Jenny Everywhere: Difference between revisions

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'''This character provides examples of these tropes:'''
* [[Author Appeal]]: Naturally, different versions of Jenny tend to reflect their interests. In some of the Barbelith stories, she spent a lot of time clubbing and obsessing over music. In the nudist webcomic ''[ Loxie and Zoot]''/''[[The Bare Pit]]'', she got naked (thankfully that was done by someone who can actually draw). In '''[ The Easy Breather]'', she inspires Samantha by showing her a DVD.
* [[Depending Onon the Writer]]: Actively encouraged, the nature of Jenny's character means that her various incarnations often vary wildly between stories, though her base personality stays generally true to the brief, by and large. This even goes for the nature of her powers.
** Her [[Evil Counterpart]], Jenny Nowhere, also an open source character, is even more so. The Shifter Archive FAQ suggests that "in each universe there's a Jenny Everywhere who's recognizably Jenny Everywhere in name, character and appearance... and somewhere in each universe there's a Jenny Nowhere who's recognizably Jenny Nowhere [[In Name Only]]."
* [[Depending Onon the Artist]]: As above, Jenny's specific appearance is deliberately vague so as to give freedom to the creators.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Jenny Nowhere (see above).
* [[Genki Girl]]
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'''This character has appeared in the following works:'''
* ''[[The Bare Pit]]''
* ''[[The Crossoverlord (Webcomic)|The Crossoverlord]]''
* ''[[Crossoverkill (Webcomic)|Crossoverkill]]''
* ''[ The Easy Breather]''
* [ A number of stories on Ficly]
* ''[[Life and Death (Webcomic)|Life and Death]]''
* ''[[Mezzacotta|Lightning Made of Owls]]'' [ here].
* ''[[Scandal Sheet]]''
* ''[[Times Like This (Webcomic)|Times Like This]]'': Jenny becomes [[The Gump]], where [ an 80's rock song involving a certain phone number] is concerned. Oh, and she's also a partner in [ a certain appliance company.]
* ''[[Touhou Nekokayou (Webcomic)|Touhou Nekokayou]]'': Scarlet Weather Archive in Japanese Red
* ''[[Union of Heroes (Webcomic)|Union of Heroes]]''