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* In both versions of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', Maes Hughes is certifiably badass as he uncovers a lot of [[The Conspiracy]] through sheer investigation and intelligence not to mention that he takes out both both Envy and Lust single handed; too bad they are both immortal.
* In ''[[X 1999 (Mangamanga)|X 1999]]'', Yuuto Kigai and Kanoe work in the Japanese government (he's an office worker in a Tokyo ward, she's the [[Sexy Secretary]] to the Prime Minister). Kanoe leads the Dragons of Earth and Yuuto is [[The Dragon]] to her.
* ''[[Yami no Matsuei (Manga)|Yami no Matsuei]]'' gives us the [[Right-Hand Hottie]] to Chief Konoe, Seiichirou Tatsumi. Very handsome, very smart, and has the power to manipulate shadows.
== Comic ==
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== Live Action TV ==
* Hetty from ''[[NCIS: Los Angeles]]''. She is both a bureaucrat and a former agent who once wrecked a Ferrari in Monte Carlo and is proficient in numerous exotic weapons. She is nicknamed [[The Chessmaster|"The Duchess of Deception"]]
* Radar from ''[[MASH]]''.
** Klinger later manages to grow into the role after Radar gets sent back to the States.
* Bunpei Shiratori, a local government bureaucrat from Inba, Japan, is an All-Star competitor on [[Ninja Warrior]]. A particularly memorable competition had him recovering from heat exhaustion to advance all the way to the third stage.
* Esther Drummond in ''[[Torchwood Miracle Day (TV)|Torchwood: Miracle Day]]''. She's not very good at gathering intelligence, or being professional and seperating her work from her personal life, or coping with high risk situations, but give her a pile of data, and she's sure to advance the plot.
* Joan from ''[[Mad Men]].'' Pretty much everyone in the office acknowledges that she really runs the place and is one of the only people who knows how the office bureaucracy and logistics truly works.
* [[Sherlock|Mycroft Holmes]] claims to have a minor position within the British government. It is heavily implied that Mycroft Holmes ''is'' the British government. He does, after all, control all the CCTV cameras in London. And is possibly the head of [[MI 6]].
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* Jorj X. Mc Kie and probably everyone at the Bureau of Sabotage in [[Con Sentiency]].
* Several of Lord Vetinari's "dark clerks" in the [[Discworld]] are Assassin's Guild-trained. How much actual clerical work they do seems to depend on the assignment...
** Inigo Skimmer in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'' is one of them, a small man with a way of nervously clearing his throat and an expert on [[Uberwald]] politics, who, left alone with a group of bandits, killed seven before the rest fled.
** A.E. Pessimal from [[Discworld (Literature)/Thud|Thud!]] deserves at least honorary mention, notable for attacking a troll (which are made of ''rock'') with his teeth.
** Even the regular clerks get a touch of this at the end of ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Going Postal|Going Postal]]'', where the description of the clerks auditing {{spoiler|Reacher Gilt}}'s finances makes forensic accountancy sound like an inexorable, inescapable force of Truth.
** On the other hand (or at least the hand that pays him more) is Mr. Slant, zombie attorney and president of the Guild of Lawyers, whose death only made him work through lunch breaks. He can quiet a [[Army of Lawyers|roomful of attorneys]] with a glance, and he has an encyclopedic knowledge of case and precedent because ''he was there and helped write it.''
** And don't forget Mr. Bent, from ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Making Money|Making Money]]'', who runs the bank accountants with an iron fist... {{spoiler|and took out assassins with long-forgotten, probably genetic ''clowning techniques''!}}
== Music ==
* [[Savatage]]'s song "Chance" is about Chiune Sugihara and the turmoil he must have felt as he destroyed his career to do the right thing, see the [[Real Life]] section below.
* "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by [[CAKE (Musicband)|CAKE]] is about the narrator's love for a female badass bureaucrat. She "uses a machete to cut through red tape."
== Tabletop Games ==
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* Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr (From [[Pixar]]'s [[The Incredibles]]) was this during his brief stint as an insurance claims agent, much to the chagrin of his [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] boss Mr. Huph.
* Roz from [[Monsters, Inc.]], {{spoiler|also the CDA Administrator incognito}}
* Hermes Conrad from [[Futurama]] once organized a forced labor camp he was imprisoned at so efficiently that all the work could be done by one Australian man.
** He also used his organization skills to lead a fleet in a battle to retake Earth in ''Bender's Big Score''.
* Twilight Sparkle of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' showed shades of this in "Winter Wrap-Up" when she organized all the work so that spring came on time for the first time in Ponyville in years.
* Councilman Tarrlok in ''[[The Legend of Korra (Animation)|The Legend of Korra]]'' may seem like a [[The Dandy|dandy]] and a [[Manipulative Bastard]] [[Sleazy Politician]], but he is also a very powerful waterbender, and quite adept at leading the task force raid on the Equalist dojo. {{spoiler|He is also capable of [[People Puppets|bloodbending]] without the need of a full moon.}}
== Real Life ==