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== Action Adventure Games ==
* ''[[Cave Story (Video Game)|Cave Story]]'' sort of has this in the Egg Corridor, whose bottom level is occupied by an [[Invincible Minor Minion]] which runs back and forth very fast and causes instantly lethal [[Collision Damage]]. There are a few cubbyholes (some empty, some obligatory, one with a [[Heart Container]]) which can only be accessed by jumping from the bottom of the corridor.
* There's a stretch in a level (it's late in world 3) of ''[[Henry Hatsworth in Thethe Puzzling Adventure]]'' where the titular Professor must duck through the floor into cubbies in order to dodge rolling boulders.
* Starting with the very first proper dungeon in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: aA Link Toto T Hethe Past (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past]]'', this appeared throughout the series in various forms.
** The Forest Temple in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|Ocarina of Time]]'' has a crushing ceiling with small squares cut out of it. Unfortunately, some of those squares are occupied by [[Giant Spider|Skulltulas]].
* ''[[Second Sight]]'' involves several areas patrolled by guards that the player can sneak past, although charging in with guns blazing is often a viable option as well. One mission also includes a hallway full of endless [[Mook|Mooks]] with cover along both walls.
* A common hazard in ''[[Star TropicsStarTropics]]'' is to have to avoid giant purple boulders by hiding in alcoves in the wall while they pass.
* Lots of these in ''[[Tomb Raider]]'' - usually swinging blades, [[Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom]], poison darts, or [[Spikes of Doom|spikes that pop up from the floor]].
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== Adventure Games ==
* In ''[[Dreamfall]]'', protagonist Zöe Castillo is forced to complete one of these twice during her infiltration of WATICorp. The first time, she has to avoid guard robots in order to get into the corporation's main labs; the second time, she has to avoid a security assault squadron in order to get out.
* The first ''[[MedievilMediEvil (Video1998 Gamevideo game)|Medievil]]'' had a mountain with infinite boulders rolling down it, spawned from enchanted gargoyle statues, in the third level. In a bit of a subversion, you can just smash some of the boulders with the club.
* The second boss in ''[[Zack and Wiki]]'' has a [[Breath Weapon]] of the [[Kill It Withwith Ice]] variety, and the player must regularly take cover behind various ice mirrors to avoid getting frozen solid.
== Fighting Games & Beat 'Em Ups ==
* In ''Express Raider'''s [[Beat'Em Up]] levels, you periodically have to duck under hanging signs and tunnel portals.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat Armageddon (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat Armageddon]]'' has at least one in its Konquest mode, where Taven runs down a corridor as fireballs are shot at him.
* ''[[Streets of Rage|Streets Of Rage 3]]'' has one in a subway station, where you have to dodge incoming trains.
* Level 4 of ''[[Viewtiful Joe]]''. You're in a submarine, and torpedoes are being shot at you. Especially irritating because it's also an [[Escort Mission]]; if the moving platform following you doesn't make it to safety, you need to backtrack all the way to the beginning of the sequence and get a new one.
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** Especially ''[[Call of Duty]]'', where enemies constantly respawn out-of-view until you reach the spawn point.
* ''[[Descent|Descent 3]]'' had an [[That One Level|infuriating sequence]] where you had to fly your Pyro-GL through [[Sinister Subway|subway tunnels]] that periodically had trains going through them. It was made worse by the fact that the trains came at you head-on and the timing was extremely strict, making the sequence so [[Nintendo Hard|maddeningly difficult]] that many players gave up then and there.
* In ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'':
** In several missions, escaped lab animals can be found in the ventilation ducts or sewer systems, and you need to dodge in and out of side openings to avoid being caught by them in long straight segments.
** The corridors of Majestic-12 headquarters are patrolled by humans and security robots. At some points you can sneak through gratings in the floor or hide just out of sight of a guard at one end of his patrol.
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* ''[[Half Life|Half-Life 2]]'' - While escaping from the mines under Ravenholm, Gordon runs across a sort of trolley with a spinning blade mounted on top traveling up and down a set of train tracks. While it poses a legitimate threat to him, it is much more effective at chopping up zombies, so activating it is still the better choice.
** In ''[[Half Life|Half-Life 2 Episode 2]]'' - The sequence where Gordon must evade the Antlion Guardian by ducking into a series of antlion hatcheries. [[It Got Worse|And then]], the last tunnel (a mineshaft access rather than more antlion tunnels) is barred, and you have to break through before the Guardian catches you... That's when you're happy to still have a SMG grenade.
** In the original [[Half Life|Half-Life]], the generator for the rocket test chamber is located in a cylindrical room with a deadly horizontal elevator thing zipping around its circumference. Turning on the generator requires you to climb some ladders, and getting to the ladders puts you in the path of the elevator thing.
*** And lampshaded in [[Freemans Mind]].
{{quote| ''"Whoa. You can feel that passing. That'll knock your head off [[Buffy-Speak|like one of those little tee ball sticks.]] That's snap, crackle, and pop all in one package."''}}
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== Hack and Slashers ==
* ''[[Drakengard]] 2'' has a variation in a [[Puzzle Boss]] battle against a Seed of Resurrection: The seed charges and releases [[One-Hit Kill]] energy shockwaves, and the only way to survive is to take cover behind matching elemental crystals surrounding the area.
* The ''[[God of War (Video Gameseries)|God of War]]'' series features these often - Kratos needs to make his way down corridors with hazards including an endless supply of spherical boulders, a fire-breathing statue, a Hydra...
* The Speed Buster battle in ''[[No More Heroes]]''. Travis has to smash his way into abandoned, ruined houses on either side of a street to avoid blasts from the bag lady/witch's [[Wave Motion Gun]].
** The sequel's battle against {{spoiler|the returned, [[Emergency Transformation]] form of Letz Shake}} is a variation; it is a circular area rather than a corridor, but the rest of the criteria is there. His main attack is sending a massive shockwave through the entire arena, and if you haven't made it to one of the few stable chunks of ground in the area when that happens, say bye-bye to half your health.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Played mostly straight in, oddly enough, an episode of the ''[[Thunder CatsThundercats]]''. A drugged Panthro has been dropped down a chasm to die, and survives. The chasm ejects lethal energies at regular intervals, but there are crannies he can fit in that are mostly safe. Panthro thinks, "Got to time them, move between blasts. Thirty-four seconds, I can do this." When he reaches the top, a blast fires early, driving him to remark, "Twenty-eight seconds? That's foul play!"
== Platformers ==
* East Labyrinth in ''[[Dark Castle|Beyond Dark Castle]]''.
* ''[[Bug! (Video Game)|Bug]]!'' had a segment where the titular character had to avoid slowly-growing snowballs rolling down a snow-covered hill.
* Stage 8 of ''[[Dynamite Headdy]]'' includes two rooms where Headdy is making his way through a missile bay. Two options for avoiding the missiles exist: You either shrink Headdy down and hide in holes in the floor, or grab the spike head and repeatedly [[Grappling Hook Pistol|grapple]] the ceiling until the missile passes. The latter is faster, but the former is safer.
* The "combat" in ''[[Little Big Planet]]'''s ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' level pack consists almost entirely of hiding in the stage background, popping out when it's safe to take a quick potshot before returning to your cubbyhole.
** Also in the Serpent Shrine level, there is a section where you must travel along a passage where a fiery serpent passes through at intervals, except the cubbyholes in this case are in the ceiling and you must grab a winch to pulled up to safety.
* ''[[Mario]]''
** Some of the fortresses in ''[[New Super Mario Bros Wii (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros Wii]]'' feature spiked, rotating pillars that stab upward/downward/sideways at regular intervals. Naturally, there's always a safe place to stand, but getting there can be a challenge.
** ''Mario 3'' had some of this action in the very first fortress: a crushing ceiling that's slightly higher in a few places.
** ''[[New Super Mario Bros (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros]]'' had the same thing with the spiked pillars, and ''[[Super Mario World (Videovideo Gamegame)|Super Mario World]]'' did this as well, except you'd also have giant screen filling wooden logs smashing down with Mario having to duck in an indent in the floor, and in the areas with the spiked pillars there would be chainsaws going along a line in the points between them.
** [[Super Mario 64 (Video Game)|Super Mario 64]] had this in a pyramid in [[Shifting Sand Land]].
* ''[[Mega Man X (Video Game)|Mega Man X]] 5''. Burn Dinorex's stage has a corridor like this, complete with rock barricades. Stray too far from them.
** ''[[Mega Man Zero (Video Game)|Mega Man Zero]] 4'' had a stage where you entered a solar-powered [[Wave Motion Gun]] through the barrel. Better hide when it fired...
** ''X6'' - [[That One Level]], Metal Shark Player's stage - the ground is a conveyor belt, some parts of the floor are frozen over with super-slippery ice, and we haven't even gotten into the various Nightmare effects yet.
*** Actually the ground being frozen IS one of the nightmare effects, the other effect this troper can recall are breakable/movable/explosive crates scattered about. The crates make the stage darn near unplayable, even if you have the weapon that interacts with them. The frozen floor effect is a godsend by comparison, and unless you go to the stage before triggering either of those effects, you'll never get to see the "default" version.
* ''[[Mickey Mouse]]: [[Castle of Illusion]]'' on the [[Sega Genesis]] had several of these, of the "dodge large rolling obstruction by jumping into a hole" variety.
* ''[[Pitfall|Pitfall 2]]'' has at least ten "floors" in a row which entirely consisted of walking across the screen as a bat flew towards Harry and having to run Harry under the bat ''only if the wings were flapping up''.
* The main portion of Black Velvetopia in ''[[Psychonauts (Video Game)|Psychonauts]].'' It's set in the alleyway of a crowded Spanish town, and a rampaging bull stampedes down it every minute or so. You'd best be in the side streets when it passes, or else you'll be knocked all the way back to the beginning. {{spoiler|After you beat the level's boss, though, the dysfunction which spawned said bull will be gone, and you can walk the streets free as a bird}}.
* [[Ratchet and Clank|Secret Agent Clank]] features a couple of levels where, at predictable intervals, the enemies will look in Clank's direction. Dotted along these levels (or level segments) there will be hiding places.
* One case extremely similar to the Viewtiful Joe example above occurs in the Sweet Mountain level of ''[[Sonic Colors (Video Game)|Sonic Colors]]''. Gigantic missiles are deployed one by one as you try to go forward. You must stay below the trajectory, or bounce really high, to avoid getting hit.
* The Meadows in ''[[Spikes Peak (Video Game)|Spikes Peak]]''.
* The NES version of ''[[Strider (Video Game)Hiryu|Strider]]'' has you dodging [[Advancing Wall of Doom|Advancing]] [[Spikes of Doom|Spiked Walls of Doom]] in at least one level.
* ''[[Meat Boy (Video Game)|Super Meat Boy]]'' gets plenty of mileage out of this trope, using sawblades, lasers, etc. as the hazard.
* The hallway before the [[Final Boss]] in ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Videovideo Gamegame)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' NES features [[Demonic Spiders|Laser Soldiers]] spawning every 10 seconds. Most of the time they can be avoided, but sometimes you have to fight them, which is a pain.
* "Tidal Terror" in [[Donkey Kong Country Returns]]: Large tidal waves crash into the level at regular intervals, and ''anything'' (including enemies and items) that isn't behind cover gets washed out of the level.
* ''[[Distorted Travesty (Video Game)|Distorted Travesty]]'' has this in the final level, in the form of the Spinning Color Wheels of Death. At regular intervals (that vary from room to room), wheels in the background would flash a certain color several times. When this happened, you have until the end of the third flash to get to a safe zone of that color, or else suffer massive amounts of unblockable damage. Several rooms are designed such that you have to progress at a specific pace or you will not be able to find the proper safe zone.
== Racing Games ==
* In ''[[Mario Kart (Video Game)|Mario Kart]] Wii'', there's a Bowser's Castle course with an unusual version of this trope: fireballs are being shot straight down a corridor, and the track weaves back and forth through the fireballs' path.
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== [[RP Gs]] ==
* In ''[[Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin]]'', there is an Egyptian themed level complete with large boulders rolling down a ramp. You avoid the boulders by reaching one of the high ceilinged alcoves and timing your jumps to hop over the bounders.
* These corridors turn up quite often in [[Boktai (Video Game)|Boktai]].
* The Death Peak sequence in ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'' involves a slippery slope where wind will blow your party off the screen if you don't hide behind trees.
** Much earlier, when Crono is trying to escape from Guardia Castle's dungeon, he can sneak up on guards when their backs are turned and hide in nooks in the wall when they turn around. Or he can just fight them (they're not very tough) if the bonus healing items for knocking them out aren't too important.
* ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'' does this with an enormous "boulder" ceiling in Gogo's Cave, which has small holes to hide in when it comes crashing down. Thankfully, random encounters are turned off in this room.
* ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' has a version of this if you break into Shinra's front door: after hiding behind statues manually to get by guards, Cloud must call Barrett and Tifa across, timing it so they don't get seen.
** Used again in the Temple of the Ancients, where there's a hallway with boulders rolling down it every few seconds. Instead of ducking into a cubbyhole, you have to stand still in the right places so that the boulders pass harmlessly over your head (thanks to big pieces that have been cut out of them).
* ''[[Golden Sun (Video Game)|Golden Sun]]'' springs a couple of of these on the player in Jupiter Lighthouse, plus one in Mars Lighthouse.
* ''[[Soul Blazer]]'' uses these a couple times, one of them being corridors in the fire-themed dungeon.
* ''[[Tales of Legendia (Video Game)|Tales of Legendia]]'' has a couple.
* ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' features one on Tuchanka. You're running toward a Reaper and must occasionally take cover from its lasers.
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== Survival Horror ==
* In ''[[Dead Space (Videovideo Gamegame)|Dead Space]]'', Chapters 3 and 4. First, you have to run a circular through a now-active centrifuge to reach an elevator and leave the area, ducking into large niches in the walls when the arm goes past or being torn to shreds. In the next chapter, you have to run over the outside of the Ishimura and hide behind metal walls to avoid getting splattered by asteroid impacts. Bonus points in both cases because if you take too long, you asphyxiate, while Chapter 3 also has Necromorphs pop up in each cubby.
** Going to one of the ADS cannons to destroy incoming asteroids also involves Isaac running down a long trench while meteors periodically pummel the surface. If Isaac is caught in the open during this, he dies.
* ''[[Resident Evil 5]]'' has a cavernous room with two laser-like sunbeams strafing the corridors. Thankfully, the AI is smart enough to usually keep your partner out of the way, and if you can make it to the right location, you can disable the beams by sniping the Majini operating them. Of course, the AI is also dumb enough to have some enemies stand in the path of said beams.
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== Third Person Shooters ==
* ''[[Gears of War|Gears Of War 2]]'' has you running amuck inside a giant worm while avoiding digestive teeth.
* One level of ''[[Psi -Ops: theThe Mindgate Conspiracy (Video Game)|Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy]]'' forces you (and mind-controlled [[Mooks]]) to run through a particle accelerator, complete with cubbyholes, which fires every now and then. To pass the segment, you must pull several levers, every of which increases the accelerator's firing rate.
** One of the boss fights also requires you to hide behind heat shields at regular intervals; the boss is a pyrokinetic woman attached to a machine that greatly amplifies her powers, and every so often the entire stage is bathed in flame except for the shields. [[Convection, Schmonvection]] probaby factors in as well, there.
* A great deal of the final level of ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]'' (Eggman's fortress) are like this, especially if you choose to destroy the place and fill it with lava.
* In ''[[Syphon Filter]]'', the tunnels and trains of the Washington Metro take on this role during a chase.
* The level "Death of Hope" in ''[[Transformers: War for Cybertron]]'' uses this frequently, most noticeably when fleeing from Omega Supreme, and when the Decepticons must maneuver through a tunnel that fills up with enormous amounts of heat every so often.