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== Adventure Games ==
* ''[[Strong BadsBad's Cool Game for Attractive People (Video Game)|Strong Bads Cool Game for Attractive People]]'' uses a "map" which is constructed by the player; as more locations are discovered, the player can add them as stamps anywhere on an empty sheet of paper, and even move them around. Clicking on a stamp instantly moves you there.
* Quite a few of the ''[[Reality On the Norm (Video Game)|Reality On theThe Norm]]'' games, such as ''Defender of RON''.
* ''[[The Longest Journey (Video Game)|The Longest Journey]]'' had several point-and-click maps: Newport (accessible only in the subway), Marcuria (accessible by reaching the edge of a location), the Northlands, and the Alais Island. In all cases, new locations had to be unlocked by solving puzzles or advancing the overall plot.
* ''[[The Secret of Monkey Island (Video Game)|The Secret of Monkey Island]]'' and ''[[Monkey Island 2: (VideoLeChuck's Game)Revenge|Monkey Island 2]]'' both have one. The latter also has a sea map, that provides increasingly weird excuses for why you can't go anywhere except for the three main islands. From the second game:
{{quote| '''Captain Dread''': "We can't go there, mon. That's the Forbidden Icosahedron!"}}
== Platform Games ==
* ''[[The Legendof Zelda CDI Games (Video Game)|The Legendof Zelda CDI Games]]'' had menus like this.
{{quote| '''Gwonam''': Here is the map. Where do you wish to go?}}
* The ''[[Super Mario (Video Game)Bros.|Super Mario]]'' franchise:
** ''[[Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Video Game)|Super Mario Galaxy 2]]'': While the first game used a [[Hub Level]], the second game used a map screen, accessible from the bridge of your spaceship.
** ''[[Super Mario Bros 3 (Video Game)|Super Mario Bros 3]]'': Every world has a map, and Hammer Bros. are often seen wandering around on it ([[media:SuperMario3_map1_4958.png|image]]).
** ''[[New Super Mario Bros (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros]]'': The maps are linear affairs that progress from one level to the next. ''[[New Super Mario Bros Wii]]'' uses 3D rendered maps, similar to the 2D maps of ''[[Super Mario Bros 3 (Video Game)|Super Mario Bros 3]]'' (even including wandering Hammer Bros).
* A staple of the ''[[Donkey Kong Country (Videovideo Gamegame)|Donkey Kong Country]]'' series, including ''[[Donkey Kong Country Returns]]'': There is one large map depicting the entire world, with each destination represented by a smaller map containing the actual levels.
* In the 2008 ''[[Prince of Persia (2008 (Videovideo Gamegame)|Prince of Persia]]'', the map of the City allows you to instantly travel from any already cleansed level to any other. The game simply explains it with [[A Wizard Did It|Elika's light-fueled teleportation power]].
* ''[[Sonic Adventure 2 (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure 2]]'' uses a world map like this as its level select screen.
== RPG -- Eastern ==
* Unlike many earlier installments, ''[[Final Fantasy X (Video Game)|Final Fantasy X]]'' and [[Final Fantasy X 2 (Video Game)|its sequel]] utilize a map selection-screen for traveling by your [[Global Airship]].
* ''[[Pokémon (Video Game)|Pokémon]]'' franchise:
** In all of the titles in the main series, the [[Warp Whistle|Fly]] ability uses this interface to transport you to your chosen destination.
** ''[[Pokémon Colosseum (Video Game)|Pokémon Colosseum]]'' and its sequel, unlike most Pokemon games, use a [[World Map]] selection screen for travelling between locations.
** The ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (Video Game)|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]'' series also uses a world map to move between destinations, although the only destinations aside from the home town/base are dungeons. A few dungeons require one party member knowing an HM move (like Fly, Surf, or Dive) to access.
** This is how you get around in the ''[[Pokémon Trading Card Game (Videovideo Gamegame)|Pokémon Trading Card Game]]'' Gameboy game.
* ''[[Legend of Mana (Video Game)|Legend of Mana]]'': You get to place destinations on the map as you go, which has an effect on the monster difficulty in that area.
* ''[[Legend of Legaia (Video Game)|Legaia II: Duel Saga]]'' features a map selection screen for picking which town or dungeon you wish to visit. Once you acquire your pirate ship you can select destinations across water. Later in the game you also acquire a flying dragon, and any time you select a non-adjacent destination, the game shows the dragon flying between destinations rather than your party leader running across the map.
* ''[[Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World]]'' also features this.
* ''[[Xenoblade (Video Game)|Xenoblade]]'' gives players the option to travel between maps, via its [[Warp Whistle|quick travel function.]] Which is a good thing, because there's 20 maps and they're friggin' huge! Of course, if players prefer, they can take the scenic route.
* In ''[[Dubloon (Video Game)|Dubloon]]'', sailing is done by talking to [[The Captain|Timber]] and picking a location on the [[Treasure Map]], assuming the player found a map where it was drawn.
* This is how you moved ashore in the original ''[[Uncharted Waters (Video Game)|Uncharted Waters]]'': clicking on one of up to nine buildings on the port map took you there immediately. This was removed from the sequel in favor of navigable [[Three Quarters View]] maps.
* ''[[Rogue Galaxy (Video Game)|Rogue Galaxy]]'': While you can use save points to warp between locations within the same planet, interplanetary travel is controlled via a map screen.
* ''[[Breath of Fire IV (Video Game)|Breath of Fire IV]]'': You travel across the map using fixed routes; [[Random Encounters]] occur as a "?" appearing above the player's head, allowing the player to enter a generic field to fight monsters and/or locate items (but are otherwise not mandatory).
* ''[[Super Mario RPG (Video Game)|Super Mario RPG]]'': The [[World Map]] is divided into several screens progressing in a circular fashion, and you can travel between any available destination at any time.
* The ''[[Ogre Battle: (VideoThe Game)March of the Black Queen|Ogre Battle]]'' series has a map then minimap with the point and click interface.
* ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' used this for the main map, but you could actually still wind up in [[Random Encounters]] when crossing green (monster-filled) locations. ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Tactics Advance]]'' had you build a map in this fashion, with the random encounters replaced by wandering ones, and ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics a 2 (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Tactics a 2]]'' had another predefined map.
== RPG -- Western ==
* All Infinity Engine games featured this in some form:
** The ''[[Baldur's Gate (Video Game)|Baldurs Gate]]'' series had the maps of the Sword Coast and Amn (''I'' and ''II'', respectively). The first game's map had a rather obvious square grid structure, where if you wanted to unlock the location east of you, you had to reach the east edge of your current location, etc.. Also, the travel times were tracked on the [[In Universe Game Clock]]: further destinations resulted in longer travel.
** ''[[Planescape: Torment (Video Game)|Planescape Torment]]'' uses it to let you move around Sigil, with more locations unlocked as you figure out ways to move around the [[Chaos Architecture]] of the city.
** Ditto the ''[[Icewind Dale (Video Game)|Icewind Dale]]'' series, with the maps of the eponymous region.
* ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines (Video Game)|Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines]]'' had the map of [[Los Angeles]], accessible by speaking to a cabbie. The four major hubs (Santa Monica, Downtown, Hollywood, and Chinatown) were unlocked as the main quest progressed, while additional quest locations were added to it as you picked them up. There were no random encounters while traveling.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls (Video Game)|The Elder Scrolls]]'' series:
** ''[[DaggerfallThe (VideoElder Game)Scrolls II Daggerfall|Daggerfall]]'' [[Opening the Sandbox|opened up the sandbox]] with ''all'' cities and dungeons marked on the province map. However, you had to acquire corresponding quests to know where to go next. Travel was only possible from outdoors locations.
** Although ''[[OblivionThe (VideoElder Game)Scrolls IV Oblivion|Oblivion]]'' is an (almost) seamless [[Wide Open Sandbox]], its in-game map of Cyrodiil functions like this for those who don't have time to enjoy the [[Scenery Porn]]. Apart from the main cities, you had to visit a place to be able to quick travel to it (although it was possible to get a given location marked on your map to make it easier to find).
** Ditto ''[[SkyrimThe (VideoElder Game)Scrolls V Skyrim|Skyrim]]'', although the main cities were only marked on the map and had to be visited before quick travel became available to them. There were also cart drivers who could be paid to take you to a given city you hadn't been to yet.
* ''[[Fallout 3 (Video Game)|Fallout 3]]'' (which used the same engine as the Elder Scrolls games mentioned above) had a similar system (you had to visit a place to quick travel to it), however the map started off with no markers whatsoever.
* In the ''[[Dragon Age (Video Game)|Dragon Age]]'' series:
** ''[[Dragon Age Origins (Video Game)|Origins]]'' had the map of Ferelden (Amaranthine in the expansion) that functioned similarly to ''Baldur's Gate II'': destinations were unlocked by exploration and quests, you could get ambushed, and there were sub-maps for the [[Beneath the Earth|Deep Roads]] and [[Capital City|Denerim]]. Due to lack of an in-game clock, however, you were always [[Traveling At the Speed of Plot]].
** ''[[Dragon Age II (Video Game)|Dragon Age II]]'' had the map of Kirkwall ([[In Universe Game Clock|by day and by night]]), as well as the Wounded Coast region nearby. The random encounters were removed (there was only a single plot-triggered one).
* The ''[[Mass Effect (Video Game)|Mass Effect]]'' series has it, but only with the top, [[Portal Network]] level of the galaxy map. To move within star systems and from star to star, you have to manually navigate the ship.
* ''[[Evil Islands (Video Game)|Evil Islands]]'' features multiple locations connected only via [[Warp Whistle|travel points]]. Accessing them summons the world map, where you can choose to travel either to the adjacent area's travel points or any area you have previously unlocked by completing quests there.
* In another Russian RPG, ''[[Video Game/Golden Land|Golden Land]]'' (a.k.a. ''Heath: The Unchosen Path''), the world map is accessed on reaching the edge of the location. From there one can travel to any available location, from permanent hubs to temporary quest locations. The progress is tracked on the map and you can be ambushed along the way.
* ''[[Bloodnet (Video Game)|Bloodnet]]'''s is a map of New York with several markers on it, with more appearing as the game progresses; clicking on a marker brings up a list of all the locations in that area.