Chest Monster/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Lampshaded''': "Did that chest just lick its lips--?!" "Don't be silly; chests don't have lips...!"
* '''Invoked''': Emperor Evulz uses his magic to create powerful monsters that look like ordinary treasure chests, then scatters them throughout the various dungeons and caves of the realm. Why...? [[For the Evulz|Why not?]]
* '''Exploited''': Instead of slaying the creature, [[Fluffy Tamer|the hero decides to tame it]]. That way it could become a guardian of important treasures and / or powerful trap [[Death Byby Materialism|for greedy enemies]].
* '''Defied''': "This thermal imaging camera will make sure whatever you try to pick up isn't some weird animal."
* '''Discussed''': "Will this be like one of those RPGs where every other item you get is an enemy in disguise?"