Vagrant Story: Difference between revisions

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* [[BFS]]: The Great Sword line of weapon types. There's also Great Maces (big freakin' [[Drop the Hammer|hammers]]) such as the gigantic Hand of Light.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: At least for {{spoiler|Sydney and Duke Bardorba}}. As for Ashley, it's a bit more uplifting as he comes to the term with his past {{spoiler|or at least accepts that it does not matter what his past really was}}.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Sydney, and {{spoiler|Ashley}} in the ending, after {{spoiler|inheriting the Rood Inverse}}.
* [[Block Puzzle]]: Virtually every room in the game has a block puzzle to solve. This is the game that inspired the trope page in the first place.
* [[Boss Rush]]: A passageway in the heart of Leá Monde leads to doors containing every boss in the game, including, in a [[New Game+]], the [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]]. Each door must be unlocked with sigils earned through the game to proceed.
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* [[Large Ham]]: Some characters have their moments, but none come close to Sydney. [[Magnificent Bastard]] that he is, Sydney dominates every scene he's in.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Ashley. So goddamn much.
* [[Late to Thethe Party]]: Leá Monde became a [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|ghost city]] when an earthquake severed its contact with land. ''Something'' happened to all its people, causing them all to succumb to the Dark.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Light-aligned enemies aren't especially common, but they include several of the game's liches, and a dragon which is described as one of the most powerful and evil of its kind.
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Hardin. Ashley, too.
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* [[The Watson]]: Callo is there for revealing the details of the plot that the players in Ashley's perspective would have no way of knowing. It's executed damned well, too.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Callo was originally planned as a playable character.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: The Dark, the mysterious energy of Leá Monde, prevents peoples' souls from dying. This sounds great, but the same doesn't happen to the bodies - trapping people for all eternity into the cursed city as ghosts. [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] indeed.
** Those people lucky enough to avoid THAT form of immortality end up much like {{spoiler|Sydney and his father, who are lord knows how old and seem quite tired of all this business.}}
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: What happens to people who try to {{spoiler|wield the Rood Inverse powers and the Dark}} without sufficient [[Heroic Willpower]]. {{spoiler|Guildenstern}} finds this out only too late. [[Complete Monster|Not that anyone felt sorry for him or anything.]]