilariously bad localization effort, too. For example, every "Breath" attack was translated as "Bless". So watch out for those dragons and their "Fire Bless". And the card game "Rebirth Moon" was translated as "Reverse Moon" despite there being an ''English translation'' on the logo displayed where they wrote this.
* ''[[Dawn of War]]: Soulstorm'' has spawned dozens of memes because of its hilariously bad writing and voice acting, of which "[ SPESS MEHREENS!]" and "[ METAL BOXES!]" are only the tip of the iceberg. See [[They Just Didn't Care]] for more information.
* The monstrosity that is ''[[Ninjabread Man (Video Game)|Ninjabread Man]]'' which somehow managed to get a large fanbase on the cover art alone.
* The ''[[Celebrity Deathmatch (Animation)|Celebrity Deathmatch]]'' video game.
* ''[[Samurai Zombie Nation]]''
* A single black pixel. That's all. Ladies and gentlemen, [ Spot the Dot].
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* ''[[Final Fight]] Streetwise''. The graphics were terrible, the "zombie druggie" story-line was unnecessary, you can't play as Cody, Haggar or Guy in single player and except for the increase in bad language the game feels lackluster overall. However, the pit fights were great, the overreaching story harkens back to ''Final Fights'' of long ago, and the surprise final boss and (relatively) happy ending make it worth playing.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' [[Follow the Leader|had many clones]], with various degrees of success. Among those that are bad, there are many that are a great source of it. This doesn't apply to all of them, since there are some (like ''[[Kasumi Ninja]]'') that don't have anything fun in particular, or others (like [[Shadow War of Succession]]) that are just plain horrible. If you want to see MK clones, just see the [[Follow the Leader]] section in the [[Mortal Kombat]] page.
** ''[[Primal Rage]]'' would just be another generic fighting game if wasn't so stupid-awesome. In it, the dinosaurs went extinct because a wizard from another dimension imprisoned one of their gods in the moon. An asteroid hits the Earth, releases the [[Player Character|ancient dinosaur gods]], rearranges the continents into a ''[[Tyrannosaurus Rex|T. rex]]'' skull, and turns the Earth into the [[Grimdark]] [[After the End|post-apocalyptic]] "[[Xtreme Kool Letterz|Urth]]." Throw in some [[Gorn]], an [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys|ape]] who uses [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|various]] [[Urine Trouble|bodily]] [[Fartillery|functions]] as weapons, and the ability to [[I'm a Humanitarian|eat your worshippers while playing]], and you've got the ''coolest'' game ever.
** Both of Strata's fighting games (''[[Time Killers]]'' and ''[[Blood Storm]]'') just have to count. Both are attempts at creating a [[Bloodier and Gorier]] rival to ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'', and both fall flat on their face because of horrible graphics, terrible sound, and piss-poor gameplay. And yet, this was the first fighting game to let you chop off people's limbs...[[Just a Flesh Wound|and keep hacking it out.]] ''Time Killers'' would even let you cut off someone's head ''at any point in the match'' with just a single button press. ''Blood Storm'' was more of the same, but now you could cut off someone's '''lower body.''' If they still had some health left, they could still move around by sliding on their exposed entrails. It's just so incredibly stupid and immature it suddenly becomes hilariously awesome.
* Speaking of Strata, ''[[Ninja Clowns]]'' is a [[Beat'Em Up]] involving two clowns trying to stop a villain named Twisto from causing a [[Zombie Apocalypse]], but you don't really fight any zombies whatsoever (Save for one in the first level). Your enemies consist of (but not limited to) lawyers, [[New Age Retro Hippie|hippies]], [[Girl Scouts Are Evil|girl scouts who throw cookies]] and [[Elvis Impersonator|ElvisImpersonators]]. The bosses are more odd, such as a bowler, a chicken who sqauts and fires eggs, and a spider explodes into green popcorn when defeated. To get health, you have to punch hobos or mimes so they drop hot dogs and pizza, and besides your punches and kicks, you can attack with pies, tomatoes and spray bottles. But it is playable if you can get past the absurdity and stereotypes.
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*** [[Artificial Stupidity]] on a truly epic level. It is actually possible to get an archer to jump off a cliff by moving gradually closer to him while he backs up to get into range to shoot at you.
*** If you kill someone in a building and their body lands near the wall, their head will be sticking out outside of the building.
*** At one point along the road you'll notice all the trees have, for no apparent reason, become bamboo. You enter the city, and BAM! you're in [[Wutai|Japan]]. Japan, where everyone has horrible accents (which clash amazingly with the "fare thee well" dialogue - you haven't lived until you hear a man say "mayhap a bandit methinks!?" in an accent lifted from 1940s [[Yellow Peril]] movies). Japan, where everyone [[As Long Asas It Sounds Foreign|has names like "Mako Yamamokuzi"]] and speaks in great stereotypical monologues about honor and their ancestors. Japan, where [[Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana|the shops only sell katanas]]. The kicker to all of this? Every citizen of the city, [[Unfortunate Implications|except for the mayor, nobility, and other important figures]], has ''black'' skin!
*** In the forest of dead trees you see a wizard in a hut, clearly a side-quest, except it's impossible to get because he will get jumped by a crap-load of enemies that come out of nowhere, and after trying about seven times, you realize it's impossible to stop them from killing him, thus you'll never know what the quest was.
*** Another side-quest involves gathering flowers for a lisping [[Camp Gay]] artist with an obvious crush on you.
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*** Or maybe they just went "Forget it! It's not like this game's gonna be any good anyway".
*** They've also added baboons that throw their feces at you as an enemy.
* ''[ Kids' Tetris]''. Mouse controls, a mode that deals out two-block pieces, and "YOU'VE GOT TALENT, KIDDO! YES YOU DO!" "GREAT! YOU'VE WON ''[[Tetris (Video Game)|Tetris]]''!"
* ''Snake's Revenge'' is a rejected chapter from the ''[[Metal Gear]]'' canon made for the overseas NES market. Its gameplay isn't bad, although unreasonably difficult, rather short, and strikingly experimental in places (with side-scrolling stealth sections that make ''[[Contra]]'' look like ''[[Tetris (Video Game)|Tetris]] DS''), and it has some legitimately good moments (like the boss battle against the tank and the container ship infiltration). However, the plot is incoherent even for a ''[[Metal Gear]]'' game, thanks in part to the game's [[Blind Idiot Translation]] (one part of the game involves getting in touch with a captured ally who is actually an enemy spy in disguise, a plot twist you can see coming thanks to his [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|suspiciously specific denials]]); the graphics are so bad that the heaving back of a dying man looks like some kind of [ vibrating phallic tentacle] (and Snake [[Highly-Visible Ninja|wears a luminous orange shell-suit to a stealth mission]]); the American manual was famously bizarre ([ 'Higharolla Cockamamie'?]); and yet nothing even comes close to the final battle. It involves Big Boss coming back from the dead, transforming into a giant purple cyborg that breathes fire, and chasing Snake through a maze because he ''WANTS REVENGE''. This was stupid at the time, but later games in the ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series has made it extremely [[Hilarious in Hindsight]].
* ''[[Turok (Video Gameseries)|Turok]] Evolution''. Yes, ''Electronic Gaming Monthly'' didn't like it. And yes, it was an [[Obvious Beta]]. But you could shoot poisoned arrows at badguys and watch them vomit and die through your scope. And the final boss was a Confederate-general-cyborg riding a T-rex. And the soundtrack was excellent. What more do you need?
* ''[[Rygar]]: The Legendary Adventure'' for [[PSPlay Station 2]]. Dear God. A blatant [[Devil May Cry]] rip-off, including bearded minotaurs, caterpillars, and [[Narm|Narmtastic]] cutscenes ("I SWEAR MY VICTORY TO THIS FEATHER!"). Oh, and that [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|blue-skinned, androgyn, dual-saber-wielding demon]] you fight? {{spoiler|That's ''Aristotle''.}}
* To some, the short [ Flash game] ''[[Robot Dinosaurs That Shoot Beams When They Roar]]''.
* ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog (Videovideo Gamegame)|Shadow the Hedgehog]]'' is considered by some to be a [[Cult Classic]]. The game is set in the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (Franchise)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' canon, but it stars Sonic's misunderstood rival. Possibly the greatest extent the E10 rating was ever pushed to, the game contains [[Darker and Edgier|dark environments]], violence, guns, references to the murder of Shadow's friends by a corrupt military-industrial corporation, and constant use of mild oaths such as "damn" and "hell," all of it taken to an extreme that is so obviously [[Obligatory Swearing|gratuitous]] that it seems almost satirical. The game clumsily [[Retcon|modifies series continuity]] to make sense of its plot, but it still makes little sense, and can scarcely be seen as anything other than a vain attempt to capitalize on the popular gothic trends. Surprisingly, the music is catchy, and the gameplay is tolerable most of the time, so it can be worth playing just for camp value.
** The pushing of the E10 rating becomes even more funny when you realize it was one of the first games to ever have the rating (coming out just a few months after its creation).
** While we're dealing with Sonic, ''[[Sonic R]]'' was a ''[[Mario Kart (Video Game)|Mario Kart]]'' [[Follow the Leader]] attempt. Sonic barely ran faster than Amy's [[The Alleged Car|"car"]], the songs on all of the courses were sung by a woman who was ''probably'' [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?|high]], and the Tails Doll was so horrible he was [[Nightmare Fuel|horrifying]], and ''it was amazing''.
* Even the [[American Girls Collection]] was no exception to this - the ''American Girls Premiere'' for the PC and pre-OS X Macintosh was supposed to be a fun game for little girls looking for some theatre action while learning American history. It turned out to be a laughable little game to kill some time with, allowing players to spawn Felicity Merriman and her friends and subject her to rounds and rounds of crude humour and profanity, thanks to the speech engine.
* In Japan, such games are so beloved that they have been given a title, "Kuso-ge" (translation: "shitty games"). Not all are terrible, but to qualify for this title, they need to be enjoyed primarily for [[Camp]] value, rather than gameplay.
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{{quote| APPROACHING SOUND BARRI- Look, a nut.}}
* The Japan-only Famicom RPG ''[[Hoshi wo Miru Hito]]'', aka ''Stargazer'', is called by many Japanese gamers the "legendary shit game". Listing all of its faults would take up entirely too much space here (to start with, the towns' tile graphics don't seem to fit together in the slightest and exiting them teleports you somewhere else entirely, you can't cancel any of your selections in battle menus, the HP counts in battle are truncated so that only the last digit is visible, you're forced to use passwords instead of battery saves and they don't even save your level), so you can read about it at [ this link.]
* ''[[Fifty Cent Blood Onon the Sand|50 Cent: Blood on the Sand]]''. What other game has a plot that can be summed up in the phrase "Bitch took my skull!" On its own, the game is a [[Real Is Brown|browntastic]], competent ''[[Gears of War]]'' style shooter. But the fact that it stars an [[Immune to Bullets]] [[Fifty Cent (Music)|50 Cent]], [[Cluster F-Bomb|with a swear button]] (and you can ''upgrade your swearing''), collecting <s> Bling</s> Shine and making random comments about the scenery while gunning down people by the dozen. It's full of [[Narm]].
** The kicker? The gameplay itself is fun. Some programmers were putting a lot of work into it, despite everything above.
{{quote| '''50 Cent''': Help me the fuck up.}}
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** [[Retsupurae]] has [[MST|riffed]] on this series and their commentary make the game more hilarious.
** If nothing, it's worth hearing [[Edwyn Tiong|Edwyn Tiong's]] performance as Dan [[Mc Neely]], who sets a new record on how [[Smug Snake|smug]] you can make a human being sound.
* ''Battle Construction Vehicles'' is an unusual fighting game where two people [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|battle each other in construction vehicles.]] The controls are unresponsive, the vehicles move slowly, and basic attacks are a pain to pull off (in some vehicles, attacks sometimes hurt '''the attacker''' more); most of the fights consist of slowly ramming and scraping against the opponent (and randomly pulling off super moves) until someone wins. The ridiculous premise, awesome plot, and hilariously bad voice acting make up for the actual game's shortcomings.
** For the record, the plot is a [[Cliché Storm]] [[Serious Business]] [[Shonen]] anime, except it all involves construction vehicle demolition derbies. But it's developed in Britain!
* Believe it or not, Kemco's ''Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure'' is nowhere near the train-wreck gamers make it out to be. It could've used a few improvements in many areas--mostly to make the "experience" of going to a theme park slightly more realistic--but the fact that it features ''Back to the Future: The Ride'' as a playable minigame AND one of the most awesome intros and outros ever seen should help its reputation.
* ''[[Trio the Punch]]''. Made by [[Data East]], it's regarded as the first ''kuso-ge''. The three characters are the most stereotyped heroes ever (a ninja, a brawler and a barbarian that looks like Rastan), each has his own theme which loops endlessly throughout ''the entire game'', Karnov is inexplicably a common enemy, clearing a stage nets a "WIN WIN" and a roulette where you can power-up or down with an old sensei declaring "LUCKY! CHA CHA CHA!", a sheep boss turns your into a sheep for the whole next stage... since it would take too much to list everything, [ here's a 3-parts commentary] on this (clearly voluntary) crappy game.
* ''Chaser'', an obscure first person shooter by Slovakian developer Cauldron has numerous graphical and gameplay glitches, absolutely horribly-written dialogue and worse voice acting, but it also happens to be a genuinely fun shooter despite these faults, with absolutely awesome music, a unique gritty cyberpunk-ish style, and a certain charm to its quirky unpolishedness.
* The ''[[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]]'' [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Videovideo Gamegame)|Flash game]] ''[ Boat-o-Cross]''.
* ''[[Drakengard]]''. The 'bad' part is very repetitive and boring gameplay, the 'good' part is a plot that's [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?|completely absurd/crazy]] and sets new records for [[Darker and Edgier|dark and edgy]].
* This is the entire point of games developed for [ Glorious Trainwrecks].
* ''[[Deadly Premonition]]'' features FBI criminal profiler Francis York Morgan ([[Cloudcuckoolander|Just call him York. That's what everyone else does.]]) going to a town to investigate a link between a drug and murders. The controls are awkward, the characters are all mired in the [[Uncanny Valley]], the American voice acting is often [[Hong Kong Dub|out of sync with the character animations]] that seems to have been motion-captured by a Japanese amateur theater troupe, the soundtrack is limited (leading to common [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]), most of the graphics looks like they were meant for a [[Dreamcast]] game (despite being made for 7th generation consoles), and the first 20-30 minutes of game consists of arguably the weakest part of its gameplay - a level of [[Narm|Narmy]], ''[[Resident Evil]]'' inspired [[Survival Horror]] combat. And yet, behind this hides a pretty entertaining ''[[Twin Peaks]]''-esque [[Wide Open Sandbox]] game, which is quite charming in its own quirky way. The Destructoid review also mentions the quirkiness as one of the game's strongest points:
{{quote| [ "This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect."]}}
** It can't be overstated just how awkward the controls are, particularly the shooting. In most shooters on [[PSPlay Station 3]] and Xbox 360, you'd hold the left trigger to enter aim mode, use the right stick to aim, and the right trigger to fire. The reason for this is because of the way most gamers hold the controler, with thumbs on each stick and the index and middle fingers over the bumpers and triggers. In [[Deadly Premonition]], you hold the right trigger to enter aim mode, use the right stick to aim, and the A button to fire. If you used the left stick to aim it wouldn't be nearly as bad - unusal, but still workable. However, using the right stick means you aim, and then take your right thumb off the right stick to fire while the target is moving (and occassionally teleporting a few steps forward). Not only that, the right stick somehow manages to be both extremly slow ''and'' extremly sensitive, reacting to the slightest move, but taking its dear sweet time doing so. This adds up to you emptying your gun, shooting in all directions and hitting nothing.
* The hilariously weird Dreamcast launch title ''Blue Stinger''. [ Please to enjoy.]
* ''[[Home Alone]] 2'' for the SNES counts as [[So Bad It's Good]], despite it's a [[The Problem Withwith Licensed Games|video game based on a movie]]. It has an [[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|absurd cast of enemies]], decent graphics, and weird sound effects.
* ''[ Death Crimson]'', an "horror-themed [[Light Gun Game]] for the [[Sega Saturn|Saturn]] is one of Japan's most beloved ''kusoge'', thank to its [[Special Effect Failure|epicly horrible]] graphics and the soundtrack, which is a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] by itself.
* ''[ Revenge of the Sunfish]''. [[Art Shift]] on every stage, terrible art, inexplicable gameplay and something that vaguely resembles a plot all combine to make this a [[Mind Screw]] as you try to figure ''how'' and ''why'' anyone would make this.
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* ''[ Kreed]'' is an obscure Russian first-person shooter. Though the actual game isn't very good, it is immensively entertaining thanks to the bad animation, horrible character design,, unfitting buttrock music played at random moments and hilarious voice acting by Russians clearly not fluent in English. "''Quit winning!''".
* ''[[Darkened Skye]]'' has terrible gameplay, and two categories of dialog: Hilariously overdone, intentionally bad dialog, and intentionally lampshading and mocking category one.
* ''[[Maka-Maka|Maka Maka]]'', a highly obscure Japan only SNES RPG, is another prime example of "kusoge". It's infamous for the fact that it was [[Obvious Beta|released without being bug tested]], and [[Creator Killer|caused its company to go bankrupt due to its poor sales]]. Besides its overall bugginess, it's plagued with a high encounter rate with low EXP and money payouts, slow movement, has [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?|unexplainably bizarre]] enemies and bosses, an odd cast of characters (including but not limited to, a cheerful explorer who wears a box of oranges, an ultraman-lookalike Alien, an army of homosexual ant-men, etc.), and generally unbalanced and broken gameplay.
* ''Pepsiman''. You're Pepsi's mascot, running around various landscapes trying to bring Pepsi to people via [[Excuse Plot|Excuse Plots]], [[Everything Is Trying to Kill You|Everything (including ''giant Pepsi cans'') is Trying to Kill You]], there's no in-game music, the graphics aren't very well polished, there's a fat American bloke that is present in ''all'' the cutscenes, each mission is time-limited and it's very [[Nintendo Hard|hard]]. However, partly because it's still an enjoyable yet frustrating game, partly because the main theme is [[Awesome Music|pretty awesome]] [ (with a catchy theme tune screaming "PEPSI MAAAAAAN!!!")], partly because God only knows, some countries loved it. And no, there were no Pepsiman ads in these countries, oddly enough. Another reason is probably how ridiculously goofy Pepsiman take things on, and some death scenes can get amusing for poor Pepsiman... (helps that Pepsiman himself is an [[Iron Butt Monkey]])
* ''[[The Last Resurrection]]'': the gameplay is glitch-ridden and fiddly, the graphics resemble a cross between a 16-bit JRPG and Fuzzy Felts, the dialogue is corny and full of mistakes, and to top it all off the entire thing's a blatant [[Author Tract]] about the evils of Christianity - the final boss is [[God Is Evil|none other than]] [[Jesus]] himself. What's not to love?
* The Vietnamese [[Blind Idiot Translation|bootleg translation]] of ''[[Pokémon Gold and Silver (Video Game)|Pokémon Gold and Silver]]'', [[Intentional Engrish for Funny|with hilarious errors such as]] "monaters", "missle bomb" instead of Team Rocket or "fuck" instead of [[Freud Was Right|"put in"]]. A really entertaining LP can be found [ here].
** The best part is that the use of the f-word, used as an analogue to "put in" as in "player put that item in his bag", comes ''right'' after we get to see how that translation calls the Potion item: [[G-Rated Drug|"DRUG."]]
* And there is also a [[Blind Idiot Translation|translation]] of Pokemon Green before it came out in North America. There are some... interesting ideas of what would be the names. Played in [ this video game marathon.]
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* ''[[Overblood]]'' is certainly one of these. Tank controls, [[Guide Dang It]], [[Narm]] to the tenth degree and average graphics for the time. Hilarious deaths, great fighting and... it's beautiful.
* ''Sniper: Path Of Vengeance'' is a thoroughly glitchy and ugly game that you could hardly call playable, but the nature of these bugs gives it its charm. You have a school bus that bleeds when you shoot at it, and eventually disappears into thin air, being able to fly by pressing jump+duck, some truly idiotic AI, weirdly deforming characters, and the "climactic" shootout of the final cutscene, where the developers forgot to give the characters guns (yeah, they fire by [[Finger Gun|pointing with their fingers]]). Became a [[Cult Classic]] comparable to ''Big Rigs'' in Hungary, when a game reviewer trashed it to bits, and later made several follow-ups, as the glitches just kept coming.
* Banned From Equestria, a weird, [[Obvious Beta|unfinished]] [[Rule 34|pornographic]] point-and-click fangame of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]. It includes a dead end area with nothing at all to click, random dropouts in art quality, and the infamous grey square which doesn't appear to do anything but is vital for exploring part of the game. It can be found [ here] ('''Warning: NSFW'''), or you could watch [ this censored LP instead].
* The obscure Italian-made [[Driving Game]] ''Blomby Car'' had only had a limited arcade release in the 1990s, but since has become somewhat more known through emulation. The player's car has ridiculous acceleration and handling, and is good at producing engine noise and smoke, caroming off walls and overturning continuously when it crashes. Other vehicles (including first-aid trucks) lie across the road, forcing the player's course off it at some spots.
* ''Paris-Dakar Rally Special'', a [[Driving Game]] for the Famicom that is utterly deranged. It actually starts out as an adventure game. Enemies in the driving stages range from very fast cars that try to rear-end you to boulders that fall from nowhere. There is even an [[Under the Sea]] level.
* ''[[Metal Wolf Chaos]]''. The story centers around the [[Authority Equals Asskicking|President of the United States of America]], Michael Wilson, fending off a coup by the [[Evil Chancellor|Vice President]], [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Richard Hawk]], in his [[Humongous Mecha|gigantic mecha]], Metal Wolf. The gameplay, mostly centering around [[Stuff Blowing Up|blowing up American landmarks]], is fun and genuinely good (as you'd expect of [[From Software]]), which means the ridiculous plot and dialogue, containing mangled [[Engrish]] that is spoken by native English speakers, can be enjoyed by all. Oh yeah, there's also a fight sequence where the President [[Large Ham|yells]] "SUCK ON MY [[Rocket Punch|MISSILE PUNCH!]]" and "[[For Great Justice|EAT MY FLAME OF JUSTICE!]]" We'd vote for him.
* The [[Atari Jaguar]] featured a ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' clone called ''Kasumi Ninja'', with controls broken in as rudimentary ways as the menu screens, and many an [[Ethnic Scrappy]] in the roster of characters. Those features would tend to make it a horrible game for the most part, but on the plus side, one of those characters is a Scotsman who can lift up his kilt and shoot fireballs out of his crotch.
* ''[[Saga Frontier (Video Game)|Saga Frontier]]''. It's the sheer randomness of everything; the plot, the visuals, the battle system, the difficulty level. At least the randomness of the growth system is intentional. It's like Square's B team wanted to make the ultimate RPG with multiple races, cultures, and skill systems, but kinda had a brain fart halfway through that decimated most of the team. The graphics are... not polished. Many of the sprites have a slightly icky, pixelated, rendered look to them (no wonder they went for an illustrated look in later games), but what really borders on Narm is how the monsters are always comically bigger than your characters in battle. Even if they were the same size as your sprite when they were shown on the overhead map! Despite all this ''and'' a classic [[Blind Idiot Translation]] hack job by Sony's first party, the game is still rather fun. Go fig.
== Voice Acting ==
* The American voice acting in the original PSX version of ''[[Star Ocean the Second Story (Video Game)|Star Ocean the Second Story]]'', particularly Claude's VA, straddles the line between [[So Bad It's Good]] and completely unlistenable. Claude's best/worst victory line is "Crawd has advanced forward!". (Yes, he actually says "[[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|Crawd]]", not "Claude". This game had a rather... [[Blind Idiot Translation|spotty]] localization.)
** One of the characters sounded very "special" whenever she chirped, "I deserve this!" upon leveling up. And I always wondered why they made a seemingly asexual (judging from the listing of his default feelings towards other characters) character sound a little gay in certain lines, intentional or not...
* While ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' has top-notch gameplay, the lines Dante gets caught pulling off are often considered more cheesy than a Pizza Hut joint.
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*** And [ the trailer]. Oh God, the trailer. ''It's so frightening'' (* cue a snake).
** And then there's ''The Typing of the Dead'', which is just the same as ''House of the Dead 2'' except you kill enemies by typing weird phrases at them.
* ''[[Unreal Tournament (Video Game)|Unreal Tournament]]'' is about a ''sport'', agreed? Yet for ''[[Unreal Tournament III (Video Game)3|Unreal Tournament III]]'', someone had the job of writing six cutscenes that turn it into a revenge story in the midst of an interplanetary war. These cutscenes are hilarious.
* Though ''[[Star Fox 64 (Video Game)|Star Fox 64]]'' is an amazing game, its voice acting is hilariously cheesy.
{{quote| '''Peppy:''' [[Memetic Mutation|Do a barrel roll!]]}}
* The infamous English voice acting in Shenmue and Shenmue II. "[ Do you know where I can find some sailors?]"
* The 1981 ''B-17 Bomber'' for the Intellivision was one of the first games with voice capabilities. What did it sound like? Microsoft Sam's [[Large Ham|Hammy]] [[Deep South|southern cousin]]. [ It must be heard to be believed.]
* ''[ Dynasty Warriors 3]'' is a lot of things, not least of which is [[Narm|unintentionally hilarious]] thanks to the localizers hiring high school drama students to do the voicework.
* ''[[Michigan Report From Hell]]'' has incredibly bad voice acting that ''proceeds to get even worse throughout the game'', it's all hilarious. The visuals are [[Nightmare Fuel|actually kinda scary, though]].
* [ Jax's ending] in ''[[Mortal Kombat 4 (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat 4]]''. '''[[Big OMG|Oh my God!!!]]'''
** Although most people seem to think it sounds more like '''Imsogaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!'''
* ''[[Arc Rise Fantasia]]'' is otherwise an excellent RPG, but its voice acting is ''hilariously'' phoned in. Special mention to Niko, whose voice actor seems to have spent so much effort on performing a bad Brazilian accent that he neglected to have any sort of emotion.
* ''[[Killing Floor (Video Game)|Killing Floor]]'' is a solid game, but with [[Memetic Mutation|memetically]] [[Narm]]-tastic dialogue.
* The first ''[[Baten Kaitos]]'' game is an excellent JRPG with a solidly written plot...delivered with outrageously bad voice acting that runs the full spectrum from [[Dull Surprise]] to [[Large Ham]]. Special points go to [[Ambadassador|Lyude]], who is about as wooden as you can get; [[Action Girl|Xelha]], who sounds unnervingly like a man doing a ''really good'' falsetto; and [[Evil Overlord|Geldoblame]], whose voice actor was apparently [[Chewing the Scenery|enjoying himself]] [[Evil Is Hammy|very much]].
* [ 50 hilariously bad lines from video games.]
** [ And 40 more.]
** [ And another 40.]
* ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'' is an amazing game by most anyone's standards, but its voice acting is [[Narm]] inducing in many scenes.
** [ "Oh my God JC, a bomb!" "A bomb!"]
** "Ah, Mistah JC Dentawn. In da fresh."
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== Music/Graphics/Etc. ==
* The ''[[Blue Dragon]]'' boss battle theme, [ Eternity]. There are just no words for how ''bad'' this song is, but somehow it works in a twisted sort of way.
** The "Artist" tag for the [[MP 3]] of this song contained in ''[[Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden]]'' puts it best: "jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this"
* The first ''[[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]]'' game had [[American Kirby Is Hardcore|North American]] [[Contemptible Cover|box art]] that [[wikipedia:File:MegamanBox.jpg|must be seen to be believed]]. Fans have come to love its [[Did Not Do the Research|ridiculous inaccuracies]]. As the page quote indicates, ''Mega Man 9'' paid tribute with [ silly box art of its own]. This wasn't even the first time -- Inticreates' previous game, ''Mega Man ZX Advent'', included an in-game [[Shout -Out]].
** Capcom USA has also brought us ''[[MegamanMega Man Battle Network]] 4'''s [[Blind Idiot Translation]], which was a much, MUCH worse translation job than anything else in the entire series, both before and after it. Examples include "What a polite young man she was!" and "Mega Man, is the jack out now!" Even the manual had its share of silly mistakes.
** And then there's the [ bad voice acting] in ''Mega Man X4''.
*** It goes beyond just that scene. X is a pre-teen girl, Zero is constantly out of breath, and Sigma is a grouchy old man.
*** The legendarily awful dub job for [ Dr. Light] in ''[[Mega Man 8 (Video Game)|Mega Man 8]]''. It's made of crystallized [[Narm]]. You know your voice acting is bad when Mega Man sounds more like a girl than ''Roll.''
* ''Persona 3'' Portable brings us the song [ Sun], which manages to combine ALL of the common critisism towards the game's soundtrack. And it is amazingly catchy.
* The old Lesser Demon model in [[Runescape]]. With those beady eyes and little poorly-rendered goatee, it was borderline cute. Same goes for the dragons.
* [ The Creeper], one of the most iconic characters from ''[[Minecraft]]'', was actually [[Good Bad Bugs|a miserable failure from the coder's part to create the 3d model of a pig]]. Its distorted shape and downright terrifying face, as well as the fact that it ''sneaks onto you with a SSSS sound followed by your death'' - and probably a heart attack - make it one of the most original and frightening enemies in modern videogaming history.
** [ Minecraft in a nutshell]
* The [ pause screen "music"] in ''[[Wario World (Video Game)|Wario World]]''.
* The ''[ lyrics]'' to "His Name's Frank", the ending theme of ''[[Dead Rising 2]]:'' ''[[Updated Rerelease|Off the Record]]'', wherein the band Lifeseeker attempts to find every possible word that rhymes with the names "Frank" and "West". It's either so bad it's awesome, or vice versa.
* From ''Kinect [[Star Wars]]'': "[ I'm Han Solo.]" It's about as hilariously bad as you'd expect a cheesy pop song about ''Star Wars'' could get.
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== Game-related [[Fan Works]] ==
* ''[ Chaos CompleXX]'', a hack of ''[[Super Mario World (Videovideo Gamegame)|Super Mario World]]'' made by the same man who made The Second Reality Project. It's a intentional joke hack.
* The Half-Life Fanfiction-made-[[GarrysGarry's Mod|Garry's-Mod]]-Video "[[Half Life: Full Life Consequences (Fanfic)|Full Life Consequences]]". So bad it has to be [ seen to be believed.]
** The [ Flash version] of the same story is pretty good, though.
* ''[[Pokémon Quartz]],'' a hilariously awful hack of ''[[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Video Game)|Pokémon Ruby]]'' with [[Nightmare Valley|ugly to terrifying]] fake Pokemon, [[Cluster F-Bomb|gratuitous swearing]], [[Blind Idiot Translation|bizarre dialogue]], a nonsensical plot--and did we mention all the [[Author Avatar|author insertion]] and the [[Gary Stu]] professor? It must be seen to be believed--and these [ Let's] [ Plays] don't even cover all of it.
* ''Phoenix Drive'', an ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' [[Eroge]] fangame, not only has [[Engrish]] out the ass (having been translated by the developers themselves), but a plot that makes NO sense (Courtroom sessions at ''night?'' Phoenix declaring ''himself'' the murderer?), even ''more'' [[Mundane Made Awesome|over-the-top dialogue and effects]] than the official series (such as Phoenix shouting "Whoooooooo!!" in mid-trial and all sorts of special effects going on in the trial scenes), female characters whose breasts [[Gainaxing|jiggle]] on their own, and ridicuously [[Off-Model]] sex scenes. On the other hand, the courtroom music is [[Awesome Music|surprisingly awesome]]. [ Here's] some worksafe footage of the game.
* ''[¶m=02&c=2&id=321 Paper Mario World]'', a ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' fangame, enjoys this reputation to so great an extreme, the game's original creator has produced a series of videos playing off of its legendary camp value, as well as apologizing for the whole thing. According to him, because the game was made in the earlier days of fangaming, he had no idea what sort of quality or expectations existed. As a result, he released a "game" that was really essentially just a string of clumsily-conducted experiments along the set Mario theme. Though they do display a good amount of the various things TGF can do, the developer spent little to no time honing any one aspect to the optimum capacity, and as soon as [ the site that hosted it] began allowing reviews, the game was nitpicked to death by numerous players. Most of its camp value owes to its particularly horrible graphics, with sprite styles that clash, as well as badly scaled individual sprites (numerous doors the player can enter that are much smaller than himself may be the greatest example), background scenery that ranges from dull to nonexistant, curiously-placed terrain, such as magma floating in mid-air, and bosses that bounce around the arena with no true animation frames. And the [[Narm Charm]] of its completely unnecessary narrator.
* ''Atomic Sonic'', a hack of the original ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' for Mega Drive. Badly hand-drawn replacement graphics! Glitchy audio! Completely unfitting music swaps! Kaleidoscopic grass! Only one level that actually works! [ See it in action here.] Like the above-mentioned Chaos CompleXX, the badness is almost certainly intentional.
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* "[[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]". A horrible translation from a Japanese game (''[[Zero Wing]]'') into English that was so bad [[Memetic Mutation|it became a massive internet meme]]. Especially amazing since [ that was the only cutscene] in the ''entire game'', and those practically set records for bad translation in the late 1980s ''anyway''. The game itself is actually quite good, though.
* [ This] "trailer" for the DS and PSP ports of the ''[[Duke Nukem]]'' trilogy. The sheer reliance on [[Mundane Made Awesome]] is amazing.
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Video Game)|Sonic the Hedgehog 4]]: Episode 1'' has an engine that doesn't quite replicate that of the original trilogy, and as such, many old fans hate it. Still, that engine does allow for [ some hilarious violations of physics].
* The live action cutscenes in ''[[Shinobi]] X''/''Shinobi Legion''. They honestly do look a bit awesome when it comes to fighting though.
* [ This scene] during Nintendo's press conference at E3 2008, though other gamers consider it to be terrible.
* A few of [[Sonic the Hedgehog]] games have really, really odd stories or cutscenes, becoming the most apparent around ''[[Sonic Adventure (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure]]'', where the characters are generally poorly animated (Policemen walk away from Chaos... But they don't bother to reverse the walking animation, so he's ''moonwalking'' away from Chaos.), or have odd proportions (Sonic's mouth is ''huge'' in the game).