2009: Lost Memories: Difference between revisions

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* [[Chekhov's Gun]] - The Lunar Crescent, the device enabling the devastating time traveling act in the first place. Also qualifies for [[Artifact of Doom]].
* [[Culture Police]] - Koreans with perfectly Japanese names like Sakamoto and Takahashi? Kyongsong/Keijo (Seoul) looking like a thoroughly Japanese city with abundant Hiragana instead of Hangeul? Koreatowns in a Korean city? Tokyo must have played an awful one.
* [[Dressing Asas the Enemy]] - Not really as the enemy considering which side Saigo is on in 1909, but he still kills one of the guards to take his uniform and mesh unnoticed among the other guards at Harbin station as the only savvy Japanese to protect Hirobumi from An's shots. {{spoiler|In vain.}}
* [[Exty Years From Now]] - The whole story is to take place a whole century from the assassination (attempt) on Ito Hirobumi and provoked [[The Great Politics Mess-Up]] by setting the story [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]].
* [[Fatal Family Photo]] - Inverted. Sakamoto finds a photo with the guy he shot down in the beginning and his little son whom he's hiding with in the resistance cell near the end of the movie, mere moments before said little son is gunned down (among others) himself by JBI forces.
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* [[No Koreans in Japan]] - Or rather less and less Koreans in [[Up to Eleven|Japanese Korea]]. Also see [[Culture Police]].
* [[Punch Clock Villain]] - The movie is credited for being a Korean production that depicts Japanese people differentiately and not as complete monsters per se.
* [[Reality Subtext]] - The whole movie is nothing else than a promotion for Korean reunification, saying that a unified Korea would even be more of a tiger than South Korea has already been. Suffice to say, a reunification of Korea would in reality be just [[Blessed Withwith Suck|multiple times as costly and difficult]] as [[It Got Worse|that of Germany could have ever been]].
* [[Terminator Twosome]] - Saigo and Sakamoto struggling to avoid or ensure Ito Hirobumi's assassination.
* [[The Great Politics Mess-Up]] - Invoked and failed. According to the movie, the two Koreas were supposed to unite in 2008, enabling Korea to become a new star on the international scene. Flash forward to 2010, the Kim dynasty is just preparing its reproduction into its third generation and the [[People's Republic of Tyranny]] is going on like it's always been.
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* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] - Played deliberately.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] - You may argue if the intentions justify the means even in the eyes of the fellow Korean that put up with being part of Japan (as they explicitally became more extreme as native support decreased), but you may grant the Hureisenjin captors for not abusing their hostages as human shields. They just want to catch the artifact.
* [[Written Byby the Winners]] - In the timeline, the March 1st Movement of 1919 is referred to [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters|as a terrorist uprising]].
* [[You Killed My Father]]
** Sakamoto learns during his [[Heel Face Turn]] that the truth about the "corruption" his father did as a police officer and put him on death row was that he worked with the Hureisenjin.